"From now on, your brother will work the night shift at the hospital."

"Leilei will be in the main hospital at night, sleeping with your aunt Meimei."

"A few days ago, a woman in labor in Xiehe Hospital was not rescued because she was not sent to the doctor in time."

Lin Hanyu and Bai Ye followed their little girl into the house.

They looked at each other with a smile.

What is their little girl going to say?

They can't whisper in the yard.

Lin Hanyu sat on the sofa in the living room.

He glanced at his little girl sitting on the other side of the sofa, with a sparkling light in her eyes.

He reached out and took the warm water that Ah Ye had poured for him and drank it.

Sanbao looked at his father and mother's indifferent appearance.

He stood up and moved forward to sit between the two of them.

He secretly let out a breath and looked at them with a smile in his eyes.

"Mom and Dad, when grandma took me and Brother Mingbo back to Shen City this time, she..."

"Grandma said that she wanted our family to help the Jiang family..."

After listening to her little daughter's words, Lin Yu turned her head to look at Bai Ye.

"Dad," Sanbao saw that her mother didn't speak, she turned sideways and held her father's hands with both hands and looked at him.

Bai Ye retracted his gaze, smiled and raised his hand to touch her hair gently.

"Grandma Mingbo said that she asked you to come back and ask mom?"


Lin Yu saw her little girl nod, lowered her head and thought for a while.

He looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

"Go back and ask grandma for the address, it would be best if you can get a map."

"Tell grandma Mingbo, and forget about the thank-you gift."

Sanbao was about to get up and go back to get the address for her mother.

She heard her father talking, and she smiled and nodded gently at her father.

At night, Bai Ye lay on the bed and looked at the map that her little girl had just sent.

He rubbed the corners of his eyes and slowly lowered his head, kissing the cheek of his wife in his arms.

He looked at Lin Hanyu, who was nestling in his arms and playing with his fingers.

His eyes were full of pampering.

"Hanyu, let's go to Shen City after get off work this Saturday."

"If we are lucky, the train will not be late for a long time."

"I won't be late for work on Tuesday."

Lin Hanyu moved her eyes away from Bai Ye's slender and white fingers.

She looked up at him and nodded slowly.

They have to help their daughter keep her money.

After the reform and opening up, these gold bricks should be enough for the daughter and her husband to earn for a long time.

Lin Hanyu reached out and took the watch on the bedside table to take a look.

It was almost eight o'clock.

She turned around and hugged Bai Ye's arm to fall asleep.

Bai Ye felt the softness on his arm.

His eyes flickered slightly, and he lowered his head slightly to look at his wife whose eyelashes could not help but tremble.

He raised the corners of his lips slightly and leaned over to press on her.

The next morning, Bai Ye opened his eyes as soon as the wall clock rang.

He leaned over and kissed Lin Yuyu's white and delicate forehead.

Then he got up and went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When Lin Yuyu went downstairs, the living room was quiet, waiting for her to come out of the bathroom after washing.

Bai Ye was sitting on the sofa listening to the radio.

He saw his wife come out, got up and took her to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

When Erbao came home, the two of them were eating breakfast.

Lin Yuyu looked at his second son who was sitting at the dining table eating buns.

"Erbao, remember to pick up Leilei and Fangjun later."

"Today, your mother-in-law is also at work."

"You stay at home and help Leilei keep an eye on Fangjun."

"These days, their first-grade students have also joined the combat team."

"Some classmates came to Fangjun and invited him to join."

"Fortunately, your aunt Meijia met him that day."

"His two classmates just left our yard."

Erbao heard this and nodded at his mother.

Now the movement outside is getting more and more intense. If the brother-in-law wants to get involved.

I don't mind, I will give him a good beating for my father-in-law.

After breakfast, Bai Ye left the dishes and chopsticks for his second son to wash.

I pushed my bicycle and went out to work with my wife.

Lin Yuyu couldn't help laughing softly when she saw her and Aye's broken bicycles.

In their bureau, no one's bicycle was broken than hers.

Thinking of this, she smiled and turned her head to meet Aye's gaze.

"Whose bicycle is the most broken in your design institute?"

Bai Ye looked helpless when asked, and looked at her without saying anything.

Seeing that Bai Ye didn't want to pay attention to her, she followed him with a smile to talk to him.

The two walked out of the alley together.

Li Ying was envious. She got pregnant before marriage when she married Wang Baozu.

Not long after the marriage, the child was lost.

She originally thought that Wang's family had Wang Lai Di who worked in the street office.

She was her husband's sister, and she could help their family more or less.

Maybe, she could also give herselfArrange a job for yourself.

Who would have thought that, in addition to being good to her mother-in-law.

The elder sister-in-law doesn't pay much attention to her family.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but reach out and touch her belly.

Why can't she get pregnant?

When Lin Yuyu entered the office, Zhang Liyan seemed to have just arrived.

She was talking to Wan Ling's daughter Wang Min at their respective desks.

Lin Yuyu couldn't help but frown slightly when she heard what they were talking about.

Wang Min is one year older than her three treasures and has no partner yet.

Zhang Liyan talks to her about her husband's goodness all the time.

Does Wan Ling know?

But these things really have little to do with her.

Today, she doesn't have much work to do. It's just 10:20.

Lin Yuyu, just finish the work at hand.

Go and pour yourself a cup of hot water.

Come back, just sit there and read the newspaper bored.

Nowadays, people in the office don’t talk about family matters like they used to.

At this moment, all the things that need to be knitted at home have been knitted.

Lin Yuyu stayed at the office and had nothing to do.

Finally, it was lunchtime.

She and Li Huiying were preparing to go to the cafeteria for lunch together.

Then they saw a man in military uniform appear at the door of the office.

The man looked to be about fifty years old.

Just as Lin Yuyu was about to speak, Wang Min stood up and gently pulled the man’s sleeve.

“Dad, why are you here?”

After hearing this, she still had something to understand.

This man was Wan Ling’s ex-husband who had an affair with the young nurse.

Lin Yuyu quickly pulled Li Huiying and walked into the cafeteria.

They left behind those who stayed in the office and wanted to watch the excitement for a while.

After the two of them left, the man walked into Wan Ling’s office.

Wang Min followed closely behind.

After a while, suppressed quarrels were heard from inside.

However, these had nothing to do with Lin Manyu.

She was sitting in the cafeteria, eating stir-fried pork with peppers.

Li Huiying saw that Lin Manyu didn't say anything, so she ate by herself.

"The military is not peaceful now, and some soldiers with serious problems have been affected."

Hearing this, Lin Manyu stopped picking up the dishes in her hand.

She swallowed the food in her mouth, looked up at Li Huiying and blinked.

Last time, my brother also said that for those local messes.

Military leaders at all levels will not allow them to spread to the barracks.

The higher-ups don't want to see the army in chaos, which will threaten national security.

Those who mess around outside don't dare to go wild in the army.

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