No one would be willing to send a useless person to the army for the country.

Moreover, the second son-in-law is really stupid without knowing it.

They are doing military research, and they are the group of people who are most likely to see those big leaders.

He and his wife walked through the grasslands and climbed the snow-capped mountains before the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

Those comrades who climbed the snow-capped mountains and walked on the grasslands with them.

Who can't be assigned a soldier in the army now.

His second son-in-law has too shallow eye sockets.

Dabao noticed the gaze of his father-in-law and smiled at him.

He tilted his head slightly and looked at his eldest brother-in-law.

Seeing that he and his younger brother-in-law had the same dark face, Dabao lowered his head to hide the emotions in his eyes.

Wang Jiaan saw that no one in the room had spoken for a long time, and his face slowly darkened.

Li Mingyu glanced at the second daughter who was sitting aside and felt a little embarrassed.

Turned to look at the little granddaughter Wang Jianping who was sharing candy with the little granddaughter.

"Jianping and Aiyuan go upstairs and get some apples from the small hall to wash them."

She didn't want her granddaughter to feel embarrassed when she grew up and recalled this scene.

She watched her second daughter's eldest son grow crooked and had no way to do anything.

She only had this little girl left, and she hoped she would always be good.

She never denied that her second daughter was sometimes crooked.

But she was her daughter after all.

People's hearts are always biased.

Li Mingyu always felt that if her second daughter didn't marry into the Wang family, a family with crooked roots.

She wouldn't be crooked from time to time.

Sometimes, she was confused.

Her second daughter was always good and bad.

"The meal is ready."

Meng Aiyuan and Wang Jianping, the two little sisters, just stepped upstairs.

Mrs. Zhang came out of the kitchen and invited everyone to dinner.

Everyone got up and walked towards the dining room.

Wang Jiaan looked unwilling, but he had no choice but to put this matter aside and go with everyone to eat.

It was already 7:30 when Dabao and his family of three arrived home.

Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye were still enjoying the cool in the yard.

He saw his parents lying on the rocking chair and sent their sleeping son back to the bedroom on the second floor.

He went out and sat next to them.

Bai Ye looked at his eldest son and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He looked at his wife vaguely.

Their eyes met briefly in the air, and then they looked at their eldest son.

"Are you worried about something?"

Bai Ye raised his hand and picked up the foreign barrel pot, and took advantage of the kerosene lamp on the bamboo round table.

He poured him jasmine tea.

Dabao picked up the magnolia cup and took a sip of tea.

He looked up at his father.

"Today, Xiaoou's second brother-in-law..."

Lin Yuyu, after listening to her eldest son's request for his second brother-in-law.

She also tilted her head slightly to look at Bai Ye, waiting for him to speak.

When both of them were there, she generally did not interfere with the children's education.

In the growth of children, the role of the father is very important.

Bai Ye met his wife's gaze and smiled comfortingly.

He looked at his eldest son in front of him, who looked like him.

"You are so distressed, don't you want to intervene?"

"Well, if he really comes to my house, I haven't figured out how to refuse more tactfully."

"I don't feel safe with the Wang family."

"Don't help his family in trouble in the end."


Bai Ye lowered his head, drank the jasmine tea in the Magnolia cup, and looked up at his eldest son.

"I thought you would help his family for Xiaoou's sake.

Dabao was slightly stunned when he heard his father say this.

Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye both keenly caught the emotions on their eldest son's face.

He smiled but didn't speak.

"Dad, when we were young, didn't you always tell us three brothers and sisters?"

"A grateful heart is closest to success, and no one's success will be easy."

"Yeah, it is."

Bai Ye nodded, looking at his eldest son with relief in his eyes.

"Son, you have come all the way to where you are now."

"You have worked hard for this."

"On this road, you have met some people at work and in life."

"Among these people, some are very good to you, and some may not be so good to you."

"If it is said that the best relationship between people is win-win."

"Then the bright light that lights up the relationship between people must be fulfillment."

"You must have a scale in your heart without Dad telling you. ”

“You have helped others who helped you in the past.”

“In the future, you must help others.”

“You should keep your connections for those who you must help in the future.”

“Even if they can’t use them, you should keep them for them.”

“The more you use favors, the thinner they become. This is human nature.”

“That brings us back to the point where a grateful heart is closest to success.”

“One day, the person you want to help will need your help.”

“You have already used your connections to help other people you don’t need.”

“That goes against the original intention.”

“You and Wang Jia’an have only met a few times.”

“If you want to reject him, you don’t need to consider whether it’s decent or not.”

“You and Xiaoou have the same goal, and it’s more important not to affect your relationship. "

After hearing what his father said, Dabao smiled.

His Xiaoou didn't want to care about her second sister's in-laws.

In the future, if her second sister and her second brother-in-law's children need help.

It's worth it if she spends more time on them.

That's her nephew and niece.

Lin Yu saw that the two of them had almost said what they said, so she reached out and held Bai Ye's hand.

The two walked into the house together.

Over the years, she has developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

If she doesn't lie down in bed at 8:30 now, she feels that she has slept too late.

It's only ten minutes until the time.

Bai Ye let her go and pulled him into the bathroom to wash up.

Before he went upstairs, he didn't forget to turn around and remind her The eldest son should go to bed early.

Dabao didn't turn around and go into the bathroom to wash until he couldn't see his parents' backs.

In the bedroom on the second floor, Lin Yuyu lay on the bed and watched Bai Ye change into pajamas.

Tonight, the second son went back to his room too early.

He didn't hear what his father and brother said.

It's really a pity.

Her second son, who was stuffed with sesame dumplings, always didn't like people to see his heart.

After Bai Ye changed his clothes, he saw his wife.

She lay on the bed and looked at him in a daze, and her mind had already gone somewhere.

He leaned over and watched her slowly come back to her senses.

Then he lowered his head and pecked her white and delicate forehead again and again.

"Yuyu, what are you thinking about so intently? "

Lin Yu looked at the man on her and blinked.

She smiled and raised her head to kiss the corner of his mouth.

Watching, the soft light in his eyes became hotter and hotter.

There was no time to think about what she was thinking.

When the love reached its deepest point, Lin Yu's eyes were full of stars and she always felt that she had forgotten something.

It was not until Bai Ye took out the family planning supplies from the bedside table that she remembered.

The family planning supplies at home were almost used up, and she had to ask Ye to go to the hospital to get some more.

Bai Ye looked at the bedside table, and there was only one person left.

Helplessly, she held the person in her arms tighter and tighter, unwilling to let go.

The family planning supplies in the space of Han Han were different from those distributed in the hospital now.

Since the hospital began to distribute family planning supplies, the two of them stopped using the ones in the space.

The next morning, Lin Han Yu squinted her eyes and touched the place beside her.

It was slightly cold.

It was obvious that it was not early.

She did not look at the wall clock, got up, dressed, and went downstairs to wash and eat breakfast.

At this moment, Bai Ye was sitting on the sofa playing with his two little granddaughters.

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