
Jiang Mingbo nodded and tilted his head to look at the package sent by his family.

Sanbao had taken out everything in the package, except for the letter and the thirty yuan in the envelope.

There was also about twenty feet of blue cotton cloth.

This cotton cloth was just right for making clothes for the child.

Jiang Mingbo picked up the cotton cloth and touched it, and felt that it was quite soft.

He and Qingshu usually wore uniforms, so they didn't make outer clothes very often.

The cloth they received every year was mostly used to make underwear.

There is no shortage of cloth at home now, and there will be many places where cloth will be needed when the child is born.

"Yeah, okay."

"My mother said that Mingyu will take over from grandma to work in education."

After reading the letter from his mother in his hand, Sanbao looked up at Jiang Mingbo with a smile.

When he heard this, his face moved, and joy welled up in his eyes.

He reached out and picked up the letter sent by home on the table.

Sanbao came over to read with him. The letter was a note from his father-in-law.

As expected, the letter also mentioned that his brother went to work at the Education Bureau.

He had just started high school when classes were suspended nationwide.

Dad had always hoped that his brother could study for a few more years, but now it seems that he has completely given up the idea of ​​letting his brother go to college.

Although, when his brother first joined the Education Bureau, he was only a 12th-level clerk with an administrative 30th-level salary.

23 yuan per month.

However, the same work should be much easier.

The family does not need him to earn more money, and it would be best if he could be more relaxed.

After reading the two letters, Sanbao and Jiang Mingbo sorted out the things in the package.

She put the cloth in the bedroom and went to the kitchen to see Jiang Mingbo pouring rice into the rice jar.

"Leilei got pregnant at about the same time as me, and the baby in her belly is the same age as our child."

Jiang Mingbo felt his wife's emotions and stood up to look at her.

"Missing home?"


He closed the rice jar, took Sanbao's wrist and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Sanbao looked at the two people's intertwined hands in the washbasin.

A smile appeared on his face, and his anxious heart slowly calmed down.

"Brother Mingbo, let's go write back to the family. It's a good opportunity to tell them that I'm pregnant too."


Jiang Mingbo picked up the towel and wiped his wife's hands before wiping his own hands.

After the two of them finished writing the letters in the small hall, Sanbao took out the milk powder to be mailed to the two families in the closet.

Put them in the packages separately.

In the military compound service agency, milk powder does not require milk powder tickets.

Every month, the two of them have to mail milk powder to the two little nieces, nephews and grandmother in Beijing.

This year, the grandmother is 67 years old, and she is in good health.

But Jiang Mingbo has always been worried, always feeling that the old lady is getting old.

In the army, any nourishing and delicious food must be mailed home.

The couple mailed milk powder to grandma every month.

Knock, knock, knock…

Jiang Mingbo had just packed the package when he heard a knock on the door.

He stood up to open the door and looked up at the wall clock. It was 20 minutes to 9 o'clock.

Who would come home so late?

When he saw Zhao Aiguo, the waiter, standing outside the door, his heart sank.

"Political Commissar, gunshots were heard in the nearby village."

"Okay, wait for me to get dressed."

Jiang Mingbo said nothing more and turned around and walked quickly to the bedroom.

Sanbao was shocked when he heard their conversation.

Taking advantage of the time gap, he walked in front of Zhao Aiguo.

"Comrade Zhao, what happened?"

"Sister-in-law, it's not a big deal."

"Our regiment's soldiers were patrolling the camp near the military region and heard gunshots."

"They were caught and brought back. The regiment commander asked the political commissar to go over and interrogate them together."


Sanbao didn't feel relieved when he heard him say that.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Mingbo came out of the bedroom after changing his clothes.

"Wife, lock the door from the inside."

"Sleep well at home, it's not a big deal."

"Just can't come back to sleep tonight, I'll sleep in the office, you stay at home tomorrow morning and don't stay in bed."

"I'll bring you breakfast back."

Jiang Mingbo said as he walked out.

When he reached the door, he turned around and reached out to touch her shiny black hair.

Without looking back, he left quickly with Zhao Aiguo.

Sanbao locked the door and turned around to see the empty house.

She went into the bathroom, washed up, and went to bed and closed her eyes.

Brother Mingbo should be safe, no matter where the gunshot came from.

The soldiers detained the person who fired the gun, so there would be no danger during the interrogation.

As she thought about it, she fell asleep without realizing it.

At this time, Jiang Mingbo, who was walking towards the regiment headquarters, did not feel the same as he did.As easy as it sounds.

Although the government took a series of measures to control the circulation and use of guns in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Some laws and regulations were also promulgated to carry out gun collection activities and strengthen gun management.

However, there was no mandatory ban on guns.

In the villages near the military region, many families still have hunting rifles.

If it was just the villagers hunting, the regiment would not have asked him to go so late.

When Jiang Mingbo entered the regiment office, he saw the regiment leader Wang Shiling with a heavy face.

Lin Jiawei also sat on the sofa with him.

Deputy regiment commander Zhang Jianhua had not come yet.

"What happened?"

He walked to the sofa, sat in the seat reserved for him, and looked up at Wang Shiling.

"I just arrived a short time ago. Soldiers from Jiawei's battalion heard gunshots while patrolling near the military area."

"When they followed the gunshots, the man was already lying on the ground without breathing."

"Another sneaky man was caught nearby."

"At this moment, he is still in the confinement room."

"I have ordered the brothers in the regiment to strengthen the patrols in the surrounding area."

"Block the nearby traffic to see if there are any more gains."

"The report has just been submitted. Now we are waiting to see how the superiors deal with it."

"Don't go back to sleep tonight. This matter is not simple."

"From the wounds of the deceased, the shooter may not have used a hunting rifle."

"Yes." "

Jiang Mingbo nodded and let himself sleep on the sofa.

At this time, the only thing their regiment could do was wait for orders.

After a while, Zhang Jianhua pushed the door open and came in to understand what happened.

They sat on the sofa together, waiting for the leader to deal with the order.

At this moment, in the Bai family courtyard in Beijing.

Bai Ye was also lying on the bed without sleeping. He lowered his head to look at his wife's sleeping face.

He reached out and gently stroked it, and was reluctant to let go for a while.

Thinking of what his two sons said tonight, he couldn't help but want to curse.

As long as this man has no emotional cognition obstacles.

He usually , will accurately perceive that the women around them have a good impression of them.

It's just that the degree of perception is different.

The second son said that in the clinic, the two female nurses looked at him with more and more strange eyes.

I believe that these two people are not necessarily people of good character.

The love of pure appreciation and the love of wanting to possess present different results.

It would be a pity to transfer the second son's job because of such a person.

You know, he is the chief physician in Xiehe Hospital.

If he is transferred to the military hospital, he may not be able to transfer horizontally.

If there is no vacant chief physician position in the hospital, it is useless to find anyone's relationship.

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