The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 721: One house, five million

Some people fainted, but it was a happy faint!

Some people fainted, it was a desperate faint.

Because they realized at this moment that just now, such a good job and reward were only one step away from them.

On the Internet, everyone will brag that they are worth hundreds of thousands or millions, and they can spend money freely.

But how many people can actually find such a favorable environment and job?

Looking at the embarrassing scene, Li Donglong said calmly: "After one year of employment, we will equip everyone with a BMW or Mercedes-Benz. It depends on your preference!"


Some people jumped up excitedly.

Although being a teacher is hard, everyone can basically stick to it.

This kind of treatment is willing to last for ten years, let alone one year.

"Really? Is this true?"

"Impossible, is this still a school? Everyone has a car, even if only about 100 people are admitted in the end, how much money will it cost?"

"I can't believe it, I feel like I'm dreaming now."

Some people directly started the live broadcast.

When seeing this scene, many people initially treated it as a joke and a scene.

But slowly, as they watched, they felt something was wrong.

"Fuck, isn't this Li Chen and Li Donglong? Why are they recruiting?"

"Oh my god, these conditions make me want to quit."

"This group of people is just lucky. It is reported that Li Chen and Li Donglong spent a lot of money to reward the company's employees last time."

"Yes, not to mention that it is an investment in education. They must be willing to spend money. The anchors really made money."

"Where is it? Can I still apply?"

The number of people in the live broadcast room is increasing.

Previously, those who posted on WeChat Moments and Weibo to complain about this place have now been bombarded with comments.

Because at this moment, a hot search appeared.

"The most beautiful village, the most beautiful school, and the strongest salary are waiting for you!" It was directly flooded.

All the conditions mentioned by Li Donglong appeared, and they were updated in real time.

"Fourth, if you stay for three years, you will be rewarded with a house in our town!" Li Donglong said with a smile: "Fifth, and the last point, if you work here for five years, you will be rewarded with 5 million!"


It exploded!

The playground exploded directly.

Especially those who have just passed the first round of interviews, they were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

"I finally understand what it means to be happy to faint."

"Oh my God, why didn't I see such a recruitment? Is it too late to go now?"

"Same question, I just want to know if there are still people, even chores are fine."

On Weibo, this topic really rushed to the hot search in an instant, and the ranking is rising rapidly with the participation of a large number of people.

The main reason is that the popularity is too high, Li Donglong and Li Chen don't waste words.

We want to be high-quality people, and we don't mind giving high-quality salaries.

When you come here, you have a chance.

Help you solve your life's major events, and you just need to concentrate on teaching and educating people.

"You said you went there before, why don't you give it a try? Now, the opportunity is gone."

"Hahaha, I just want to say, well done, the opportunity to make a fortune in front of you, you don't cherish it, it means you are not destined to have it!"

"I think Li Donglong's interview is quite ruthless. I heard that the whole village of Lijia Village is under construction now, it must be relatively dirty and messy. It is a good choice to test them in this way."

Many people who have complained about Lijia Village in the past have regretted it.

Especially the last two conditions, which are really what no one dares to think about at the moment.

Looking across the country, how many people dare to say that they can make 5 million in five years?

The situation in Lijia Village is unique at the moment.

There are no bad people who come here to apply for jobs. Almost all of them are the top young people, and some are old.

"This is unfair, I don't accept it!" Huang Linlan protested with red eyes.

There is no way not to protest!

Any one of them is very tempting.

Let alone other things, just say that the monthly salary is 20,000, which is 1.2 million in five years.

Not to mention, a reward of 100,000 yuan after half a year and a car after a year, even if it is only 300,000 or 400,000 yuan, isn't that money?

According to the current trend, even if the houses in Anle Town are bad, they must be 500,000 or 600,000 yuan per set, right?

It will definitely be more in the future, because the Li Group has released a series of development plans, all of which are centered around Lijia Village.

In other words, the rise in housing prices in Anle Town is inevitable.

In other words, it is almost a foregone conclusion that housing prices will start at one million yuan by then.

With this calculation, who wouldn't be tempted?

The key is the 5 million yuan in five years!

"We are not convinced either."

"We suggest a re-interview."

"This is completely unfair. Shouldn't education be based on one's own ability?"

Seeing that Huang Linlan and Wu Yifen began to stand up, the group of the first batch of eliminated people who were distraught stood up to protest.

The group of people who passed the interview looked at the group of losers with an ugly face.

If their protest was successful, then everyone's joy just now would be in vain.

So, now this group of people has become two groups.

"There is nothing unfair. We are all competing together."

"That is, everyone's starting line has been the same from the beginning. It was you who refused the first test. Now that the conditions have improved, you feel that it is unfair. There has been no absolute fairness since ancient times, and your rebuttal is useless. of!"

"If you fail, you fail. The reason why you think it's unfair is simply because the conditions they offer are so exciting to you."

A dispute broke out between the two parties.

No one is willing to give in easily.

Li Donglong looked at Li Chen, and Li Chen smiled and said, "You have full authority to handle it."

Li Donglong nodded when he heard this and said: "Hey, everyone, please be quiet!"

The two parties couldn't argue, and in the end they both looked at Li Donglong expectantly.

"This is not child's play, this is recruitment, understand?" Li Donglong said with a straight face: "I know some people are not convinced, but life is like this. Every choice you make is a turning point in fate."

"This is not a vegetable market. Remember, we are the interviewers, and whatever we say is what it is."

"I gave you a full hour, even if you just got up in the last few minutes and walked out of this school gate, you passed the first round of interviews, but what about you? You didn't!"

"Huang Linlan, you and the lady next to you are very dissatisfied and disdainful of our village. I can hear it clearly. I don't think any interviewer would like to hear the interviewer belittle his hometown like this, right?"

Huang Linlan and Wu Yifen looked pale and extremely embarrassed.

They never thought that this kind of complaint would also become a fatal link.

"You are all adults, don't you know that from the first moment you step here, you are already in an interview?" Li Donglong snorted coldly: "Is it the same when you go to interviews in other workplaces?"

Serious words that no one could refute.

"Now, everyone who failed, please leave immediately. Our village has installed surveillance cameras everywhere. I think you will understand the meaning of this sentence."

Li Donglong sat down and made a gesture of invitation.

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