The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 800: Martial arts masters join the construction team

This night, it was not just in Beijing.

The same situation happened in major groups and companies all over the country.

Moreover, what followed was the shocking investment and bidding chamber of commerce across the country.

"Oh my God, I remember that Anle Town appeared in everyone's vision not long ago, right? This Youran County has also been included in the plan?"

"What kind of shit luck did these two places have?"

"Shocked, completely shocked, how much investment is required here?"

"I don't know, it's too scary. The information released on the official website of Youran County this afternoon is simply making my scalp numb."

"Now many people want to buy houses there, but the policy restrictions are so strict!"

"Hahaha, I suddenly envy the people in Youran County. They are all going to become demolition households all of a sudden."

On the Internet, it also caused great controversy.

After all, such a big event cannot be concealed.

Moreover, this kind of investment has become a foregone conclusion.

People outside and people around are envious, while the people of Youran County are more confused.

Of course, Li Chen didn't care about these things.

After the layout planning is completed, all you need to do is wait step by step.

Anyway, everyone has plenty of money and can continue to invest.

As for the rising land prices in Anle Town and Youran County, this is inevitable.

The next day, many masters and heavenly masters came to the Youran County area.

There are many more masters in Lijia Village, which is also the last batch of martial arts masters.

There are many more masters in the whole village, which speeds up the originally slow process.

Various large facilities were easily installed with the appearance of this group of masters.

Although Lijia Village still looks messy and the earth is still on the ground, it is not a problem for Li Chen and this group of martial arts masters.

"This... this is too fast, right?" Lin Aolong of Zhonglin Jianye stared blankly at a large project that was completed in one day.

Not only him, but the other Jianye CEOs were still scared even though they were mentally prepared.

The action of this group of flying people was really scary.

The carousel was completed next, followed by the completion of the Dreamland, the roller coaster, and the adventure jungle.

In the east, the secret flower garden was already in the finishing stage.

It can be said that with the arrival of this group of people, all the projects in Lijia Village have entered the overspeed finishing stage.

At the same time, there are more and more news hotspots.

Because today, the triple-award-winning actress Murong Xue and Dongfang Yaoqing, one of the former jade girl group, have joined together.

The combination of the two most perfect goddesses in the past caused a great sensation and heated discussion.

"Oh my god, I can't believe that I can see the goddesses of the Pure Jade Girl Group together in this life."

"So happy, after Murong Xue retired, Dongfang Yaoqing also retired. I thought I would never see them again."

"Are they preparing to film a movie?"

Countless people are discussing it, causing the popularity of this topic to remain high.

Just when all the grown-up fan groups were celebrating and enthusiastic about it, another explosive news broke out.

"Murong Xue and Dongfang Yaoqing will hold the century wedding in a month!"

This title is very vague and ambiguous.

"Oh my god, this is shocking to my three views."

"Wait a minute, Murong Xue and Dongfang Yaoqing are getting married? This... This is impossible? Where is my dad Li Chen?"

"The amount of information is a bit too much. Did the media make a mistake?"

"I don't believe it. This title is too ridiculous."

Originally, the appearance of the two goddesses in the public eye has already shocked all the fans.

Now, with the topic of the two goddesses getting married, the Internet exploded instantly.

Even various analysis parties and analysis emperors came out.

But none of them analyzed the truth.

After all, many media need heat.

The rest is irrelevant.

Li Chen has no time to care about these, he is very busy now.

Lijia Village is the best wedding venue, but there are still many unfinished.

At the same time, the major villages around Lijia Village have been developed one after another.

Of course, people in villages such as Wanglong Village have also compromised.

It is not possible not to compromise, unless this place remains poor and watches others become rich and powerful.

The newly appointed village chief is still capable, and they know very well that if these villagers take those measures again, they may not have a chance to turn over in this life.

After signing a series of agreements, the bosses who have been eyeing the major villages around Lijia Village for a long time finally took action.

On this day, all the villages around Lijia Village began to start construction in an all-round way.

On this day, the high-speed rail station and railway area planned around Anle Town officially started construction!

On the day of the bidding, the major groups and construction teams almost got into a fight.

It can be clearly seen that the number of migrant workers in Anle Town has increased three or four times.

After all, the number of people who come here to work is unimaginable.

And the road is the top priority, so just for road construction, a lot of teams have to be invited to collaborate.

Such a big cake cannot be eaten by a single group.

Moreover, efficiency is needed here, and there will be no time and opportunity for you to delay.

Many bidding teams here already know that even Kunpeng Jianye has been dealt with. If you don't want to get into trouble, then work honestly to make money.

Those who can win the project must have a solid foundation.

But if you don't do things according to the cooperation here, there are people who want to replace you.

All major bidding teams are also well aware of this.

So, the originally quiet area has now completely entered the development stage.

The changes in Youran County and Anle Town have attracted a lot of attention and attention.

This is also the only hot spot that can be compared with the news of Murong Xue and Dongfang Yaoqing's marriage.

Lijia Village!

Li Chen and Wu Chuping, Lin Hongxia, Zong Zhengtang and other masters of the heavenly realm are gathering to discuss.

Finally, it was decided to completely include a small part of the forest in the back mountain area.

This is the most primitive paradise, and it is also suitable for animals to live.

Although the villagers of Lijia Village are now accustomed to various animals coming down the mountain to play.

But animals have to return to the mountains and forests.

In addition, the western area near the reservoir will also be thoroughly developed.

As for the rare species and big monsters in the reservoir, Li Chen has controlled them.

In the area above the reservoir, the masters joined forces to use modern tools to create a modern Feituruo waterfall.

When the waterfall is successfully built, this place will become a beautiful holy place.

Because the location of the waterfall here is relatively unique, no matter whether the sun is in the east or in the west, a rainbow bridge will be formed here.

When this artificial waterfall is formed, the scenery of the entire Lijia Village has added a touch of bright color.

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