The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 72: All expensive points are used to earn refund points

Now, Li Chen realizes that having too many skills is not enough.

If you have these two things close to you, maybe your future path will be easier.

Li Chen lay on the sofa and picked up the menu in the hotel. It was still early in the evening anyway.

Even if he had dinner with Yuan Wanqing by then, he doubted that he would be able to eat anything.

Not to mention, this hotel is quite expensive.

Li Chen picked up the phone, dialed the phone number and said, "Hello, I need to order food!"

"Okay sir, you can just scan the code and check the serial number of the food you want to buy, and we will deliver it to you."

Li Chen smiled, hung up the phone, and ordered the most expensive thing on the menu. ✿

“As expected of a star-rated hotel, it even has Louis XVIII pizza!”

Li Chen decisively checked the box. This was made by Italian chef Leonardo Viola, who is quite famous.

Now he needs to collect the rebate points, so he will naturally choose the most expensive one. If it is really not enough, then he will use his own money to make up for it.

Anyway, he has a lot of money now.

One piece of this pizza costs as much as 79,961 yuan!

It’s definitely a local luxury product, but I don’t know if it’s authentic or not?

Li Chen suspected that it was not very authentic. No matter if he didn't mind, as long as he could spend money.

"There are actually Australian walnuts? You can have some."

"Saffron tut, it actually costs 38986, okay, okay!"

"Almas caviar? This store does it!"

Li Chen knows this caviar.

Some people say that the most expensive caviar in the world is black caviar, or gray caviar.

But Li Chen doesn't think so. The most expensive one should be the caviar exported from Iran.

It is made from albino catfish, and the price is as high as 12,995 for 100 grams!

Li Chen directly ordered 500 grams to try first!

All you need is a sense of pride!

"Wagyu beef? Although this nation is not very good, their beef is indeed good!" Li Chen exclaimed. "It costs 650 for every two hundred grams! This piece is at least 750 grams!" Li Chen directly ordered two portions!

"And Dahongpao?"

Li Chen's eyes widened. The background of this hotel is not simple.

This is a world-class tea.

You know, there are only six Dahongpao tea trees now, and they are all about 350 years old, with an annual output of only about 500 grams.

The price per kilogram is as high as 208,000 yuan!

Even higher.

And the small pot here, good guy, is directly thirty-eight thousand!

Not to mention the price, just because of the name, he would order one.

How can you eat steak without wine?

Li Chen turned the page and was really dazzled.

He has drunk a lot of red wine, but when it comes to tasting it, it is not up to that level.

But all he knew was to choose the most expensive one.

"Champagne?" Li Chen rolled his eyes when he saw such a long English name. He didn't know what it was, but it looked good.

The price of a bottle is around 80,000!

Li Chen also nodded decisively.

In the end, I ordered close to ten more dishes, which were estimated to cost over 100,000 yuan each.

Place your order directly.

Soon, the waiter came in with a cart and many people behind him.

Even the hotel's service manager came with him.

Mainly because Li Chen ordered too many things this time and they were too expensive.

"Hello Mr. Li, your food will be served immediately!"

The hotel manager's voice was gentle and he looked at Li Chen with great respect.

It is definitely not an ordinary person to spend so much money on ordering food all at once.

When they saw Li Chen wearing ordinary clothes, they were stunned for a moment.

Do rich people like to dress like this now?

However, they were surprised in their hearts but did not dare to show it.

The meals that Li Chen ordered were brought out one by one. There were five or six waitresses serving the dishes, and all of them were in great shape.

They wore uniform clothes, black stockings, high heels, and were even about the same height.

"Is there anything else Mr. Li needs to serve?" the manager asked with a smile.


Li Chen's answer made the manager slightly startled, and he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Could it be that my service is not adequate?

Did you dissatisfy this customer?

"You and the rest of them should sit down and eat with me."

Li Chen ordered the manager and six waiters who served the dishes.


Even he is not qualified and has no chance to eat such top-notch food.

He almost thought he heard it wrong!

Dining with guests?

"Sir, this..." The manager wiped his cold sweat, this is not allowed.

"I can't finish it by myself, but everyone wants to have a taste!" Li Chen said with a smile: "The seven of us should be able to finish it, right?"

Looking at the dishes on the huge table, the manager shook his head decisively. This would definitely be too much to finish.

"Okay, you can help me call someone to eat with me, and I'll pay for it. We can't waste food, right?"

Li Chen immediately picked up the chopsticks, but the manager was already frozen in place.

"Hurry up, or I'll file a complaint."

The manager picked up the pager bitterly, and after a while, three more waitresses came.

When they learned that they were going to have dinner with this low-key rich man, the eyes of these nine beauties changed when they looked at Li Chen.

It's like looking at diamonds, and your eyes are shining.

This handsome guy in front of him, except for his ordinary clothes, has a great temperament and face.

If he can get his favor, even if he is just a temporary girlfriend, it is also possible!

The girls have their own thoughts.

More importantly, they usually only drool over the exquisite food on the table.

But today they can eat it, maybe this is the only chance in their life!

The girls sat down and let go.

Whether they can attract the attention of this handsome and rich guy really depends on their luck.

The hotel manager saw it, but did not say anything.

The waiters in the hotel all studied hotel management.

At least, in terms of knowledge, character and education, they are not too bad.

Everyone will not simply want to use beauty to attract Li Chen. After all, rich people are not fools. They have seen so many beautiful women. How can they be bound by beauty?

Of course, this possibility is not ruled out, but in general, the possibility is very small.

When Li Chen was eating, several waitresses would tell him a funny story, a joke, or the origin and story of the dish inadvertently.

In short, Li Chen was very satisfied with this meal.

They were not pretentious, but just right.

They made you feel their enthusiasm, but you wouldn't feel awkward.

Very impressive!

It's a pity that even though the women tried their best, Li Chen remained unmoved.

At this moment, Li Chen only had delicious dishes in his eyes.

He only ate one or two bites of each.

For exquisite food, just a little bit is enough.

If you eat too much, it will lose its taste and flavor.

"Eat, all of you, don't leave the table until you finish eating today!" Li Chen said, preparing to pay.

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