Ever since Liu Dahua's mother moved into their family building.

Their building has become lively.

I work during the day, so I don't have much contact with her.

I can't stand her reputation.

The salary of Captain Fang is managed by Aunt Fang, which has nothing to do with Liu Dahua's mother Li Guihua.

But she can't help it, she went from house to house in the family building to borrow money.

When she couldn't borrow money in their building, she went to Fang Dawei's orderly.

This happened every month, and the little soldier really didn't have money to mail to his mother.

Only then did she make up her mind to tell Fang Dawei the whole story.

That day, Fang Dawei's words of divorce were heard throughout the corridor.

This happened before she went to the hospital to give birth, and she didn't know what the result would be.

Thinking of this, Sanbao's eyes flashed with a barely perceptible curiosity.

It was an hour later when they returned to the military district family building.

The weather is getting warmer and warmer. Every day, some military families sit downstairs and chat.

They saw Jiang Mingbo and Sanbao come back with the baby.

They all stood up and surrounded them.

"The baby has just been born, let the baby go home first."

Zhao Aiguo instantly felt the chill coming from Jiang Mingbo.

He spoke first.

Sanbao and Jiang Mingbo had prepared a lot of things for the baby before the birth.

At this moment, the two little guys were still sleeping soundly when they returned home.

"Political commissar, I'll go return the car first."

"Yeah, take a good rest during this time."

"No need to follow me."

"Yes, thank you, political commissar."

Zhao Aiguo saluted Jiang Mingbo, then turned around and walked out happily with his big white teeth.

He can also rest when the leader is on vacation.

This vacation does not count as his home visit leave. In addition to training with everyone every morning.

The rest of the time can be allocated by himself.

Jiang Mingbo looked at Zhao Aiguo, who had become a little childish, and his heart moved slightly.

Zhao Aiguo had been with him for quite some time, and he did his best in everything.

If possible, he hoped that he could have a good future.

Jiang Mingbo closed the door and turned back to the master bedroom.

The two little guys were sleeping soundly in their small beds.

Because he was afraid that the children would squeeze each other when they grew up sleeping together.

He went to the military logistics department to customize two small beds.

There were fences around the small beds, so he was not afraid of them falling off the bed in the future.

Jiang Mingbo looked down at the watch on his wrist, and it was almost ten o'clock.

He raised his head slightly and looked at his wife with a smile.

"Boiled eggs, millet porridge and stewed pork ribs for lunch?"

Sanbao listened to what Jiang Mingbo said about food and nodded with a smile.

"Make me another Chinese cabbage and egg soup. I want to eat some green vegetables."

"My mother said that I should eat more vegetables."

"Okay, then we will eat meat, eggs and vegetables together."

As Jiang Mingbo spoke, he did not forget to reach out and touch Sanbao's rosy little face.

He let Qingshu love her like this.

In the future, he must be twice as good to her.

"Do you want to sleep for a while? I will go to the army to send a telegram to my family first."

"Tell my family that you and the two little guys are safe."

"Then I will come back and stop by the service center to see if there is any milk powder."

"Every time milk powder is available, everyone rushes to buy it. Now we have these two little ones at home."

"They have a good appetite in the hospital these days."

As they grow older, I am afraid they will eat more and more.

I thought I would go to the service center more often and buy milk powder if I see any.

Jiang Mingbo turned his head to look at his two sleeping sons, "They both eat milk powder quickly."

"Yeah, okay."

Sanbao is not hungry yet, but he feels a little sleepy.

She closed her eyes gently, and didn't even know when Jiang Mingbo went out.

In the army, the soldiers were training.

After Jiang Mingbo sent the telegram, he went back to the military compound.

He had to go to the service center to see if there was any milk powder in stock.


He was walking and thinking that he would wash diapers when he got home later.

Then he heard someone calling him from behind.

Turning back, he saw Lin Jiawei running towards him.

"Mingbo, I heard from Aiguo that your sister-in-law gave birth to twin sons."

"You are great."

He didn't forget to pat Jiang Mingbo on the shoulder while he spoke.

When Jiang Mingbo heard about his two sons, the smile on his face never faded.

As they walked towards the military compound, Lin Jiawei heard him talking about his son.

Until they reached the entrance of the service center.

Jiang Mingbo then remembered why this man came to the service center.

Lin Jiawei followed his good brother all the way here, and his mood was particularly good.

There was aJiang Mingbo was happy to have a son, and also happy that he would soon have a wife and children to live with.

"My wife went wrong with the procedures when she was applying for military service, so she never came to the army."

There will be no obstacles this time. I asked my old comrades in the local area to go to my house to help pick her up at the station.

I just received a telegram from my comrades. She and her children had already taken a car to come here yesterday.

"I came to the service center to buy some rice so that they can cook at home when they come."

"The house allocated to the family building will finally have some popularity this time."

"They have never come here, and I am not used to living in the family building."

"It's more comfortable to live alone in the single dormitory of the tube building."

Jiang Mingbo heard the joy between the lines of his words, and did not ask in detail how the procedures for military service could go wrong.

Every family has its own problems. Lin Jiawei's parents are partial.

"I told Qingshu a long time ago that I would go to your house for dinner when my sister-in-law comes."

"This time we will live in the adjacent family building, so it will be convenient for Qingshu and my sister-in-law to visit each other more often."

"Well, when my wife comes, I will ask her to visit my brother and sister-in-law and the children."

The two bought good things at the service center and walked towards the family building together.

It felt like time was passing faster.

"Wow wow wow..."

"Wow wow wow..."

When Jiang Mingbo opened the door, he heard the loud cries of his two sons.

Although the children were a little premature, they were not born too early.

In addition, Qingshu's nutrition during pregnancy was not bad.

The bodies of these two boys are healthier than many full-term children.

He saw Qingshu coaxing the two sons in a hurry, and hurried to the bathroom to wash his hands.

He came over and hugged the second son lying on the bed, reached out to pick up the prepared milk powder, and fed him a little bit.

Sanbao's second son drank the milk powder and was relieved.

She looked down at her eldest son who was breastfeeding in her arms, and waited for him to finish his milk.

Then she put him on the bed and took the second son from Jiang Mingbo.

Let him start breastfeeding.

Jiang Mingbo picked up the eldest son again and took his milk powder to feed him.

My wife doesn't have much milk.

These two little kids won't starve if they eat with milk powder.

When they were three brothers and sisters, they grew up with milk like this.

Now, it's hard to tell who the little guys look like.

It will take some time to see more and more clearly.

"Brother Mingbo, have you thought of names for our two sons?"

"Grandma and Dad will send a telegram when they have thought of names."

"The children are of the Yu generation."

"This name is not easy to choose. We are lazy and let Dad worry about it."


Seeing that the second son was full and asleep, Sanbao gently put him on his own bed to sleep.

She is not a diligent person, as long as the two names have good meanings.

It is best if she does not have to worry about it herself.

Jiang Mingbo took advantage of the fact that both sons were sleeping and hurried to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Sanbao saw him leave the house and lay on the bed alone, bored.

According to the current "Regulations on Labor Protection for Female Employees", she has 113 days of maternity leave.

Originally, there were 98 days of maternity leave, including 15 days before giving birth.

She gave birth to twins. The regulations stipulate that for multiple births, the maternity leave will be increased by 15 days for each additional baby.

All in all, she was able to rest at home for 113 days during this pregnancy.

She didn't have to go to work for nearly four months, and she still had a salary to get.

Just thinking about it made her feel clear.

When Jiang Mingbo prepared lunch, Sanbao was still sleeping.

He warmed up the food and lay down on the bed with his eyes closed.

In the hospital these days, it was just him and Qingshu at night.

He didn't dare to sleep well for several days.

They slept until the afternoon, until the children started humming again.

Then he woke up.

"Brother Mingbo."


Sanbao was half asleep, and opened his eyes slightly to see Jiang Mingbo gently coaxing the two children.

He closed his eyes again with relief.

Jiang Mingbo fed the children milk powder, turned around and saw his wife was about to fall asleep again.

"Qingshu, wait until after dinner before sleeping."

"After dinner, you can sleep as long as you want."

"Well... OK..."

Sanbao opened his eyes little by little.

Watching Jiang Mingbo move a small table to the bedside and put the food on it.

She got up and started eating with him.

Zhang Cuiyan said that reading during the confinement period is bad for the eyes. If she doesn't sleep with the two children, she will have nothing else to do.

After dinner, Sanbao went to the bathroom and gently brushed his teeth and washed his face with hot water.

Then he returned toContinue to lie on the bed.

The next morning, Sanbao opened his eyes and lay in bed without moving.

Today is not Sunday, and everyone who has a job in the military compound has to go to work.

The children are on winter vacation, and the military compound is lively because of the adults' departure.

The children are running and playing in the compound, and the military compound with sentries standing guard is more lively.

Jiang Mingbo got up early to make breakfast for Sanbao, and he took care of his wife who was in confinement.

In Beijing, Meng Xiaoou just rode her bicycle to the gate of the unit.

She heard someone calling her name in the post office next door.

"Accountant Meng."

"There is a telegram for your sister-in-law's grandmother."

Meng Xiaoou heard that, and did not enter the unit gate with her bicycle, but turned to the post office next door.

"Thank you."

She waited until she got the telegram before pushing her bicycle into the unit yard.

This comrade should be a temporary worker newly recruited after Qingshu was transferred.

Otherwise, she would definitely say, "Accountant Meng, Accountant Bai has a telegram."

Meng Xiaoou thought as she walked into the office and couldn't help laughing.

Ever since Qingshu went to Yang City to follow the army, she was left alone to go to get off work.

Qingshu had written back before and mentioned to her about going to get off work together.

A whole day passed quickly, and Meng Xiaoou was the same as usual.

In the morning, she finished her work, and in the afternoon, she was in the office drinking Gaomo and reading newspapers.

In the evening, after get off work, Meng Xiaoou went to the nursery in the bureau to pick up her eldest son, and then rode her bicycle to take him home.

She walked into the second courtyard and saw Grandma Jiang sitting at the door of Leilei's house chatting with Xu Zhaodi.

She stopped her bicycle with a smile.

"Grandma, this is the telegram sent back by Mingbo."

After speaking, Meng Xiaoou did not leave. The telegram mostly contained things about her sister-in-law's childbirth.

Lei Lei and Qing Shu gave birth at about the same time, and are now waiting for delivery in Xiehe Hospital.

After get off work, my parents-in-law will go directly to the hospital to see Lei Lei.

I am not in a hurry to go home to cook dinner.

Seeing Meng Xiaoou and Xu Zhaodi looking at her, Aunt Jiang smiled and opened the telegram.

When she saw the five words "Mother and child are safe" on the telegram, she could no longer hide the smile on her eyes.

"Our Qing Shu gave birth to a pair of twin boys safely."

"Mother and child are safe."

When she said this, Aunt Jiang smiled.

In the yard, Aunt Jiang and Xu Zhaodi were not the only ones chatting.

After Aunt Jiang finished speaking, there was silence around.

After a while, everyone seemed to have just come to their senses, and the first person said auspicious words of congratulations and the second one came.

Everyone came one after another, and no one was left out in the second yard.

After hearing what she wanted to hear, Meng Xiaoou said goodbye to Aunt Jiang and continued to walk home with a smile on her face while pushing her bicycle.

Qingyi must be happy to know that her sister gave birth safely.

Although he didn't say it, he must be worried in his heart.

Ever since Qingxiang said that multiple births are basically premature, Qingyi has started to sleep poorly at night.

In the Bai family's courtyard, not long after Meng Xiaoou entered the house, Dabao pushed his bicycle into the courtyard.

"Qingyi, Mingbo sent a telegram saying that my sister gave birth to twin sons safely yesterday."

"When did the telegram come?"

"This morning."

"Okay, you just look after your sons and don't cook dinner by yourself."

"I'll go to the hospital first and tell my parents and Erbao the good news that my sister gave birth safely."

"When I come back, I'll go to the state-owned restaurant to buy some food to eat."

"Don't cook by yourself at home."

Meng Xiaoou looked at Dabao's cheerful back and lowered his head to look at his son in his arms.

"Dad is still reserved most of the time."

When she met her son's hazy eyes, she couldn't help but chuckle.

She was childish too.

After a while, in the obstetrics and gynecology ward of Beijing Xiehe Hospital.

Lin Yu looked at her eldest son who was dusty and smiling, and quickly took out the military water bottle from her handbag.

She stood up and walked to the thermos, poured water from the military water bottle and handed it to him, motioning him to drink some water.

Over the years, her eldest son has rarely been happy.

"What's the matter that makes you so happy."

"Mom and Dad, my sister gave birth safely."

"Twin boys."

Bai Ye, who was sitting on the other side watching him, stood up when he heard this.

"Did Mingbo send a telegram back?"

"Yes, Xiaoou received the telegram this morning."

"This is a big happy event."

Zhang Mei, who was sitting next to Li Fanglei's bed, also smiled when she heard this.

She watched Sanbao grow up from a tiny child.

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