The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 86 Catching loaches and toads

Watching old doctor Zhao Dezhu leave, Li Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he had no worries!

Looking at his grandfather lying on the bed, his face was already flushed, and Li Chen checked again.

It can be confirmed that as long as he recuperates for about half a month, the toxins in his grandfather's body should be completely cleared.

Dinglingling! ✬

Li Chen took out his mobile phone.

"Is that Mr. Li Chen? We are here to install electrical appliances. We will be at your home soon. Are you home?"

The person on the phone was the one who installed electrical appliances.

"I'm at home, you guys come over."

Li Chen hung up the phone and went out to wait.

Two cars drove over one after another. Li Beiwu and Doudou just took a look and continued to play with the toys.

"The roads in your village are too difficult to walk, right? We almost couldn't get through."

The driver couldn't help but complain.

Li Chen smiled awkwardly. The road outside Lijia Village was indeed quite bad.

This was not the first time he was complained about.

The two installers greeted Li Chen and started to move.

Refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, all the appliances that can be used, Li Chen bought back.

If it weren't for the fact that this house was too old and too bad, he would have wanted to make everything intelligent.

Li Chen estimated that these people would put Lijia Village on the "blacklist" after they went back.

Coming in here is like walking on a single-plank bridge, who wouldn't be afraid?

Although making money is important, life is more important.

Li Chen shook his head helplessly, it would be difficult to build a road in the village.

As for repairing the house at home, it is too early now.

Grandpa is not well yet, repairing the house means demolishing it, and even if the house is fast, it will not be built in a short time.

Everything has to wait until Grandpa is better.

The installer was very powerful and didn't complain. He installed everything and told Li Chen some precautions, including how to find someone to repair it if something breaks in the future.

After that, they drove away.

"Daddy!" Li Beiwu came closer with dark eyes, "Is that an air conditioner?"

"Yes!" Li Chen squatted down, pinched Li Beiwu's pouty face, and said, "We can use the air conditioner tonight."

"Yeah!" Li Beiwu nodded heavily. Although it was hot these days, she never cried or made a fuss.

The little girl's understanding made Li Chen feel distressed.



"Are eels and lobsters good?"

Li Chen: "(?`?Д?′)!!"

So you talked to me for a long time, and what you were thinking about in your mind was food?

Li Chen covered his chest, how did this foodie get so fat?

"Dad knows, I'll catch him today."

Li Chen really didn't expect that Li Beiwu would actually urge him to get food in a roundabout way.

Li Beiwu giggled, with a cunning look in her big eyes.

After tidying up the house, Li Chen searched the house. He remembered that there was such a yellow eel basket in the house.

This thing is thick in the front and thin in the back.

The front is mainly for entering, and the back is for dumping.

Finally, Li Chen found seven or eight bamboo baskets in a remote storage room.

Li Chen simply cleaned the long bamboo basket and put it outside to dry.

Then he picked up the hoe and dug earthworms in a relatively cool and humid place.

If there are chicken intestines or duck intestines, it would be the best.

But now there is no chicken to kill, so earthworms can only be chosen.

The earthworms are preferably thick and long, which are much more pleasing than small earthworms.

Many people shiver when they see this kind of mollusk.

Earthworms really have no attack power, but the soft feeling can make many people stay away.

Li Chen has no such concerns. He can catch a big red earthworm.

After digging up a lot of earthworms, Li Chen found a plastic basin to put them in, and exchanged a drop of vitality water from the system.

Since this thing is so powerful, it must be able to make these earthworms undergo a certain qualitative change.

After dropping the diluted vitality water into the earthworms, these big red earthworms obviously wriggled more violently, and they seemed to be competing for these vitality water.

It seems that the effect is better than expected.

Li Chen threw the earthworms aside, and did not prepare to use them immediately. Instead, he put on gloves and took out a small fish basket.

Glancing at his daughter who was having fun with Doudou, Li Chen walked to the field.

In June, summer had just arrived.

In the fields of the countryside, earth toads can be seen everywhere.

This kind of earth toad is neither a frog nor a toad. Sometimes, they will run to the house.

Because the house is much cooler than the outside!

To catch lobsters, you naturally need to use this kind of earth toad. The earth toad does not need to be too big, a small one will do. This is a sharp weapon for fishing lobsters.

Li Chen walked to the field and caught a lot of them without much effort.

Regardless of size, Li Chen caught a dozen of them and fed them with spiritual spring water.

With the nourishment of spiritual spring water, I believe it will have a good effect.

The earth toads were put aside for now. The big red earthworms had almost absorbed the vitality water during this period.

Li Chen found a long piece of useless wire at home, peeled off the outer layer, and took out the copper wire inside.

A copper wire of about one foot in length is enough. Li Chen cut seven or eight strands and started to thread earthworms.

Earthworms cannot be threaded from head to tail, but must be pierced crosswise, so that at least two large earthworms can be threaded on one copper wire.

Earthworms contain rich protein substances, and eels and loaches like them the most.

Li Chen inserted the threaded copper wire into the bamboo basket of yellow eels from the tail, covered the round mouth of the tail with gauze, and finally tied a knot with a rope.

One basket is considered to be done.

The next few were also done in the same way.

Soon, the bamboo baskets for catching yellow eels were considered to be all done.

Li Beiwu didn't know when she came to Li Chen's side.

Seeing the squirming big red earthworms, Li Beiwu bit her cheeks tightly and shivered several times in a row.

She looked at Li Chen with surprise and admiration, and couldn't believe that her own father was so powerful.

She felt that this kind of thing was scary.

When Li Chen was dealing with the earth toad, Li Beiwu was so scared that her face turned pale and she dodged.

After all, she was still a child, and this kind of scene made her a little uncomfortable.

Li Chen calmly killed the earth toad and peeled it.

Earth toads have a strong fishy smell, which lobsters like the most, and the lobster net is very long, as long as five or six meters.

There were only two of them in Li Chen's family, and the earth toads that were dealt with were evenly distributed in two lobster nets.

Li Chen tied them up, put them in a large bamboo basket, and went out.

"Dad!" Li Beiwu wanted to follow.

"Go back and stay, Dad will be back soon." Li Chen waved his hand.

Li Beiwu pouted, sat on the small bench in a depressed mood, and watched Li Chen walk to the field with a dim look in his eyes.

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