After dinner, Sanbao followed Jiang Mingbo and watched him clean up in the kitchen.

She couldn't help but hug his strong waist.

"What should we give Mingyu for his wedding?"

"These few days, I want to exchange some cloth coupons with my comrades and mail them back."

Jiang Mingbo stopped washing dishes, stood up and turned his head slightly.

Let his wife's little head stick tightly to his back.

"Grandma wrote to say that the boy didn't get cloth coupons. How about we mail him cloth coupons for two sets of clothes?"

"When our child is born, I will find some single officer comrades to exchange some cloth coupons."

"When these comrades need cloth coupons in the future, I will also help them to exchange them"

Sanbao calculated the cotton cloth at home in her mind and nodded.

After she nodded, she didn't hear the man's response. It took her a while to react and realize that Brother Mingbo couldn't see her.

"Yes, sure."

"Tell me when you have exchanged the cloth coupons. I want to mail some more milk powder back."

It was an hour later when the two of them washed up and lay down on the bed to rest.

Sanbao nestled himself in Jiang Mingbo's arms, playing with his slender fingers from time to time.

"Last time there was a gunshot in the village, did you find the shooter?"

"Yes, the villagers were hunting in the mountains."

"After we investigated it, we confiscated the hunting rifles and gave them a verbal education before returning them."

"Yes, that's good."

"You were in a bad mood those days, and I didn't dare to ask you."

"When I was a girl at home, my eldest brother was at home during the few times he was at home."

"Sometimes he frowned."

"Every time that happened, my parents wouldn't let me and my younger brother disturb my eldest brother."


Sanbao lay on Jiang Mingbo's chest, not noticing the helplessness that flashed across his eyes.

The last gunshot incident has not yet been concluded.

The only person caught was transferred to the special interrogation department and is no longer in Yang City.

In the army, the people who blocked and checked various intersections had already withdrawn.

They had to withdraw even if they didn't want to. The search team searched the entire area nearby but found nothing.

Soldiers on duty on the roadside for a long time can easily cause panic among the people.

Jiang Mingbo, stroking Sanbao's smooth and delicate shoulders, felt a little touched.

"Do you miss home?"


"You have family leave in your army, but we don't have a single day off in our bureau."

"Sometimes, I think it would be great if we could take Sundays together."

Jiang Mingbo felt so sad when he heard her words.

He couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her forehead gently.

"Qingshu, it's all because of me."

"I want to, and my parents also hope that I can live in the army."

"Life outside has been turbulent in recent years."

"Living with you in the military compound, there are only some trivial matters between military wives."

"There is nothing else to worry about."

"Except for missing home from time to time, I live a peaceful life every day..."

"Wow wow wow..."

The sound insulation in this family building is not good, and the cry of a child came from upstairs before Sanbao finished speaking.

After a while, it was Aunt Fang's cursing.

At this time, upstairs, Liu Dahua's house.

Aunt Fang was holding her granddaughter Fang Baohua in her arms.

The little girl was only five years old, and she was sobbing in her grandmother's arms.

There were several bruises on her exposed little white arm.

Fang Dawei sat next to her with a gloomy face, not even looking at Liu Dahua.

Aunt Fang looked at Li Guihua who was sitting there with her neck stiff.

"You damned old lady, how dare you strangle my granddaughter in my house."

"How can such a young child bother you?"

"You are still a grandmother, how dare you do that."

Li Guihua heard this and was full of disapproval.

This little girl bothered her in many ways.

In the middle of the night, she had to get up to make milk powder for her.

This milk powder had to be left for her precious grandson.

It was really a shame for a money-loser to eat and drink so well.

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