When Bai Ye returned to the bedroom, Lin Yuyu was sitting on the sofa looking through the Bai family tree.

She saw Bai Ye enter the room, "Aye, how come this family tree is so new? There is no trace of a century of inheritance.

Is this the secondary tree that was re-copied in the following years?"

Bai Ye sat down next to Lin Yuyu, leaned back on the sofa and shook his head.

"The family tree and the secondary tree are all with my uncle. My grandfather was seriously ill during the war."

"After we hurriedly separated, my father and his five brothers went abroad or moved."

"My grandfather was afraid that his descendants would not be able to find their roots and come back, so he asked each family to hand-copy a family tree."

Lin Yuyu flipped through the pages and finally saw the page of their family. In addition to her parents-in-law and Aye, there was also her.

In 1943, he married Lin Yuyu. Judging from the handwriting, Aye wrote it himself later.

She looked down, and her eyes became more and more surprised.

In the column of their offspring, the male and female sides are written as the eldest son, Bai Qingyi; the eldest daughter, Bai Qingshu.

What's going on? Although the date of birth is empty.

But there are indeed two names on it, and they are placed in the position of her offspring.

Bai Ye looked at Lin Manyu's angry look, and quickly reached out to hug her and stroked her fluffy long hair.

"The names were written when my grandfather was alive. Look again, my cousins' pages also have them."

Lin Manyu flipped forward again and turned to the page of her eldest uncle's cousin.

He was not married when the Bai family split up, and the column for his wife was empty.

The children's column also had names written, the eldest son Bai Qinghe, and the eldest daughter Bai Qingyao, but the date of birth was also not written.

Bai Ye pinched Lin Manyu's little chin, hugged her tighter, and pointed to his name on the family tree.

You know, my name in the family tree is Bai Yanye, and I am of the Yan generation.

Later, the previous dynasty was weak and corrupt, and there were wars from time to time. For the safety of the descendants and property, the family removed the word Yan from the household registration book for our generation.

Grandpa meant that the names of a generation have been changed in the household registration book.

If there is no more war in our next generation, we will continue to name them in order.

It will be passed down from generation to generation, so that the household registration book and the family tree are consistent.

"Our children's generation is named Qing. Our eldest child's name is Qing Yi, which means rising straight up. It comes from Li Bai's "Ancient Moon Song", Yi once killed nine crows, and the heaven and the people were clear and peaceful."

"Our third child's name is Qing Shu, which comes from "Chu Ci. Ai Shi Ming", which means bright and clear."

"Shu represents innocence and kindness, beauty and virtue. Qing represents a girl with beautiful appearance and noble character."

"Grandfather spent a lot of time to name each child in the family."

"Yeah," Lin Yu nodded obediently. She remembered the elegant old man she saw when she went to A Ye's house to play when she was a child. "

"He always asked her with a smile, has the little girl from the Lin family come to see our A Ye again? ”

She would pretend to be shy and run away every time.

There was an earlier time when my grandfather came to our house to look for him. She was naughty at that time.

She climbed up a tree and couldn't get down. She sat on the tree and cried. It was my grandfather who carried her down.

The family thought she was too young to remember anything. In fact, she remembered everything, even her previous life.

Lin Yuyu turned around and flipped through the family tree with great interest. She was a little curious about the names of the eldest sons and daughters of her generation in the Bai family.

Bai Ye ignored her and continued to talk.

"Yuyu, we promised my mother-in-law a long time ago that if we gave birth to two boys, we would let one of them have the surname Lin and inherit the Lin family in the future."

"How about our second baby being named Lin Qingxiang?"

"Qingxiang comes from "Chu Ci. Nine Songs" Fly high and fly peacefully, ride on the clear sky and control the yin and yang. It means honesty, transparency, nobleness, flying high and prosperity."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. "Lin Yuyu gently closed the family tree, waved her hand, and put it back to its original position in the space.

She nestled herself in Bai Ye's arms, "We have to be in the same household registration book."

Bai Ye pinched her little nose pretending to be angry, "What are you thinking, of course we have to be in the same household registration book, no matter what the surname is, it's my son."

"In the future, many people will take their mother's surname. When they grow up and get married, I'm afraid we can't keep them in the same household registration book."

Lin Yuyu nodded gently in Bai Ye's arms. In this life, she and Aye are both only children.

Her mother wanted to continue to have children after giving birth to her, but her father was worried about her mother's health and didn't agree.

Her mother loved her very much and didn't have the idea of ​​favoring boys over girls. It was just a social phenomenon.

In the past, the dowry of a woman from aristocratic families was to be left to her own children, and the husband's family could not use the dowry.

Most of the husband's family's property was to be left to the men in the family, and part of it was toAs a dowry for the daughter's wedding.

The gold bars left by her father in her space will be given to Erbao, and her mother's dowry will be divided equally among the children.

In this way, the Lin family will have someone to take over the household registration book.

The property left by her father-in-law will not be left to Erbao, but to other children.

Bai Ye patted Lin Yuyu on the back, "Take out the family tree, I will write Erbao's name on it."

Bai Ye opened his page of the family tree, picked up the pen, and solemnly wrote Erbao's information in the position of the second son.

He also specially marked the mother's surname at the back, and added the birth date and time of Dabao and Sanbao.

After Bai Ye finished writing, Lin Yuyu took the family tree in her hand and read it again and again, and then solemnly put it back to the space.

There is no place safer and more confidential than space now.

Lin Yuyu leaned lazily on the sofa. This all-wood sofa is not very comfortable.

Even if she made a cotton cushion and a cotton backrest and leaned on it later, it would not work.

"Aye, I don't know if I can meet my eldest cousin again. I don't know how he is doing in the Chinese Party Army now."

"My family tree is in the hands of my uncle. If I can find them after the reform and opening up, I will write the names of Erbao's family on the family tree."

"If I can't find them, I will open a family tree for my father."

"Wow...Wow...Wow" The couple was talking when they heard the crying of a child.

Then, another "Wow...Wow...Wow..."

Another "Wow...Wow...Wow..."

The three children cried one after another

Lin Yu hurried over to pick up Sanbao and feed her. The little girl is worthy of being her daughter.

She is good at it. She cries every time. She is the hardest to comfort and cries the loudest.

If she cries for too long, the penetrating power of her voice can lead her brothers to sing with her.

Seeing Bai Ye prepare the milk powder for the three babies, Lin Yu gently put Sanbao down and let her lie down by herself.

She picked up the eldest child and started breastfeeding, while Bai Ye picked up the second child and fed him formula milk. The eldest child ate breast milk for a while.

Lin Yuyu took the second child from Bai Ye's arms and fed him breast milk. Bai Ye picked up the third child and fed him formula milk.

All three children were breastfed, and breast milk was definitely not enough. In order to ensure that each of the three children could eat a similar amount of breast milk.

The two of them had been feeding the children in this way.

After feeding the children and coaxing them to sleep, the two lay down to rest.

Lin Yuyu patted Bai Ye's arm, "Aye, boil water for me to take a bath in the evening."

Seeing Bai Ye shaking his head, Lin Yuyu bit his arm angrily.

"You gave birth to triplets, so I think it's better to have a three-month confinement."

"You can leave the confinement now, and you can boil water to take a bath in the future, but you can't take a bath."

"We take a shower, and we can't take a bath too frequently within three months."

Lin Manyu thought of the large solid wood bathtub made by Master Zhao on the second floor of the kitchen, and blinked.

Bai Ye looked at her dazed look and cleared his throat, and said, "I'll help you wash when the time comes."

Lin Manyu's red face was not sure whether it was anger or shame.

The next day, Bai Ye was waiting at the door before the police station started working.

As soon as the working time came, he went in to register the three treasures.

He went home and handed the household registration book to Lin Manyu, and then went to the grocery store to contact merchants who could deliver goods to the door.

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