At night, Jiang Mingbo was in a good mood.

He spoke more gently than usual.

Sanbao lay on the bed, holding his hand and placing it on her belly.

She turned around and motioned him to rub it well.

Jiang Mingbo didn't stop his hand movements, smiled and lowered his head to kiss the cheek of the person in his arms.

"Wait until this time is over."

"Let's have a good child."


Sanbao was a little absent-minded. She and Brother Mingbo hadn't used birth control products for a long time.

He wanted more.

There were several times when she thought she would get pregnant.

She just had her period again, so she didn't get pregnant.

Jiang Mingbo saw his wife close her eyes, and his hands rubbed her belly more gently.

At this moment, in the bedroom on the second floor of the Bai family in Jing City.

Lin Hanyu hadn't gone to bed yet.

She nestled in Bai Ye's arms, thinking about what Zhu Lili said when she came home after dinner.

At this time, there were not many women who could be cruel enough to divorce.

After the divorce, it was her bad luck to still be entangled by her ex-husband.

In Zhu Lili's family, even if Mr. Zhu has passed away.

But the people of his father's generation are still there.

How dare she talk to him?

No matter how much resources and money the Zhu family gives, it won't work.

"Still thinking about the Zhu family?"

Bai Ye saw that his wife didn't say anything, and couldn't help burying his head in her neck.

Han Han smelled very good.

"Han Han, Zhu Lili has a good plan."

"Now our unit is building a family compound."

"Only a few people inside know that every engineer can get a house."

"She doesn't rely on others, but she is well-informed."

Now, Bai Ye remembered what Zhu Lili said when she came home.

He still had annoyance in his eyes.

According to Zhu Lili, her ex-husband was entangled because of the private house under her name.

If I transfer the house I got from the design institute to her, she will give the private house under her name to her ex-husband.

Thus getting rid of her ex-husband's entanglement.

Zhu Lili is not very good-looking, but she thinks beautifully.

The house he got was a public house, and she wanted to openly steal state property.

Not causing trouble to others is a kind of self-cultivation.

She takes herself too seriously.

Thinking of the house, Bai Ye looked up at his wife.

"Hanhan, I am one of the main designers of the family compound."

"I plan to make the house type as good as possible."

"Nowadays, most buildings are built like our little girl's house."

"The living room is too small, and can only accommodate a set of dining tables and chairs."

"Well, let's go with the flow and don't force it."

"We don't lack houses at home."

"I was thinking that we have so many houses under our name."

"In this life, I'm afraid I won't have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of housing allocation by the unit."

"I didn't expect that everyone in your unit has a house."


Bai Ye looked at the person in his arms who was smiling like a little fox.

He felt at ease.

"We are just taking advantage of the construction business."

"Over the years, we have designed so many houses for the country."

"It's impossible that we won't even live in a building in the end."

"Now, everyone thinks that buildings are better than courtyards."

As soon as Bai Ye finished speaking, he saw the person in his arms half-closed his eyes.

"Go to sleep!"


Lin Yuyu was sleepy and found a comfortable sleeping position in Bai Ye's arms.

She reached out and hugged his neck, and then closed her eyes with peace of mind.

At 5:30 the next day, the wall clock rang on time.

Lin Yuyu slowly opened her eyes in Bai Ye's arms, just like in the past.



Bai Ye lowered his head and met the hazy eyes of his wife.

"Don't want to get up?"


"Then sleep for another half an hour."

As he spoke, he hugged the person in his arms tighter.

At this time, in the kitchen on the first floor.

Meng Xiaoou, dragging her sore body, was washing rice.

She was busy making breakfast, and she did not forget to turn her head from time to time to glare at the man sitting there burning the fire.

She was really embarrassed to listen to him and sleep a little longer.

Qingyi just came back, and she couldn't get out of bed.

Too embarrassing.

Li Fanglei pushed open the kitchen door and saw her eldest brother and sister-in-law cooking together inside.

She thought about it and gently closed the door, and went to the living room to start cleaning.

When Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye went downstairs, breakfast and the house were already ready.

After breakfast, she and Bai Ye pushed their bicycles past the door of Zhu's house.

They happened to meet Zhu Lili who had just left.

They smiled at each other, and no one spoke.

After Zhu Lili got divorced, she was transferred from Shen City to Beijing City.

She does not have her own house in Beijing City, and now lives in a courtyard house with her daughter.

Zhu Lili, until she can no longer see Lin Manyu and his wife’s back.

Then she walked out of the courtyard.

After her brother got married and had children, he thought more about his small family.

Although, both parents were at home.

Her brother and sister-in-law were also very good to her and her daughter.

She still wanted to have her own house in Beijing.

But housing was tight now.

Each unit had to be ranked according to seniority when allocating houses.

It was unknown when her unit would allocate her a house.

The Bai family was unwilling to take the risk to help her, so she had to wait patiently for the news of the unit’s allocation of houses.

Lin Yuyu didn’t care what she thought.

At this moment, she looked down at the fallen bicycle chain.

Pushing the bicycle, she continued to walk to the unit.

This bicycle was too old, and the chain would fall off at any time.

“Wait a minute, the female comrade pushing the bicycle in front.”

Lin Yuyu heard a strange voice behind her and walked straight forward without stopping.

Seeing that she didn't stop, Sun Weidong took a few quick steps forward.

Zhang Liyan, who was walking beside him, couldn't help but look down when she saw this.

Lin Manyu turned around and saw Zhang Liyan and a strange man walking not far behind her.

She waited for them to come forward before looking at Zhang Liyan with a smile.

Zhang Liyan met her gaze with a smile on her face.

"Manyu, do you need help with your car?"

She saw Lin Manyu smiling and shaking her head.

She quickly pulled Sun Weidong away.

Lin Manyu looked at the two people who hurried by without paying attention.

Zhang Liyan, who was leaving, met Sun Weidong's calm eyes and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"I just found out that I'm pregnant. The baby will be born in a few months."

"Don't make trouble for yourself."

Sun Weidong nodded without saying anything and walked away.

Now, those who were criticized in the early days have been sent down to various regions.

He was in Beijing, the closest place to the power center.

Every day he lived on thin ice, trembling with fear.

The superiors' intentions changed every day.

No one could predict what the future would be like.

He always left some room for himself when doing things, so that he could have a way out in the future.

He was not so irrational to harm himself for a woman.

It was true that he couldn't help but speak just now.

Now, think about it carefully.

With her family background, it would not be difficult to get a bicycle ticket.

Lin Hanyu pushed the bicycle to the yard of the unit and locked it.

Then she walked towards the office, as the working hours were a bit tight at the moment.

She had to go to Li Ze at noon.

Let him help press the bicycle chain back, otherwise she would have to push the bicycle home after get off work at night.

In recent years, Lin Hanyu has been doing her work more and more handy.

Most of her time in the unit was doing her own things.

Zhang Liyan is more honest than expected. They usually have to be more humble in the office.

Nothing else has changed.

She is also much more restrained than in the first few years.

I think it must be her husband who has reminded her.

I heard from Ah Ye that everyone is saying that the director of the Revolutionary Committee in Beijing is much gentler than people in other places.

At noon, Lin Yuyu and Li Huiying just walked to the door of the cafeteria.

They saw Li Ze coming from the other side.

"Father-in-law, my bicycle chain..."

Wait for her to finish lunch and repair the bicycle.

There is still time to go back to the office for a nap.

In recent years, life at home has been easier than expected.

She is completely relaxed.

At this moment, in the Bai family's courtyard.

Dabao is sitting in the courtyard drinking jasmine tea, and Ah Heng is sleeping soundly on the small bed next to him.

He tilted his head slightly and looked at his eldest son on the bed.

He was satisfied in his heart. This little guy was only a few months old and he was not shy at all.

"Wow wow wow..."

Dabao had just finished praising his eldest son in his heart when he heard him cry.

"Daddy, hold him. See why our Ah Heng is crying?"

When Erbao came home, he saw his brother holding his eldest nephew and turning around in the yard.

Today was off duty.

As usual, he would have gone to bed to catch up on his sleep when he got home.

Now, he saw that his eldest brother couldn't coax his eldest nephew.

Erbao pushed the bicycle into the living room and looked back at his brother who was following him.

He reached out and held his eldest nephew in his arms.

"Ah Heng, be good. Uncle will feed you milk."

As he spoke, he took the bottle from his eldest brother.

He fed his little nephew.

When his two little girls were very young, he took care of them.

He was very good at taking care of children.

Dabao looked at his son in his brother's arms and relaxed his little brows.

His mood improved.

"When is Fang Xu's wedding scheduled?"

"This Sunday."

Dabao nodded and said nothing.

He saw his brother and took his eldest son to the south bedroom on the first floor to sleep..

He also followed into the house.

Since his brother got married, the two of them have not slept together again.

Erbao saw his brother coming in, and smiled and put his eldest nephew's small mattress on the head of the kang, letting him sleep there.

His mattress and his brother's mattress were next to each other.

Dabao lay on the kang, tilted his head to look at his son lying on his right.

He turned his head and looked at his brother sleeping soundly on his left.

He also closed his eyes.

Waiting for Lin Yuyu and the others to come back from get off work.

Dinner at home had already been prepared.

In the evening, Lin Yuyu nestled in Bai Ye's arms and missed her little daughter.

Now, both sons are at home, only the little daughter is not.

She missed her especially.

At this time, the little daughter she missed was also thinking about her.

In the family building of the Yangshi Military Region compound, Sanbao was sitting at the desk writing a letter to her family.

She was a little uneasy because she hadn't gotten pregnant for a long time.

There are two hospitals in Yang City now.

In addition to the Yang City Military Region General Hospital, there is the Yang City Medical University First Hospital.

This Sunday, she will go to the Medical University First Hospital for a physical examination.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh slightly in her heart.

At this time, it would be great if her parents could be by her side.

No matter how her heart fluctuates, as long as her parents are by her side.

Her heart will always be at peace.

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