Until the pomegranates in the Bai family's yard were ripe, Ding Rujia did not put a hat on other people in the yard.

Every day when Fu Guoqing held a criticism meeting, he would be dragged out by him for criticism.

The courtyard seemed calm on the surface, but in fact it was turbulent.

The life of the Ding family was getting better and better because of his son.

Ding Rujia's mother Zhang Pandi and his wife Li Caifeng smiled from ear to ear every day.

At this moment, Lin Yuyu looked at Liu Meijia, who was sitting on a bamboo round stool with a sad face.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"What about Ding Qiang's father, just let his sister-in-law be so domineering in the courtyard?"

"I heard that he asked Liu Guixiang for Huang Yao canned food a few days ago."

Liu Meijia's face became more and more gloomy when she thought of her father-in-law Ding Yunli.

Since her father-in-law married Ling'er, he has not been involved in family affairs.

The division of the family was fair.

Even now, he never saw the immoral things that his eldest brother's family did.

He was unwilling to say a few words to his eldest son symbolically.

In fact, this was tacit consent.

Seeing that she was silent, Lin Yuyu wisely did not speak again.

She reached out and picked up the pomegranate on the bamboo round table, peeled it and put it in a small bowl.

Liu Meijia looked at the peeled pomegranate in the bowl.

She quickly raised her hand to grab a handful and started eating, while eating and looking at Lin Yuyu.

Lin Yuyu smiled and grabbed some more for her.

Then, she looked at Zhang Mei who was sitting next to her and asked her to eat the pomegranate too.

These are pomegranates peeled for you two, not for my Ah Ye.

Zhang Mei heard her say this and reached out to take the pomegranate with a smile.

"Meijia and I will also enjoy Bai Ye's usual treatment today."

After saying that, she smiled at Liu Meijia tacitly.

Today, it is rare that Meimei has a day off on Sunday, so the three of them can get together and talk.

"Leilei, you have to stay in the hospital for delivery in twelve days."

Although I work in the obstetrics and gynecology department.

But you also know that I can't take care of other things when the hospital is busy.

I have asked Aunt Jiang and Lin Ai to help take care of Leilei in the hospital during the day.

The Jiang family is Sanbao's in-laws.

I think it's better for me to speak up, because if you speak up, people will think too much.

When Leilei is one month old, I will buy some things to send to the Jiang family to thank them.

Lin Yuyu looked up and glared at Zhang Mei.

"Leilei's belly is our Bai family's child. Is it only your family that needs to thank your grandmother and mother-in-law?"

Zhang Mei smiled and said nothing.

Turning her head to look at her daughter who was taking a nap in the rocking chair with Meng Xiaoou.

Her eyes were full of satisfaction.

When she thought of her youngest son Fang Jun, who was only fourteen years old and had to stay home before he even started the second year of junior high school, and he was still unsure about what would happen in the future, the smile on her face faded little by little. "Your face is like a barometer, it changes at any time." Liu Meijia drank jasmine tea and asked Zhang Mei why her face suddenly changed. Zhang Mei tilted her head slightly and looked at Liu Meijia, who seemed to have no idea of ​​what sorrow was. "Ruyang, you won't be anxious if you stay at home every day." Liu Meijia couldn't help but feel a little discouraged when she heard about her eldest son. She put the magnolia cup on the bamboo round table and raised her hand to rub her forehead. "Qiangzi and I asked Ruyang if he wanted to work for a few days before going back to school after school resumes."

"He didn't object."

"But it was useless. Qiangzi and I asked through our connections."

"No formal unit would dare to hire a 12-year-old child who hadn't even graduated from elementary school to work at this time."

"I didn't tell you about this."

Lin Yuyu silently calculated Ruyang's age in her heart. It was 1966 now.

By 1968, Ruyang was 14 years old and had just finished the first year of junior high school.

If he could get into high school, he would continue to study and make plans after graduating from high school.

Even if this child didn't get into high school, he would still have a chance to stay in the city.

With so many in-laws and old friends in their families, there would always be a way.

But Fang Jun's child would be in the second year of junior high school after school resumes.

In 1968, he graduated from junior high school and was the last of the three old classes.

At that time, the junior high school and high school graduates in the city in 1966, 1967, and 1968 would all be sent to the countryside.

After working for ten years, not many of them could find connections to transfer back to the city.

From then on, all children in non-single-child families who did not have jobs had to go to the countryside.

Going to the countryside was no longer a voluntary application like in previous years.

Instead, it officially became a mandatory rule every year.

At that time, it was time for parents to show their talents.

There were only a few job vacancies every year, and everyone was scrambling for them.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu couldn't help but tilt his head slightly.She looked at Zhang Mei.

"You and Li Ze are not incapable of solving those junior high school questions."

"Otherwise, you two can teach Fang Jun more at home."

"When he resumes classes, he will take the junior high school diploma exam."

"Then, hurry up and take the high school entrance exam or come down to work directly."

"I don't know what's going on."

"I always feel that the situation and policies outside are changing rapidly."

Hearing this, Zhang Mei lowered her head and thought for a while.

"Our Fang Xu and Fang Jun have always wanted to be college students like their sister since they were young."

"The college entrance examination has not been resumed for a long time, and we don't know when Fang Xu will have the opportunity to take the college entrance examination."

"If Fang Jun can go to high school, I still want to follow his wish and let him continue to study."

She looked at Zhang Mei and nodded gently, "Then hurry up and let Fang Jun study and go to high school as soon as possible."

"Reading more books is always a good thing."

She tilted her head again and looked at Liu Meijia who was eating pomegranates.

"Ruyang is only in the fifth grade. He should go back to school and study hard when classes resume."

"With so many elementary school students staying at home, they don't need to join the combat team."

"We won't let them stay at home forever."

Liu Meijia breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

She didn't know what was going on. Every time she heard Yu Yu talking to her so seriously, she would feel at ease.

At this time, in the thoracic surgery clinic of Xiehe Hospital in Beijing.

Erbao was looking at the patient's family member sitting in front of him.

He looked puzzled.

In the hospital, everyone knew that he was married and his wife was going to give birth in a few days.

Even if there were some female patients or female family members who came to inquire about him.

When they knew that he was married, they would retreat.

This was the first time that someone had repeatedly disturbed him and pursued him.

Li Fang looked at the good-looking man in front of her with joy in his eyes.

Her father was a soldier and had been fighting with the army before.

Since she was young, she and her two younger brothers had only their mother by their side.

In recent years, Dad has not been on the battlefield.

They came to Beijing with their mother to follow the army.

A few days ago, the younger brother had a fight and was hospitalized.

I fell in love with this good-looking doctor at first sight in the hospital cafeteria.

After much inquiry, I found out that he was in the Department of Thoracic Surgery.

Moreover, he was a top student who graduated from Xiehe Hospital.

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