Outside the window, the night is shrouded, and everything is quiet.

Unlike the glitz and glamour of the city, there are only sporadic lights in the mountains, dotted like stars on the ridges in the distance.

There was snow outside, but the house was happy.

"Yu'er! Sit down! How can I ask you to help with the cooking! Luo Yilan persuaded while pulling Yu'er to prevent her from breaking green beans.

"Auntie is fine, it's not like I didn't give Jiang Yi at home..."

"At home for Jiang Yi?"

"No, no, no! Cook for my parents at home! Yu'er broke out in a cold sweat.

A few of them dropped out of school, so it's better not to tell their uncles and aunts for the time being.

"I'll just help, it's fine!" Yu'er swooped through Jiang's mother's defense and continued to wash vegetables.

Looking at such a beautiful and virtuous girl, Jiang's mother and Jiang's father, who was chopping bones, both showed a kind smile.

I don't know how this kind of good girl fell in love with their son.

The appearance is mediocre, the family is in the countryside, and it makes a little money.

Yu'er rolled up, Wang Bo couldn't sit still, and followed to help.

They were polite to help Jiang Yi, so they went to move the things in the car and take care of the guest room.

After a table of steaming meals was served, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother had already mingled with Yu'er and Wang Bo.

"Come on, come on, eat a little more, this is our own pork here." Jiang's mother vigorously served Yu'er vegetables.

"This is a dish made with our own dried bean paste, and the taste is different from the outside, you see the Xi of eating or not."

Continue to pick up the dishes, this is this is this is ...

Yu'er couldn't close her mouth with a smile, and Jiang Yi on the side seemed to feel a gust of cold wind blowing through her body.

He seemed to be able to understand some of Jiang Yan's feelings.

Next time, let's worry more about this uncle's lifelong events.

"Xiaoyi, why are you back, don't you have to go to class?" Jiang's mother asked.

Finally, I asked the question.

"We had a flu outbreak at our school and we had a month off." Yu'er replied without blushing and without a heartbeat.

Jiang Yi glanced at her, Niu, he can't do this kind of light feeling if he lies.

"Oh~ So that's the case, come on, come on, Yu'er eats more meat."

After eating, chatting for a while, and arranging the two of them to wash, Jiang's mother dragged Jiang Yi into the kitchen.

"Xiaoyi, Yu'er, this girl is so good, you can't run away for Huo Huo!" Jiang Ma said earnestly.

"I know, Mom." Jiang Yi was speechless, is his impression in his parents' hearts so unreliable?

"You know a hammer, hurry up and plan the route in the future, the city is not as good as the countryside, how can you give people happiness if you don't have some material conditions, and your parents can't give you anything, you have to rely on yourself..."

After that, it was naturally a long period of entrustment, and Jiang Yi could only nod in agreement.

As the night deepened, the enthusiastic Jiang's mother was like an extra girl, for fear that Yu'er would freeze and add bed after bed of quilts.

"The toilet on the second floor is next to it, Yu'er, you have a good rest."

"Uh-huh, thank you, Auntie!"

"It's okay, it's okay."

Jiang's mother closed the door with a smile on her face and went downstairs to her room.

didn't take off her clothes, Yu'er lay on the bed and played with her mobile phone for a while, and saw that the time was almost twelve o'clock.

turned off the light, and with guilt for his aunt, he quietly touched the door of Jiang Yi's room.

Jiang Yi had already received Yu'er's instructions just now and left a crack in the door.

So, in addition to secretly sleeping together at my father-in-law's house, the achievement of sleeping together at my mother-in-law's house was also achieved.

"It's still warm in your arms~

" "Sooner or later, I'll do you girl, it's just lawless."

"Come on, come on~"

The two of them nestled in the quilt and said squirmingly.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Jiang Yi took the two of them to wander among the mountains and fields.

"Jiang Yi, where is Niu Niu?" Yu'er asked.

"I want to see the cows, it's a little far away."

"Let's go, I haven't seen a scalper yet." Wang Bo said excitedly.

Walking through the mountain path, Jiang Yi led them to a slope where there was still a lot of green grass.


The cowbell rang slowly, and they turned a corner and saw the big yellow cow.

Seeing his partner from childhood to adulthood, Jiang Yi stepped forward with a smile and stroked the scalper's neck.

The scalper was very gentle, standing in place and letting Jiang Yi touch it.

"Don't be afraid, you two, we old cows haven't kicked anyone in so many years, but don't go to the hind hooves of the scalper." Jiang Yi looked at the two and smiled.

"I have to say that scalpers and buffaloes really don't feel the same." Wang Bo walked over with a smile and touched its fur with Jiang Yi.

Yu'er had sat on it in her previous life, and she wasn't actually scared in her heart, but she had to be a little scared.

After a while, she came to the scalper.

The scalper's big eyes stared at Yu'er.

The hand that was about to touch it stopped in mid-air, and Yu'er looked at its eyes and felt a little weird.

This feeling, as if the scalper saw her mind.

The scalper took a step forward and took the initiative to poke his head into Yu'er's hand.

At this moment, Yu'er seemed to be recognized for the first time after being reborn.

Both shocked and inexplicably moved.

Finding that the scalper took the initiative to get close to Yu'er, Jiang Yi was also very surprised.

Although the old cow does not take the initiative to attack people, he has never seen it take the initiative to get close to people.

Yu'er has been to his house before? Otherwise, how did Lao Niu know Yu'er?

The three of them played with Lao Niu for a while in this place with a wide field of vision, and then went back to prepare for lunch.

"Xiaoyi, go to your mother-in-law's house and ask for some ginger back." As soon as she arrived home, Jiang's mother gave orders.


Walking in a familiar place, Jiang Yi only felt peaceful in his heart, as if he hadn't felt this kind of emptiness for a long time.

When she arrived at Keyu's mother-in-law's house, her mother-in-law, who was in good spirits, was pleasantly surprised:

"Yo, Xiaoyi is back, come out quickly, see who is coming." The mother-in-law shouted into the house.

Soon, a girl with a double ponytail and a puff puff jumped out.

"Brother Jiang Yi!" The girl's eyes widened.

"Duoduo is on vacation, come home with me for dinner later, mother-in-law, you can come too." Jiang Yi looked down at the girl who only had his crotch and smiled.

"Go, go!" Duoduo was excited.

There are many left-behind children in rural areas, and Duoduo is one of them, and she and her mother-in-law are usually the only two people at home.

"You kid~" Rubbing rice between the villagers is a very daily thing here.

When Jiang Yi came back with a young girl, Yu'er was stunned.

"What a cute little girl!"

Duoduo was also stunned, such a beautiful sister!

The two looked at each other directly, as if a colleague had discovered a treasure.

"What's your name?" Yu'er squatted down and asked with a smile.

"Duoduo~" The girl's big black eyes have been looking at Yu'er, which is quite pampered.

Seeing that the two of them could get along, Jiang Yi went out and took her mother-in-law home.

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