The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 728 Subsequent arrangements, preparing to enter the mountain

If it weren't for the huge amount of money needed this time, Li Donglong would not know how many industries his father was involved in.

As far as we know now, it seems that he has made a lot of money.

This is really incredible.

How long has it been since my father rose to prominence?

A few months, right?

Now this wealth, even those century-old wealthy families feel ashamed, right?

"Dad!" Li Donglong sat down and glanced at his sister who was eating watermelon with Li Nanfei again. ✻✦

"Done?" Li Chen looked at his eldest son. He was indeed a business genius cultivated by the Murong family. His ability in this area was unmatched by ordinary people.

When his palm was on Li Donglong's shoulder, Li Chen's palm had already begun to transmit his internal strength.

The little child had endured so much, and all Li Chen could do was to help him relax.

These days, food supplements are also a way to improve their bodies.

"It's almost done." Li Donglong said, and he glanced at his old father.

Ever since his father's hand was on his shoulder, he found that he was relaxed.

"However, I may need to approve a large sum of money next." Li Donglong said, taking out the budget form he had just made.

Li Chen took it, looked at it carefully, and finally said: "Okay, I will approve it, and you have to control it yourself next."

Money is indeed a string of numbers for Li Chen.

Moreover, he needs to figure out a few truths next.

The appearance of the system is very abrupt, this is one.

Second, when my mother killed me, did she know about this thing?

How did the system appear?

Is it really related to the disappeared ancestor of the Li family?

Next, I may have to go to the back mountain. There is actually a temple there?

If he hadn't come into contact with the animals in the mountains, he would never have known.

Li Chen had a bold guess in his mind, but because he felt it was not mature enough, he had to kill it.

Sometimes, guesses are just guesses.

After confirmation, that is the truth!

Click on the system!

[Host]: Li Chen!

[Wealth]: 4,997,112,648,186!

[Skills]: Unity of Heaven and Earth!

[Medical Skills]: Immortal Level!

[Beast Taming]: Immortal Level!

[Poison Skills]: Immortal Level!

[Return Points]: 3,008,731,347!

[Return Level]: 100 times!

[Currency Exchange: 1:20000]

Li Chen started the program first and transferred 500 billion.

This 500 billion investment is all that will be needed in the future.

Li Donglong will receive it at that time, and then Li Donglong will be responsible for the central dispatch.

Even if 500 billion is transferred out, it is almost negligible for Li Chen.

Once the 500 billion is used, he will receive a hundred times the return.

That is 50 trillion!

Li Chen didn't know what use this much money was for him?

Seeing that there were too many return points to use up, Li Chen immediately started to prepare after transferring the account.

Previously, the cooperation with the glass bottle factory manufacturing company in Beijing has always been going on, and a full million bottles are delivered every month.

Now, because of the continuous cooperation with Li Chen, their production scale has also expanded.

Li Chen placed an order for a full bottle at one time.

Now there are many bottles in the basement, and each of these bottles can be filled with ten drops of vitality water.

Li Chen started to fill one million bottles first, which is 10 million drops of vitality water.

What needs to be consumed is 20 million return points.

After filling a full million bottles, Li Chen's return points are still more than 200 million.

However, this time the consumption of vitality water is also very large.

Moreover, this time he has many other uses.

"Flower sea... bamboo forest... trees... medicinal materials..." Li Chen began to write and draw, and prepared all the things that needed to be prepared.

Lijia Village can be said to be changing every day, and the prototype of the big park has appeared.

Countless amusement facility bases have also taken shape.

All the projects in the whole village are running almost day and night, and the speed is still very fast.

After all, 20,000 to 30,000 people stay in a village for a big project, so it is hard not to be fast.

"The Pan family needs to give them 30 million... no, 300 million drops of vitality water. Uncle Zhao needs to reserve enough medicinal materials, so the medicinal materials in the village cannot be cut off, and 200 million drops are needed; if the Yuan family wants to lay out the southern market, at least 200 million drops are needed, and the Ye family consumes the most, and 400 million drops are needed."

Li Chen slowly calculated that these families together would need a full 1.1 billion drops.

And so much vitality water can be used for at least a long, long time.

If the 500 billion just transferred out is used up, his return points will increase sharply again.

1.1 billion drops of vitality water, that is 2.2 billion return points.

After deduction, there are still about 780 million left!

With so much vitality water, Li Chen doubts that they can persist for a few years without any problem.

Of course, if everyone's market is completely opened, there will definitely be more than that.

"Our own tea garden, as well as the tea gardens in the neighboring villages and Cang Guoli's tea garden, also require a lot of tea." Li Chen used another 100 million refund points to exchange for 50 million drops.

If nothing unexpected happens, it won't be a problem to hold on for a few months.

After Li Chen finished all this, he wrote a note on the place where the other party's vitality water was.

Next, he had to go up the mountain. Although he was not sure what was in the forest, Li Chen was still worried about accidents.

Although the upper limit of the system was the late stage of the Heavenly Man Realm, what if the strongest existence on this earth was not just the late stage of the Heavenly Man Realm?

He still had to make adequate preparations.

He had left enough money and other things, and as for the vitality water, it was enough to support for a long time.

If there was any accident, it would not make the family unable to survive.

In the evening.

Li Chen took the whole family to sit on the balcony to enjoy the moon.

Murong Xue snuggled in his arms. I don't know if it was because women's sixth sense was very accurate. She actually felt scared at this moment.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Murong Xue looked into Li Chen's eyes and asked.

"No!" Li Chen said seriously: "I'm going to the temple in the back mountain tomorrow. Maybe... there will be danger!"

"Then don't go." Murong Xue's pretty face was immediately full of tension.

Her little hand tightly grasped Li Chen's arm.

Seeing the worry in his wife's eyes, Li Chen felt a warm current in his heart.

He also gently hugged Murong Xue and said, "Some things must be solved. If I don't go to them, they will come to me."

Murong Xue lowered her eyes. She knew that Li Chen was telling the truth.

Although it was happy to stay in the countryside, escaping was not a solution.

Living in fear was not what they wanted.

Now, everything here is in ruins, and everything is developing towards a better future.

But what if that group of people really showed up?

"Don't worry, that place should be left by my Li family's ancestors. I'll go and see. Maybe I can solve many of my doubts. After this matter is resolved, we will get married and travel around the world!"

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