After the afternoon class, Lin Yu tied all the books she had just received to the back seat of her bicycle and said hello to her roommates.

She rode towards the school gate and saw Bai Ye standing there waiting for her from a distance.

Bai Ye saw her coming and smiled, "Yuyu"

They rode home together, "Aye, my class is scheduled until 3:30 this semester, and my morning class is until 12 o'clock."

"My class is scheduled until 3:20, and I will start my class at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the same as yours in the morning."

Bai Ye cooperated with Lin Yu and rode forward at a fast speed.

In the Dongdan Vegetable Market, Bai Ye and Lin Yu stood in front of the cabbage stall, waiting for the store to give them change.

Bai Ye weighed the cabbage in his hand and smiled at Lin Yu, "Let's boil the cabbage tonight."

"Okay," Lin Yu took the change from the store and walked out with Bai Ye.

The three treasures are sensible now. They don't need to use the space if they can.

The amount of oil consumed at home is more than that of the people around them.

Usually they buy a little more oil than everyone else.

She would secretly take it out of the space if there was not enough left.

It's the same with buying fish, meat and shrimp. Meat is fine. If she buys one pound, she can cook one and a half pounds of meat.

Anyway, you can't tell what the finished meat looks like.

You can also buy shrimp in the morning and put a few shrimps stored in the space.

As for fish, the family eats whatever fish is available in the market.

The last time the water delivery worker came to deliver water, the three treasures followed him to the kitchen.

Aye first poured the water he bought from the well into the water tank.

Later, the two of them took out all the water from the well in the water tank while the children were away.

Then they put the mineral water in the space into the water tank.

Lin Yuyu took a look and saw the cabbage in Baiye's hand.

Now, there was no cabbage at home. If they wanted to make cabbage, they would choose to buy it in the market no matter how late it was.

They would not buy it in advance and store it in the space.

When the two arrived at No. 3 Middle School, Li Ze was sitting on a tricycle waiting for the children to finish school.

Seeing them, Li Ze's originally elegant face smiled even more.

"No classes in the evening? I thought you two couldn't come back to pick up the kids."

Bai Ye parked the car with a smile, "There are no classes scheduled in the evening this semester."

Li Ze took the cabbage handed over by Bai Ye and put it in the tricycle, "That's great, you can spend time with the kids in the evening."

The three treasures were still on the playground when they saw Uncle Ze waiting at the old place.

Their parents were standing next to them.

Sanbao took Li Fanglei's hand and ran to the school gate, followed by Dabao and Erbao.

"Mom and Dad, I thought you guys wouldn't come to pick us up because you had classes today."

Sanbao threw himself into Lin Yu's arms and raised his little face to look at her.

Lin Yu hugged all three treasures in her arms, "If mom and dad finish class early, we'll come to pick you up."

Erbao looked at the books on the back seat of his parents' bicycles, and a rare look of confusion appeared on his little face.

Seeing him like this, Bai Ye stepped forward and smiled and carried him to the tricycle to sit down.

"Mom and Dad's car is full of books, so we can't take you today."

In the living room of the Bai family, the three treasures were doing their homework seriously on the round table.

There was a knock on the door in the yard, and Sanbao put down his pen and ran to the moon gate happily.

When she opened the door, she saw Jiang Mingbo standing at the door. Her fair face was stunned for a moment. Why wasn't it Leilei?

Jiang Mingbo looked at Sanbao who was stunned in front of him, and the smile in his eyes became stronger.

"During the day, the yard counted the families who wanted to buy coal briquettes together. Grandma asked me to ask Aunt Yu if they needed to buy together."

Sanbao turned his little body to the side, wanting him to come in.

Jiang Mingbo smiled and shook his head, "I still have to go to Aunt Meimei's house to ask, you can tell Auntie."

Sanbao watched Jiang Mingbo's back go away. They used to play together often.

The eldest brother especially liked to play with brother Mingbo. I don't know when they started to be together.

She asked her mother, and her mother said that brother Mingbo has a heavy study task now and has no time.

In the restaurant, the three children sat there obediently waiting for dinner.

Braised pork, scrambled eggs with cucumber slices, mapo tofu, every time Bai Ye served a dish, the children's eyes sparkled.

Until they saw the boiled cabbage on the table.

The two sons were fine, but his little girl immediately frowned.

Bai Ye couldn't help but lower his head and raise the corners of his mouth.

At the table, the three children were still waiting for their parents to pick up their chopsticks before they started eating.

But no one picked up the boiled cabbage.

Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye looked at each other, stretched out their hands to pick up a chopstick of cabbage for each of the three children, and put it in their flower-mouthed plates.

Dabao looked up at Lin Yuyu, "Mom, I don't want to eat cabbage."

"Did you forget? Mom,The cabbage is delicious." Lin Yuyu

Dabao shook his little head and looked at Lin Yuyu seriously.

"That's not the case, mom. The cabbage you make is stir-fried cabbage and cabbage stewed with tofu. It's delicious that way."

"The boiled cabbage at school is not delicious."

Bai Ye looked at Dabao's serious face and picked up the cabbage to eat.

Dabao and Erbao looked at their father, took a deep breath, and picked up the cabbage from the flower-mouthed dish and ate it.

Lin Yuyu looked at the light in their eyes and smiled.

"Mom, did I lie to you?"

Sanbao, watching his father and brothers eating deliciously, also stretched out his little hand to pick up the cabbage and eat it.

After dinner, Bai Ye came out of the kitchen after washing the dishes and sat next to Lin Yuyu.

"I'm going to Master Zhao's house. I promised the children yesterday that I would go and make a custom washbasin stand for them today. "

Lin Yuyu looked at the three treasures sitting on the sofa and having fun, and nodded, "Be careful and come back early."

When Bai Ye came back, it was already 8:40 in the evening.

"Dong Dong Dong"

He knocked on the courtyard door a few times, and the door was opened from the inside.

The one who opened the door was Li Erbao, who lived in the back house and was about the same age as him.

Bai Ye looked at him with a smile, "I came back a little late today, thank you for your trouble."

Seeing that it was Bai Ye, Li Erbao was stunned. He had lived in this courtyard for so many years, but it was the first time he saw Bai Ye come back so late.

Three families now live in the four houses in the back house of the main courtyard.

The two rooms on the west side are Wang Youjia's house, and the room next to their house has just moved in a tenant named Lin Ping'an.

The room on the other side of the courtyard gate is Li Erbao's house. This location was the location of the gatehouse of the courtyard before.

Listen to the knock on the door Hear it most clearly.

Now in the courtyard, the door opens at 6 am and closes at 8:30 pm. No outsiders are allowed in. Li Erbao's family is responsible.

Every month, the families living in the courtyard have to collect 10 kilograms of grain as a reward for him.

When Bai Ye entered the house, the three treasures were already asleep. He locked the door and washed up in the bathroom before going upstairs.

Gently pushed open the bedroom door and saw Lin Yu was still waiting for him. The soft light in his originally deep eyes became softer.

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