After breakfast, the family was ready to ride their bicycles to work.



Lin Manyu turned her head to look at her second daughter-in-law, waiting for her to continue.

"Mom, I'm a little busy at work today."

"Can you please take Ayun and Yiyi to the Public Security Bureau kindergarten?"

Li Fanglei saw Lin Manyu nod, and smiled as she handed the children's tiaozi cakes to her.

Before, the second daughter-in-law went to court once.

It was also herself who took her two little granddaughters to the bureau's kindergarten to play.

This time, Lin Manyu thought it was the same as last time, so she didn't ask more questions.

Kindergarten also pays tuition once every half a semester, and occasionally it can be paid on a daily basis under special circumstances.

But in kindergarten, lunch portions are set in advance.

If you go there temporarily like this, you can't provide lunch and bedding and pillows for naps.

Only small beds are provided.

At this time, the kindergarten tuition fee is three yuan for half a semester, and the monthly food fee is ten yuan.

Lin Yuyu reached out to take the bedding and pillow handed over by the second daughter-in-law and put it on the tricycle at home.

Usually, Lei Lei has to ride a tricycle to go to work with her two little granddaughters.

Li Fanglei saw her mother-in-law and the children walking away, and then she carefully pushed the bicycle out of the yard.

Erbao saw his daughter-in-law like this, and his eyes flickered.

"Is there a case that requires your court to open today?"

There are not many big cases now. If there is a case that requires the court to open.

Most of them have extremely bad impacts on society, and I will not have heard of it.

Li Fanglei glanced at Erbao and said nothing, and the two walked out of the courtyard together.

When she saw her father-in-law, eldest brother and eldest sister-in-law, they all rode their bicycles to work.

Then she slightly tilted her head to Erbao's ear...

Erbao's eyes gradually overflowed with surprise because of her words.

"From now on, I will send you to work every morning."

"Wait until we go to the hospital on Sunday to see if you are really pregnant."

Li Fanglei lowered her voice, fearing that people in the hospital would hear.

She didn't relax until she and Erbao walked out of the alley together.

Erbao saw all this.

His heart ached, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

In recent years, all he could do was to be good to his wife.

However, being good to her couldn't soothe her anxiety about not getting pregnant.

Because of this, he also went to see a male doctor.

Thinking that if it was because of him, if she couldn't get pregnant for a long time.

Lei Lei should be less stressed.

At that time, he didn't dare to check at the unit, but ran to Tongren Hospital to see a male doctor.

Thinking about it now, he still has lingering fears.

Fortunately, he didn't meet any acquaintances at that time.

Otherwise, it would be so embarrassing.

If she is really pregnant this time, it can also offset the obsession of his wife.

In fact, he doesn't care whether the child is a boy or a girl.

But Lei Lei has always wanted to have another boy, saying that in the future, A Yun and Yi Yi will have more brothers from their mother's side to treat them well.

It was only 7:30 when Lin Manyu brought her two granddaughters to the kindergarten affiliated to the Public Security Bureau.

Because she had to send them to the kindergarten first.

Today, she rode her bike faster than usual.

"Chief Lin, are you here to send the children?"

The last time, the two little guys went to kindergarten here for a day.

In addition, Lin Manyu works in the Finance Department, and the entire bureau, from the director.

Down to the temporary workers, have to ask their department for reimbursement of expenses.

Over time, everyone has to be polite to people in the Finance Department.

What's more, Lin Manyu is the deputy chief of the Finance Department.

She looked at the kindergarten teacher who was talking to her, and a smile appeared on her face.

At that time, the bureau set up a school, from junior high school teachers to nursery teachers.

They were all selected from the family members of the bureau, and some people with education and quality were selected to take up the job.

Everyone trusted them more.

The tuition fee for this kind of temporary children was 10 cents a day.

Lin Yu smiled and handed her 20 cents, watching her complete the registration.

Then she reached out and gave her the quilt and pillow for the two little ones to take a nap.

She squatted down and looked into the eyes of her two granddaughters.

"Ayun and Yiyi, can you play with the kids here today?"

"Grandma will come to play with you when she has time."

"Okay, Mom said to sleep with grandma tonight."

Lin Yu looked at her second daughter-in-law and had already told the two little ones.

She smiled and kissed them on the forehead, "Then grandma will go to work?"

She saw that both granddaughters nodded, then turned around and walked out of the kindergarten.

Before leaving, they left behind enamel jugs for them to drink water.

The nurseries and kindergartens in the bureau have childcare time once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

Parents canOne hour by my side.

This regulation is mainly to facilitate breastfeeding for children who have not been weaned.

Mothers with young children can also see their children often and feel at ease.

Because the children in nurseries and kindergartens are young, they are not built near the Public Security Bureau like primary schools and junior high schools.

Instead, find a few rooms in the bureau for the children to use.

When she thought of this, she sat down at her desk and fell into deep thought.

After a while, Lin Yuyu took out the key from her handbag and opened the drawer.

Take out a financial approval form from it.

It says that the bureau will open a moon gate on the left side of the quadrangle.

Use the small piece of open space on the left side of the unit to build a yard.

Build a nursery and kindergarten for the children.

She lowered her head and pondered for a while, then walked towards Wan Ling's office.

Dong Dong Dong...

"Come in."

Lin Yuyu opened the door and walked in when she heard Wan Ling's voice coming from the room.

"Sit down."


Wan Ling looked at the woman in front of her, a little absent-minded.

She was transferred to the ministry as a section chief, which was considered a promotion.

Every time she thought of her old comrades in the Ministry of Public Security and talked about the Lin family.

She felt a little annoyed. For so many years, Lin Yuyu had never relied on her elder brother to get close to anyone.

There were her old comrades in the Ministry of Public Security, as well as Chief Lin's old comrades and subordinates.

If she were not an old revolutionary, and the Ministry of Public Security did not pay attention to seniority.

The person who would become the section chief in the ministry this time might not necessarily be herself.

Lin Yuyu, this woman, had education, connections, and strong business ability.

That's it, there were also people in the ministry who wanted to get close to Chief Lin.

Passed the news to her.

Promised her to enter the Ministry of Public Security at the level of a section officer first, and then make plans later.

But the other party ignored Lin Yuyu's age.

Lin Manyu didn't care that she didn't say anything, and raised her hand to put the financial approval form on the desk.

Wan Ling took the approval form, took a quick look, and signed her name on it.

When she arrived at the department, the head of the financial department was the woman in front of her.

The bureau had already held a meeting to vote on the reconstruction of the nursery and kindergarten.

There was no need for their financial department to hold back the approval of the money.

Work was not busy today, and it was only half past ten when Lin Manyu finished her work.

She got up and walked towards the kindergarten, wanting to see her two little granddaughters.

How were they playing with the children over there.

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