On the evening of December 9, Bai Ye helped Lin Manyu stroll around the house as usual.

"I just washed the new tricycle again. When you and the children go home, I will put a quilt on it and take you back."

"I asked Sister Mei next door. At this time, you can go home three or four days after giving birth."

Lin Manyu stroked her belly and walked slowly.

Bai Ye matched her pace.

"Your and the children's clothes and bedding."

"And I have sorted out the washbasin, thermos, water cups and lunch boxes. Just take them to Dr. Lin's clinic tomorrow."

Lin Manyu nodded and lay down on the bed to rest after strolling as usual.

As she lay there, she felt wet under her body. She reached out and touched it and was startled.

When Bai Ye entered the house, he saw Lin Manyu packing eggs and millet, frowning as if he was enduring something.


Lin Hanyu cried out when she heard Bai Ye's voice, "Aye, I'm going to give birth."

Looking at Lin Hanyu like this, Bai Ye's heart skipped a beat.

In a moment, he calmed down and hurried forward to take the eggs and millet from Lin Hanyu's hand.

He put them and the things he had prepared before on the tricycle outside the house.

He carried Lin Hanyu on the tricycle again, and pushed the tricycle out, riding all the way to Dongtangzi Hutong.

At No. 11 Dongtangzi Hutong, Bai Ye paced anxiously outside the delivery room.

Seeing that he had been in for more than two hours, there was still no news from the delivery room.

At this time, the nurse happened to open the door and came out, Bai Ye hurried over, "My wife, how is it now, did you give birth?"

"Everything is normal at the moment, don't worry too much." After saying that, the nurse hurried away, leaving Bai Ye with only a back view.

Bai Ye sat back in the chair, gently holding his forehead, no longer as calm as before.

His eyes flashed, and there was a little sadness in his eyes. In his heart, no one in the world was more important than Hanhan.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

The cry of a child came from the delivery room, and Bai Ye stood up excitedly.

Three minutes later, "Wow..." The second cry came from the delivery room.

Bai Ye stood stiffly at the door of the delivery room, and the third cry did not come.

Ten minutes later, a trace of panic flashed in his originally joyful eyes.

In the delivery room, Lin Hanyu bit a towel in her mouth and sweated profusely.

"Give me something to eat, I really don't have the strength."

Zhang Mei, who was standing by, quickly took out noodles from the insulated lunch box that Bai Ye gave her and fed it to Lin Hanyu.

"Hurry up and eat a few bites to replenish your strength. Let's continue. We can't let the baby stay in the stomach for too long." Doctor Lin.

Lin Hanyu looked at Dr. Lin's calm face and quietly encouraged herself.

She couldn't let the child stay in her stomach for too long, so she clenched her fists tightly.

Tears had already filled the pillow without her knowing when.

She seemed to be unaware of the pain, holding back her strength and exerting all her strength.

"Wow wow wow..."

Lin Hanyu finally couldn't hold on when she heard the child crying, and fell asleep with peace of mind.

Zhang Mei next to her also breathed a sigh of relief after spending a few months with Lin Hanyu.

This is a girl with a bottom line, and she is willing to associate with such a person.

Outside the delivery room, the crying of the child was heard.

The original determination in Bai Ye's eyes became hot, like two jumping Mars, full of vitality.

The nurses came out with the children, looked at Bai Ye standing there motionless, and looked around him.

"Are there any other family members coming with us?"

Bai Ye opened his mouth and said hoarsely, "Is there something wrong?"

The nurse saw that Bai Ye seemed to have misunderstood something, and quickly spoke again.

"The mother and the child are both safe. The mother will come out after cleaning up."

"Sir, you are so lucky. You have two sons and a daughter. The girl is the youngest sister."

The nurses looked at the children in their hands, and then at Bai Ye, who was a little embarrassed.

They still had to go back to work. This man couldn't hold three children.

Hearing that Lin Yuyu and the children were safe, Bai Ye smiled after knowing it.

Turning his head to look at the chair, everyone noticed that there was a large basket on the chair next to it, which was enough to hold three children.

The nurses helped Bai Ye put the children away, and then returned to the delivery room to continue helping.

Originally, Bai Ye was the only one waiting for Lin Yuyu outside the delivery room, but now there were four people waiting for her together.

Bai Ye gently helped the children cover their blankets tightly.

The three siblings are now as ugly as little monkeys, but he still can't get enough of them.

In order to prevent the children from squeezing each other, he asked the master to make a partition in the basket when he asked the master to make a basket.

Maybe they were a little tired from crying before, so they didn't cry at this time.

It was 20 minutes later when Lin Manyu came out of the delivery room. Zhang Mei arranged a rest ward for Lin Manyu, which was the ear room next to the delivery room.

No need to go out, just stay in the houseCan get through.

In the ward, Lin Yuyu was still sleeping soundly, and Bai Ye was nimbly preparing milk powder for the children.

Now the family has a complete range of baby products, which were placed in his office at the construction site in his previous life.

Before the car accident, they heard that there were several new babies in the orphanage, so they bought milk powder for the babies at different stages.

There were also bottles, diapers, and clothes that they could use, ready to send to the children, and then help the nurses take care of the children.

Later, before they could send the things to the orphanage, the two of them had a car accident and were born in this life.

Now these things can be used for their children.

When Lin Yuyu woke up, it was already the next morning, and the children had finished the milk powder early and were sleeping soundly.

She opened her eyes and looked for the children in the room. When she saw three little babies lying side by side on the bed, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you awake? How do you feel? Do you want a doctor to come and see you?"

Lin Hanyu followed the voice and looked at Bai Ye who was sitting beside the bed. He looked much more tired.

Lin Hanyu blinked and looked at Bai Ye smiling, with satisfaction in her eyes.

"Aye, my child and I are safe."

Lin Hanyu's smile was infectious to Bai Ye, and his eyes were full of smiles.

"Yes, she and their child are safe."

Knock, knock, knock, there was a knock on the door, and Dr. Lin walked in with Zhang Mei, "I'm here to see the mother's condition."

After doing a series of examinations on Lin Hanyu, she nodded gently.

"It's nothing. The mother can eat some liquid food first, and gradually transition to a normal diet."

She took another look at the sleeping children before leaving the ward.

Zhang Mei didn't follow him, "Hanyu, if you need me to do anything, just ask."

Lin Hanyu smiled and nodded, "Sister Mei, I really have something to do. I wonder if we can borrow the coal stove in the clinic to cook. We will pay for the coal."

Zhang Mei smiled and shook her head. She liked Lin Hanyu's transparent and reasonable personality.

Many patients' families come to the clinic, fearing that they can't get a bargain here.

"If it's summer, you really have to pay. Now it's winter, the coal stove in the clinic is burning all day for heating."

"When you want to use it, just go and use it. You gave birth here by yourself last night."

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