The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 94 Li Chen is a good person

If you don’t have a system, you will definitely suffer!

But I have it, so I won’t suffer any loss!

Of course, Li Chen couldn't explain it, so he just smiled.

"Li Chen, you can't be so kind!" Li Jianhua said worriedly. ♦

Li Chen opened his mouth wide, he was...kind?

"Yes, you are so kind." Li Peng also sighed: "We all know your kindness and your sincerity, but most of us don't actually blame you."

"You don't need to help everyone so much!"

The words of the two of them were also heard by many people.

Humans are not cold-blooded animals, at least not the people living on this land.

They all saw what Li Chen did, so how could they not understand?

No matter what Li Chen does, his starting point is to help everyone.

Maybe everyone would have doubted it before, but now, few people would doubt it!

Except those in Zhoujiawan!

"Li Chen, we also have our faults, but... you really don't need to trick yourself just to make our lives better."

Just as Li Chen was about to explain, another uncle from the village said: "Li Chen, you have to think that you are still from Lijia Village. I hope that in the future cooperation, we will all pursue fairness."

"No, Uncle Niu, I really don't mean that..."

"Okay Li Chen, you gave everyone such a high price, do you really think we are all fools?" Uncle Niu said dissatisfied: "Normally, even if our goods are the best, they only cost three hundred, but the price you gave us is Too much above the market.”

That’s because I want to make money!

Li Chen really wanted to say something.

However, he gave up because he saw that almost everyone in the village who came here looked at him with this look.

Even if he told the truth, no one would believe him.

Everyone only believes what they see with their own eyes. You, Li Chen, are doing your best for the village!

Everyone is very grateful and grateful!

But no one needs you to do this. As long as no one loses money, just pay according to the market price.

Li Chen opened his mouth. I really just wanted to make money and make up for my guilt.

Forget it, it’s useless to say it.

Even if it wasn't to help the villagers, he collected it for nearly 300 yuan and sold it for more than 800 yuan. This was a complete profit.

However, the villagers seemed to have concluded that Li Chen was helping them selflessly and without regrets.

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Li Chen!

It was a look of gratitude, thanksgiving, and piety.

Li Chen wanted to improve the relationship in the village in the future, but he never expected that this incident seemed to directly make him complete it.

And the effect is surprisingly good!

Li Wende coughed and said with a loudspeaker: "Since everyone is here, let's solve the matter today."

The noisy scene finally calmed down.

"The first thing is to harvest wheat!" Li Wende said: "It's almost the middle of the month, and the wheat is almost ready to be harvested. What Li Chen means is that he wants everyone's wheat, and he harvests it on behalf of his friends. No matter what Whether it’s more or less, it’s all priced at one dollar and a pound!”

The sound of "hissing" sounded.

Almost every house has one, but maybe not too many.

"You want a small amount?" someone asked.

"I want them all!" Li Chen said, "But during this period, I will come to fertilize and perform the last management. I will give you as much as you harvest!"

When the villagers heard this, they immediately became happy.

They wished they could leave it alone in the end. Since Li Chen was willing to do this, everyone had no objection.

"If the decision is made, then register here first. Please write down clearly how many pieces of land there are." Li Wende had already signaled a village cadre to start registration.

After the registration was completed, Li Wende said again: "Li Chen, do it yourself."

Li Chen really didn't expect that the village chief would suddenly give up his game and had no choice but to take over the loudspeaker.

"I still give the price according to the quality of the finished product as before."

Li Chen's words made many people's eyes shine.

Anyone who has inquired about it will know how amazing the previous transaction price was!

If Li Chen is still the same as before, then everyone will have a bumper harvest this year.

"Li Chen..." Li Shanfu and others couldn't help shouting.

They were really worried about Li Chen losing money.

Li Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he couldn't say it yet.

The more you bid, the more rebate you will get. If you pay less, how much less money will you make?

"Everyone, if you are willing to sell, then send all your things to my house starting from this afternoon!" Li Chen continued.

Li Shanfu and others knew that Li Chen was determined to do this.

The people in the village were overjoyed. They finally had hope and no longer had to worry about things breaking.

After another period of registration, Li Chen spoke again: "Everyone knows about the third thing. I want to contract all the land in the village. Of course, the price is absolutely fair!"

"If everyone doesn't want to plant so much land, just contract it to me, and I, Li Chen, will clear the money on the spot."


People who heard this were not calm in their hearts.

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you.

There are quite a lot of abandoned and idle fields in the village!

If Li Chen takes over the contract, how much money will he have to spend?

Whether he can take it or not is not yet said. If he doesn't hire people to farm the land, it will be a 100% loss of money.

"Li Chen, are you kidding?"

"Yeah, don't do anything stupid."

"Although we all want to contract out, if you lose, then we will be sinners."

The villagers rushed to speak.

Who doesn’t like money?

But we all belong to the same village and know what money we can and cannot ask for.

If Li Chen goes bankrupt by then, everyone will be a sinner.

They definitely don't want to be this kind of person.

Li Chen looked at the villagers who were all thinking about him, and felt very warm in his heart.

"Please rest assured, uncles and aunts, I, Li Chen, will not mess around. Since I have decided to contract, there must be someone behind it!" Li Chen explained with a smile: "Besides, my family's previous interpersonal relationships are also there, and I will cooperate with them. , we can make the most of these fields without losing money.”

The villagers became quieter, but everyone still didn't believe it.

After all, you really can’t make money from farming, and even Chinese herbal medicines are very limited.

"Everyone, think about it. I, Li Chen, am willing to take on all of them, and the money will be given on the spot!"

Seeing Li Chen's firm words, the villagers began to discuss.

After all, everyone has to look up and not look down. It would be bad if Li Chen was cheated.

"Li Chen, you have really thought about it clearly. Once the contract is contracted, it will last for thirty years." Village chief Li Wende confirmed seriously.

All eyes fell on Li Chen.

Li Chen nodded with great certainty: "I'm sure!"

Li Wende stopped persuading and nodded to the others. Since Li Chen insisted on doing this, he couldn't stop him.

"How do you calculate the price?" someone asked.

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