The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 741 Black Leather Book

This study is not big and is open.

Li Chen can clearly see that there is still a big gap between the aesthetics of things more than a hundred years ago and today.

But to say that there is really a sense of fragmentation between the times, it is not necessarily true.

The study room is very simple and does not have so many complicated things.

Li Chen carefully walked to the door of the study, making sure that there was only a pair of footprints and that there was nothing else inside, and then walked in.

There are tables, chairs, and old historical teapots, plus a bookshelf and many various but seemingly unimportant books.

This is what the study is all about.

Li Chen's every step fell on the footprints of the Ten Thousand Snake King. He was not in a hurry, but was slowly looking at and admiring it.

The target of the Snake King is very clear, that is the desk in front of the bookshelf.

The footprints go all the way there!

Li Chen stood there, his spiritual sense slowly detecting the past. He could easily deduce how the King of Ten Thousand Snakes passed by at that time, and how he touched these things.

There is no dust on the desktop, but it is clean and tidy.

There were several books placed on it. Although they were covered with dust, the handwriting could still be seen clearly.

There were fingerprints on the table and traces of something placed there, probably a box-like object.

"Box?" Li Chen was slightly surprised, and his spiritual consciousness began to turn, searching around.

Is there a box here?

Li Chen's spiritual consciousness did not let go of any place, and he searched extremely carefully.

Finally, in the corner of the bookshelf, there was a boxy mark.

But the box is no longer there, and the surrounding books are also lying aside with the loss of the box.

"So, what's in the box is what the Red Skull and the others want?" Li Chen secretly speculated that it was precisely because he got this box that caused the incident here.

So how did the box cause the accident?

Is the accident here some kind of mechanism set up? Or is it that as long as the things here are taken out, the killing mode here will be triggered?

Li Chen withdrew his spiritual consciousness, carefully scanned the entire study room again, and finally followed the steps of the Ten Thousand Snake King to the desk.

His eyes fell on a black-covered book, which Wan Snake King didn't seem to have time to use.

"There shouldn't be any reaction if you move, right?"

Li Chen muttered, anyway, there is murderous intent outside now, so it wouldn't be worse to move.

He picked up the black leather book and gently blew the dust on it.

The black leather book is very thick and feels very textured when you pick it up.

Li Chen opened the first page of the black leather book, and his eyes suddenly widened!

Because on the first page of the black book, it says "Hello, descendants of the Li family!"

Just these six words made Li Chen's pupils shrink suddenly.

Did this guy realize that the descendants of the Li family would come here? Is it a coincidence?

Or should I say, he has already planned it!

This result made Li Chen hesitate. He suddenly felt that coming here to know the so-called truth might be a cruel thing.

"To look or not to look?"

Li Chen hesitated.

His eyes fell on these six words, and finally he turned to the next page.

Now that they are all here, no matter what the situation is or what happens, he has to deal with it.

Escape is not the answer!

"I know you will read it, so congratulations, you are one step closer to the truth you want to know!"

The entire second page is just one sentence.

Is he so sure that he will read it? Or do you believe in the natural curiosity of human beings?

Li Chen took a deep breath, holding the black leather book in his left hand, and with a wave of his right hand, the tabletop and chairs were all clean.

Only then did he see that these chairs were made of huanghuali wood.

Hard, strong and has a great texture!

As time goes by, these tables and chairs not only do not decay, but become more and more fragrant.

Li Chen walked directly to the chair next to the table and sat down. At this moment, he gave up his vigilance.

Not to mention, the chair was very comfortable. Li Chen put the black leather book on the table and started to turn to the third page.

"When you come here, if nothing else, our Li family should have been defeated. There may not be a few people left."

Seeing this, Li Chen became a little angry. The ancestor of the Li family must have expected such a situation today.

If he hadn't done something wrong in the first place, how could the annihilation of the Li family in the capital and the annihilation of the Li family in Rongcheng come about?

The Li family hiding in Lijia Village has never taken a step forward. There must be some reasons.

"I am not a saint, nor am I a heartless and ungrateful person. The Li family is a part of me. They gave birth to me and raised me, and I cannot ignore them."

"Leaving this temple naturally has the meaning of shelter. However, it is also the last hope. I let the original village move. There is no special matter for future generations. Don't step in easily, or... those who get it can finally Step in."

Li Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. What does this "it" refer to?

This mountain does have traces of previous activities, as well as traces of the village. So it was his original order?

"The Li family's lineage is closely related to me, but... it cannot be considered my lineage. I... only recognize this lineage!"

Li Chen looked at these records strangely, as if they were a kind of self-narration.

"It was me who started the martial arts battle in this world."

Li Chen sat up straight immediately, staring at this sentence, and was stunned.

More than a hundred years ago, the rise of the martial arts world was caused by the ancestors of the Li family?

"Don't be surprised. Although there were killing skills such as Chuanwu at that time, there was indeed no martial arts of your time."

"Chuanwu? Do you mean traditional martial arts?" Li Chen guessed. It seems that the environment at that time did not have the current batch of masters.

"By chance, I opened the martial arts world. I am also called the first person in the martial arts world of the time. Perhaps, I was wrong at that time."

"If I hadn't taken the initiative to open it, there wouldn't be so many incredible things later."

"The earth has spirits. This is something I learned in the later period. Spirits are needed by all things. The earth should have opened martial arts once, but it soon declined until I opened it again."

Li Chen was stunned. The earth was opened once again?

When was that?

"With the spread of martial arts, people found the trick and broke the shackles between traditional martial arts and martial arts masters. In a short period of time, martial arts masters all over the earth emerged like bamboo shoots after rain."

"I know that behind the seemingly prosperous, there may be a drastic change. The earth is exhausted. I only found out later. The reason why the martial arts world has been extinct is also for the good of the earth. The earth today can't bear such an impact!"

"I was wrong... The martial arts world is unprecedentedly prosperous. All the martial artists of the older generation have broken the shackles of life. Although I am the strongest man in the world, I can't suppress them like that! I can't kill them. This matter has become a scale and cannot be stopped."

"Cut off their martial arts path, that is a life-and-death feud! So... I joined forces with Lao Long and made a plan!"

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