Lin Yuyu was looking down at the abacus and didn't notice Wan Ling's eyes.

It was almost time for the bureau to pay salaries.

Every time this happened, their finance department would be busy.

Over the years, the salaries of the people she managed.

She liked to do the calculation and verification work in advance.

Everyone got a fixed salary, so there was no need to worry about salary changes in the next few days.

The salary of individual comrades who were transferred to other levels could be recorded separately.

Although at least one person in urban families ate state-funded food during this period.

In the market, the price of materials has not fluctuated much for more than ten years.

People seem to have similar living standards.

In fact, it is because of this.

Families with high-level salaries are much richer than ordinary families who eat state-funded food.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuyu consciously entered the space and took out a new money box from the master bedroom closet.

Putting her salary and Aye's salary together, minus the daily living expenses of the family, it was about 30 yuan per month. .

She and Aye can save more than 350 yuan every month, which means more than 4,200 yuan a year.

She doesn't deposit the money in the bank now, but puts it directly into the new money box.

If the money box is put into the space, no one can find it.

In the past, the passbooks and money in the old money box.

They are still in the bedroom of the courtyard and have not been taken to the family building.

In the office, Zhang Liyan is on maternity leave at home.

The rest of the people are seizing the time to do their own work.

I don't know when it started, when the finance office is not busy.

In the department, everyone defaults to working in the morning and resting in the afternoon.

If you can't do your work well in the morning, continue to work in the afternoon.

Psychologically, they always feel that they are extending their working hours.

Today, because they still have to sort out the payroll.

After Lin Yu finished her work and looked at her watch, it was ten minutes before lunch time.

She couldn't help but stretch lazily.

Now the life is really comfortable, which is completely different from what she and Aye thought at the beginning.

At the beginning, the two of them had made the worst plan.

Now the craziest time at the beginning is over, and their family can still stay out of it.

Before, they always thought that this period was chaotic, and people showed the evil in their hearts.

Only after experiencing it did they realize that what they thought was right.

However, in the eyes of the people in Beijing, she and Aye were neither famous capitalists and landlords.

Nor were they in a position hated by powerful people.

No one knew them at all.

This is also the reason why they chose to move to Beijing in the first place.

The neighbors in the courtyard were also well-behaved, and the only restless Wang Rujia ended up not so well.

It also scared the neighbors in the courtyard who were ready to move.

In life, they became more cautious.

At this moment, Lin Yuyu and Li Huiying were sitting in the cafeteria together.

While she was eating the stir-fried cabbage and chicken stewed with mushrooms in her aluminum lunch box, she listened to Li Huiying talking.

"In the early years, the comrades working in the Ministry of Public Security were all retired veterans."

"The Ministry has never given any job quotas to various schools."

"Now the Ministry is short of staff, and I heard that they are going to transfer people from the bureau to work there."

"The Ministry of Public Security is in charge of the national public security system, and it is the direct superior department of our unit."

"Well, that's good."

Lin Yuyu listened absent-mindedly, she knew about this.

Although her eldest cousin was in the army.

It was completely different from the government departments.

However, he had comrades in the Ministry of Public Security.

Last time, her eldest cousin mailed her specialties from Shen City.

It was military mail, and she went to her eldest cousin's house to pick up the package.

Her eldest cousin also talked to her about personnel transfers.

Now, she doesn't care about the sesame-sized power.

Rather than being a clerk in the ministry, it is better to be a section chief in the bureau.

The salary is quite different, and I will retire in four years.

If I retire at the level of a regular section chief, I can get more pension.

Although, I get the same level of salary.

In the Ministry of Public Security, the subsidy will be higher than that in the bureau.

But, no matter how much the subsidy is, can it be more than the salary of a section chief?

Li Ze has been the head of the inspection department for many years.

There has never been a chance to transfer again.

Meimei said that he didn't want to be a clerk in the ministry.

Meijia works in the Ministry of Railways, and most of the people around her are retired comrades and railway soldiers.

She followed everyone and raised their salaries collectively.

Ding Qiang became the director of the police station and got the salary of a regular section chief.

Like Li Ze, his salary is slightly higher than his own.

Among their family, friends, friends and classmates who work in government agencies.

Mingbo's father has the best political line.

HalfYears ago, she just became the director of the Beijing Municipal Personnel Bureau.

Li Huiying, seeing that she didn't care much about the personnel transfer in the bureau.

So she didn't say anything more.

After the two of them finished lunch, they walked to the office together.

In a few years, she will retire.

Several children in the family, in order to take over her position in the Public Security Bureau.

Over the years, she has been getting better and better to her.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but turn her head to look at Lin Yuyu who was walking beside her.

She didn't have to worry about this problem, nor did she have to worry that the children would think that their mother was partial to them in the future.

At this time, in the Beijing Municipal Personnel Bureau.

Jiang Jiadong sat in the office and reached out to take out the dusty documents from the drawer.

This is his mother's work materials. He has informed the Education Bureau.

These materials have always been placed at the bottom of his office drawer.

His mother initially worked in the Shen City Education Bureau, and later transferred to the Beijing City Education Bureau.

According to the provisions on children replacing jobs in the "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Labor Insurance in the People's Republic of China" promulgated by the Ministry of Labor of the State Council in 1953.

His mother's position in the Education Bureau should be taken over by him or Mingbo and Mingyu.

When she retired, Mingbo and Mingyu were both young.

Classes had just been suspended that year, and he always wanted his youngest son to go to college like his eldest son and become a college student.

He never let his youngest son take over his grandmother's position in the Education Bureau.

Now there are fewer and fewer positions in government agencies, and the college entrance examination can no longer be resumed.

Rather than letting the youngest son compete with others for the recommended university quota.

After graduation, he was assigned to work in a factory.

It would be better to let the youngest son go to the Education Bureau directly to take over his grandmother's position.

The youngest son's grandmother-in-law is in poor health and has changed the wedding date to next month.

If he seizes the time, he can arrange for the succession for his youngest son.

The work of the Education Bureau can be done before he gets married.

At this moment, Jiang Mingyu, who was cleaning the kitchen of a state-owned restaurant, didn't know yet.

He was about to go to work in a state agency, and he was a formal employee with a regular position in the Education Bureau.

In the evening, when Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye rode their bicycles back to the courtyard.

The children at home also returned home one after another.

She looked at her two sons who always talked around her and A Ye.

A warm current passed through her heart.

These two children didn't say they were reluctant to leave.

Their subconscious behavior showed that they were reluctant to leave them.

Dabao and Erbao didn't know that their little thoughts had long been seen through by their mother.

They were still talking to their parents intentionally or unintentionally.

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