Today is the day when Beijing University and Huazhong University release the final exam report cards.

When the children got up, Bai Ye had already gone out.

When they saw that their father was not at home, they gathered around Lin Yuyu.

"Mom, where is my dad?"

Lin Yuyu looked at Sanbao's little face and reached out to touch her little nose, "Your dad will be back soon."

Sanbao sat on the sofa and looked at Lin Yuyu, then at her two brothers beside her.

She always felt that something was wrong with her mother's words, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Lin Yuyu turned around to hide the smile in her eyes and walked to the kitchen. She was going to make breakfast.

It was almost half past nine when Bai Ye came back, carrying the newly bought vegetables in his hand.

Lin Yuyu reached out, took the basket of vegetables handed over by Bai Ye, and took a look inside.

"Hey~ Why are there saury?"

Bai Ye did not stop changing his shoes, "I just happened to see the saury from Jinshi this morning when I was buying vegetables in the market."

"That's great, it's not easy to meet saury."

Lin Manyu happily took the saury to the yard and put them in a large vat to freeze.

Every winter in the north, the outdoors is a natural big freezer in every household.

On the dining table were sauerkraut and pork, stir-fried rapeseed, stir-fried pork ribs with green onions, scrambled eggs and white rice.

We had breakfast late today, and the children ate faster than usual.

Bai Ye reached out and picked up a piece of pork ribs and put it in Lin Manyu's bowl.

"Next time I come back late, don't wait for me, take the children to eat early."

Erbao heard his father talking and raised his little head to look at Bai Ye.

"Dad, we are willing to wait for you to come back for dinner."

"Mom gave us peach cakes, but I didn't eat much. Mom's cooking is delicious."

Dabao and Sanbao sat beside them and nodded.

In the afternoon, Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye sat on the sofa and looked at the eldest son standing in front of them.

Holding a football and showing a flattering face, he sighed slightly in his heart.

On the third day of their holiday, Dabao kicked the football into the glass of the neighbor's house.

Lin Yuyu reached out and pulled the eldest son to sit between him and Aye.

"Why don't you play in your own yard? I want to play football in the second yard."

Dabao sat on the sofa and sighed in a serious manner.

A child of only seven years old, he insisted on pretending to be an adult at this moment.

Bai Ye couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Mom, I remember what Dad said, don't take the football to school to play."

"There are too many things in our yard, and the big flower bed in the middle is in the way, so it's not fun to play."

"I chose the second courtyard after much thought. It's close to Uncle Ze's house. When I'm thirsty, I can go to Aunt Meimei to drink sugar water."

Lin Yuyu glanced at Erbao and Sanbao who were sitting obediently on the sofa next to them.

"Besides you three, are there other children playing football with you?"

Erbao heard this and looked up at his mother, "My sister didn't play."

"My brother and I played football with Li Sibao and Ding Ru'an."

Lin Yuyu turned his head and looked at Bai Ye, "Whose children are these?"

Seeing his young wife looking at him, Bai Ye's originally deep eyes flashed with a smile.

"Li Sibao is Li Ping's son, and he lives in the room next to Xu Zhaodi's house."

"Ding Ru'an is the eldest son of Ding Qiang's third brother."

Lin Hanyu nodded, and then looked at Dabao, "Whose glass did the football hit?"

"The glass next to Li Sibao's house." Sanbao muttered softly.

Lin Hanyu glanced at Sanbao, then turned to look at Dabao, "Is there no one at home in the house where the glass was broken?"

"Yeah," Dabao looked at his mother and nodded.

When Lin Hanyu and Bai Ye brought the children to the second courtyard of the main courtyard, it was lively here.

Zhang Guiqiang's wife, Li Guimei, was sitting at the door of her house and making a scene.

Lin Hanyu quickly secretly grabbed Bai Ye's hand and told him not to speak.

According to the rules, at this time, it should be the man in the family who should come forward.

But if the other party is a woman, then she can't let Ye solve this matter.

At this moment, Zhang Mei was standing in front of Li Guimei with her back to Lin Hanyu and the others.

"Sister Guimei, no one saw it now. Your glass was smashed by Dabao and his friends while playing football."

"And even if it was really Dabao and his friends who kicked it, you can just go to Hanyu to solve the problem."

"She is not an unreasonable person. Why are you throwing a tantrum here?"

Li Guimei became even more excited when she heard this. She was about to poke Zhang Mei in the face with her finger.

Lin Hanyu quickly pushed through the crowd and went in to pull Zhang Mei behind her.

Li Guimei's face darkened when she saw Lin Hanyu coming over, "Why do you still want to deny it?"

Lin Hanyu reached out and pulled Dabao, who was standing next to Bai Ye, to her side.

"It was our Dabao who accidentally kicked the glass of your house while playing football. No one was at home at the time."

"Our Dabao will go home and tell his family about this first. We are nowI'm here to compensate you for the glass."

Li Guimei's eyes turned, "I don't want glass, I want money."

Seeing Lin Manyu nod, she was happy, "You have to give me 500,000."

Hearing this, the crowd gasped. This is really a lion's mouth, enough for an ordinary family's food expenses for a year.

Hearing this, Lin Manyu's eyes flashed with a smile, "This elder sister is quite bold to ask."

"Just 50,000, if it doesn't work, I will install glass for your family."

Li Guimei glanced at Bai Ye, who had been standing on the other side of Lin Manyu, and nodded.

At Zhang Mei's house, Lin Manyu sat on the sofa in the living room.

Feeling the quietness in the house, "Why are you and Fang Jun the only ones at home?"

"Aze and his station are holding a family reunion today, and he brought his two children to play there. ”

Lin Yu took the tea that Zhang Mei had poured and took a sip.

“I didn’t expect that she would not want glass but money.”

“Everyone has different ideas. Most people still use paper to cover their windows.”

“Many of the window glass in our yard were left by the first few homeowners.”

“If you pay close attention, you will find that broken glass turns into paper.”

“Yeah,” Lin Yu nodded.

Looking at Zhang Mei with a smile, “Thank you, Meimei, for today. "

At this moment, Bai Ye was walking home with his three children.

Just now, he always felt that there was a gaze in the crowd, following him.

But when he looked over, he couldn't find anyone.

When Lin Yu returned home, it was already time to cook dinner.

She didn't want to cook dinner tonight, so she just took out the pork buns that had been frozen in the big jar and steamed them.

In the evening, Zhang Guiqiang's home in the west wing of the second courtyard, Zhang Guiqiang was on duty at the grain store and hadn't come back yet.

Li Guimei was eating at home with her three children.

She swallowed the potatoes in her mouth and looked at her eldest son Zhang Jiaan who was sitting next to her.

"Are you playing with the Bai family's children?"

Zhang Jiaan shoveled rice into his mouth, "I'm five years older than them, how can I play with them."

"Pa" Li Guimei hit her eldest son on the head with chopsticks, "Then why don't you go to play with them?"

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