Most of the people who entered the temple carried burdens and wore cloth and straw shoes, looking like merchants walking between counties.

The Warring States period was not very friendly to merchants.

The Qin State implemented the Shang Martingale Transformation Law, and the merchants in Qin were simply cash cows, and when they wanted money, they would casually find an excuse for being rich, cut off the heads of several businessmen, confiscate their family property, enrich the national treasury, and win praise from the people.

Therefore, most merchants were reluctant to go to the Qin Kingdom.

These merchants should be Zhao Guo people.

Seeing a large group of people in the temple waiting in strict formation, these walking merchants were startled, and their bodies were trembling, and they thought that they had encountered a gang of thieves.

In this chaotic era of the Warring States, many villagers who could not eat and pay taxes would often take risks and go up the mountain to establish cottages and become bandits on the wrong side.

At the moment, Yang Ming's group of people were dressed differently, and they were still holding fire-stick-like weapons in their hands against them, and they knew at a glance that they were not good people!

The group of walking merchants suddenly cried and said, "

Dear green forest good men, we just accidentally passed by here, please raise your noble hands."

Saying that, the first one of the merchants trembled and took out a few copper coins from his trouser pocket, as if to pay a protection fee.

This person is a middle-aged man in his forties, with rough skin under the sun and rain all year round, and he looks like an old man in his sixties and seventies.

However, in this Warring States period with an average life expectancy of 30 years, forty years old is indeed an old man.

Seeing this, Yang Ming waved his hand and said

, "Old man, we people are not mountain thieves."

"This..." the

old man was slightly stunned.

He looked Yang Ming up and down, and after taking a closer look, he found that Yang Ming's skin was fair and smooth, and his face was rosy, not like a thief who lived with an upper and lower meal, but like a pampered son-in-law.

"Is this the son of a family who ran out of the city to play?"

The old man's heart was slightly relieved, and he said, "The old

man has no surname, his name is Heifu, most of us here are merchants who travel to and from the counties of the Zhao Kingdom, and a few of us are ordinary people who joined halfway, and recently heard that the Qin State army is approaching Changping, so we all plan to flee to other places to escape the scourge of war before the Qin army arrives."

Hearing this, all the players present felt cold in their hearts.

They have not forgotten that their side mission is to participate in this battle of Changping.

The scar man stood up, and an extra silver coin in his hand, which was constantly thrown down in his palm, and said

, "Old man, tell me all the major events that you know have happened recently, this silver coin is yours."

This silver coin is the currency of the national games.

The national game currency is common in all the heavens and realms, so it has a very high value and will not be easily devalued.

This silver coin is already equivalent to the income of the merchants in the past!

As the saying goes, under heavy gold, there will be brave men.

What's more, the scar man is burly and has a fierce face, looking like Yang Ming's personal bodyguard beside Brother Gongzi, not like a good object to mess with, where are the merchants willing to offend, and tell all the things they know.

"Three months ago, the Qin army dispatched again, capturing dozens of cities in a row, and the border defense line of the Zhao State shrank again and again, and then continued to shrink, Handan, the capital of the Zhao State, will face the Qin army!"

"It is said that those Qin troops are all tiger warriors, one by one, with infinite strength, with an invulnerable physique, the commander of the Qin army kills God Baiqi, but also has three heads and six arms, looking at the whole world, no one singles out the opponent of Killing God Baiqi!"

"In addition, the Qin army has the assistance of the Yin and Yang family, the upper knows the astronomy and the lower geography, and there are also Luo Net assassins in the secret, specializing in assassinating high-ranking generals and dignitaries, and now Handan can be said to be at everyone's own peril, and everyone does not know when such a day is a head!"

Hearing this, many players turned pale.

The difficulty of this copy of the Qin Kingdom is also too high, right?

The scar man hurriedly asked

, "Old man, do you know the way to join the Hundred Families?"

"This strong man, you can ask the right person about this."

Heifu brushed his beard smugly, and slowly said:

"We merchants travel south and north, but we can be regarded as knowledgeable and know a thing or two about things."

"If you say that there are hundreds of families, the easiest to enter is naturally novelists and famous artists, novelists can enter as long as you can write a popular novel, famous artists can enter as long as you give money."

"As for the most difficult to enter the Zhuzi Hundred Families, one is the Yin-Yang family, no one knows the criteria for recruiting people from the Yin-Yang family, just as no one knows the true face of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and the other is a Confucian, who needs to go to the Little Sage Village of the Qi Kingdom, familiarize yourself with the Confucian classics, and also get the approval of the masters to become a Confucian person."

"If you want to join other families, you must pay attention to a chance, and when fate comes, you can naturally enter."

After hearing these words, everyone was speechless.

Novelists and famous artists know as soon as they hear that it is a weak chicken among weak chickens, and there is no benefit in going in.

Most of them had silently crossed out the options of the Yin-Yang family and the Confucian family in their hearts, intending to take advantage of the arrival of the Qin army to go out and try their luck to see if they could enter the other sons and hundreds of families.

Anyway, there is no time set in this copy world, as long as they are meticulous, it doesn't matter if it takes a long time to complete the task.

Seeing that everyone didn't seem to have eaten breakfast, Heifu smiled and took out some burnt cakes from his burden, and said,

"Everyone has a chance to meet here, it can be regarded as a fate, we have some food here, let's share it."

The aroma of burnt cakes is fragrant, and many people are very moved.

Compared to the unpalatable canned food, the dry baked biscuits are simply delicious.

Many players, including Scar Man, took Heifu's baked cake, and did not seem to worry about Heifu poisoning the food at all.

After all, Heif's performance has long shown that they are just ordinary businessmen.

"This son, let's also try a piece of baked cake, this is Handan's special delicacy."

Heifu came to Yang Ming, his posture was very low, and he looked like an old slave.


, only Yang Ming's sneer greeted Hefu, and a sweep of the bone knife with the length and width of the door panel!


The blade cut through the air, making a sharp wind whistling sound.

Heifu, who seemed to be old and frail, dodged Yang Ming's fierce stab in the next moment in a strange posture that violated the structure of the human body.

Heifu abandoned the human disguise and appeared in the original form of the spider essence, his body crouched on the ground, and his eyes stared at Yang Ming with hatred:

"When did you find out?"

Yang Ming sneered and said

, "Demon, I can see at a glance that you are not human!"

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