Lin Yuyu looked at her granddaughter lying on the bed, crying with her mouth wide open.

She changed the diapers for the two little ones with her skilled movements.

Now, mothers can get two kilograms of brown sugar with the birth certificate of their babies.

Within one year of the baby's birth, the certificate can provide a bag of milk powder every month, and a bag of milk powder is 500g.

The two children need to eat breast milk and milk powder together to be full.

When Lei Lei was out of confinement, it was already December.

Now, the temperature outside is getting lower and lower.

Lin Yuyu began to freeze food in a large vat in the yard as she did in previous winters.

At this moment, Li Fanglei was sitting at the dining table chewing on pig's trotters.

Since the children were born, she would wonder from time to time whether Brother Qingxiang went to the market to grab pig's trotters every day.

Every two days, she could eat a meal of soybean stewed pig's trotters made by her mother-in-law.

At first, she was still afraid because both children were girls.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law would feel uncomfortable.

Later, she was relieved when she saw that her parents-in-law doted on their daughters.

Weddings should be simple at this time, not to mention the children's full-month gifts.

In addition to the eldest brother's family who came to see the children.

Only the three in-laws and Meijia's family came to see the children.

In addition, the eldest sister mailed two sets of cotton clothes and trousers for each of the two children.

Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye were happy to see this. The more low-key the family is now, the better.

In the evening, Lin Yuyu sat on the kang and smiled at the small clothes in her hand.

The fabric of this dress is soft, different from those old cotton cloths on the market.

Yichun is also pregnant, and she doesn't know where the eldest sister bought such soft fabrics.

Thinking of this, she got up and walked to the desk to write a letter to her eldest sister.

I have to ask my eldest sister about the fabric.

There are not many kinds of fabrics on the market now, so it is better to use softer cotton fabrics to make clothes for Ayun and Yiyi.

The cotton fabrics that the eldest sister used to make clothes for the children were softer than the cotton fabrics stored in her space.

When Li Fanglei started working, she took both children to the nursery of the unit.

Now in various units, everyone will build their own nurseries and preschools for convenience.

There are also primary schools, and some units even build their own middle schools.

The people who take care of the children in the nursery have to go through layers of selection and assessment before they can take up their posts.

The people who work here are all women, and they are also very responsible.

In the unit, mothers whose children are still breastfeeding are given time every day to go to the nursery to feed their children.

They can also go to see their children while going to the toilet.

Everyone's attitude towards this matter is surprisingly consistent and tolerant.

Sometimes if the child keeps crying, the nursery staff will ask the child's mother to come and comfort the child herself.

The two children are growing up slowly, and the family is getting more and more accustomed to the work and rest time of these two little kids.

The Spring Festival of 1967 was on February 9th, and there were only a dozen days left.

Sanbao received a letter from Jiang Mingbo, saying that the army had not approved his family leave this year and he could not come back for the Spring Festival.

Lin Yuyu sat on the sofa and lowered her head slightly.

If possible, she still hoped that her little girl would live with the army in Mingbo's army family compound as soon as possible.

Only in this way could she feel at ease.

Bai Ye tilted his head slightly, looked at his wife who was sitting there without saying anything, and raised his hand to rub his eyebrows.

"We don't know if our eldest son is in Beijing. If he can go home for the Spring Festival."

"I'll make the braised fish he likes."

Sure enough, Lin Yuyu was diverted by the eldest son's matter.

Lead her, and temporarily not be unhappy about the little girl not being able to follow the army.

Sanbao saw her mother and was successfully diverted.

Secretly, where she couldn't see, she raised her thumbs to her father.

She didn't want her mother to be too worried about her following the army.

Although the movement outside is getting more and more intense.

However, I am cautious in my words and deeds and keep a low profile. The only thing I worry about is her face.

She is as beautiful as her mother and she is in her prime.

Sometimes, when I think of the people and things outside, I can't help but feel a little worried.

I just hope that Brother Mingbo can come back quickly to take me to the army.

Thinking of this, she can't help but think of Lei Lei and Xiao Ou.

They should have the same worries as me.

Sanbao suppressed her worries and turned to look at her two little nieces sleeping on the sofa.

She likes these two little guys too much.

Seeing them, she wants to give birth to a baby as beautiful as them.

The two little girls at home are easy to take care of. They started to shorten their daytime sleep time when they were just two months old.

At night, they can occasionally sleep for six to eight hours.

Today is the twelfth lunar monthThe 26th was also a Sunday, and the people in the courtyard had already started to buy New Year's goods a few days ago, just like in previous years.

Everyone wanted to have a good New Year and live better next year than this year.

When Dabao entered the house, the house was quiet everywhere.

He couldn't help but look puzzled. His younger brother wrote to the army saying that his younger brother's wife had given birth to two beautiful nieces.

Now the house is so quiet, the children are already asleep.

He thought for a while and didn't stay in the living room.

Instead, he turned and went upstairs to his and Xiaoou's bedroom.

He pushed open the door and saw the bulge on the bed.

Dabao walked over with a smile and saw his wife's little face sleeping sweetly.

He couldn't help but lowered his head and gently kissed her soft cheek.

Lin Yuyu and Li Fanglei came back after giving the children vaccinations.

He saw that his eldest son was sitting on the sofa drinking tea by himself.

There was a gleam in her eyes, "How many days can I stay at home this time?"

"One week."

While talking, Lin Yu and her second daughter-in-law put the two sleeping children on the kang in the north bedroom on the first floor, letting the two little guys continue to sleep there.

She also signaled her eldest son with her eyes that he could come and see the two little nieces.

Dabao got a signal from his mother, smiled and got up and followed her into the bedroom.

He entered the room and saw the items in the room in his peripheral vision, and knew that this bedroom was now occupied by his parents.

Mom said that when they were not even a month old.

In order to let her sleep more and rest more, Dad took care of the three of them alone in the north bedroom at night.

He looked at the two little guys who were lying on the bed with their hands raised and sleeping.

His heart softened.

The two little guys had the same sleeping posture.

They really looked like their younger brother, but they were more feminine than his younger brother.

Their facial features were more beautiful and gentle.

When Meng Xiaoou came downstairs, Dabao was sitting at the round table in the living room teasing his two little nieces in the stroller.

This stroller, my mother said, was the one Qingyi and his siblings used when they were young.

All three of them are still in good condition, just right for the next generation of children in the family.

Dabao saw his wife coming downstairs, and he quickly stood up and held her hand.

He took her to sit next to him.

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