"We have to buy another room in the yard while we still have some money."

"Otherwise, when the children grow up, it will be inconvenient to live at home."

Liu Meijia nodded, "We should also reorganize the house like Meimei's family."

"Our ear room is 30 square meters. Now you can see the house clearly at a glance."

"Cooking with a coal stove in the house will cause a lot of dust."

"Let's install the house into two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen."

"One bedroom is large and the other is small, and the kitchen doesn't need to be too big, it should be well installed."

"Okay," Ding Qiang nodded.

"Then let's see who can sell the house this year, and wait until the beginning of next spring to renovate the ear room at home."

In the bedroom on the second floor of the Bai family, Lin Yuyu took the new property certificate and land use certificate handed over by Bai Ye.

Carefully put them into the rosewood box, and then put the wooden box into the bedside table of the master bedroom in the space.

"Aye, are there many people going to replace their property certificates today?"

Bai Ye did not stop changing his pajamas. "The government has just issued a document asking people to go to the police station to apply for a new certificate to replace the old deed."

"Now is the time when there are many people."

Lin Manyu nodded, "Has anyone said that our house is not small?"

"No one pays attention to our house. Ding Qiang helped us get the property certificate and land use certificate by himself."

After changing his pajamas, Bai Ye lay down beside Lin Manyu and hugged her in his arms.

"And our house is of medium size. There are many large courtyards in the city now."

"If there are two or three rooms in the house, the area is not small."

"Our house was bought before liberation. At that time, there were many houses with independent doors and courtyards."

Lin Manyu thought for a while and nestled in Bai Ye's arms with peace of mind.

"When our three children get married and have children, the family will grow larger."

"Our house is not really divided into a large category, it is just enough."

Bai Ye opened his mouth and wanted to say that he would not let Sanbao marry a man who needs to live in his father-in-law's house.

Later, he thought about it and swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

The New Year of 1955 was at the end of January. Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye did not let the children study at home because they were about to take the high school entrance examination.

Their family went out to play on the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month, the fifth day of the first lunar month, and the fifteenth day of the first lunar month as in previous years.

In addition, when the three children celebrated their birthdays every year, they would occasionally make a birthday wish to go out for dinner.

In recent years, their family has visited all the teahouses, theaters and restaurants in Beijing.

On the third day of the first lunar month, Lin Yuyu, Zhang Mei and Liu Meijia gathered in the living room of Zhang Mei's house in the second courtyard of the main courtyard to chat.

Ding Ruyang was more than six months old and was put on the sofa by Liu Meijia to sleep.

Fang Jun will be three years old in a few months, and now he is sitting in Zhang Mei's arms eating egg custard.

There are no children of his age in this courtyard.

Usually at home, his brother Fang Xu and Jiang Mingyu from the Jiang family take him to play together.

Wait until the two older children start to go to school next year.

This little guy will have to wait until he goes to the hospital nursery with his mother to play with other children.

Liu Meijia swallowed the red dates in her mouth and looked up at Lin Hanyu and Zhang Mei.

"Our Yangyang's aunt has been frowning since she knew that we bought the west wing of the second courtyard of Xu Zhaodi's house before the New Year."

"Every time she sees me, she frowns."

This year, when we had the New Year's Eve dinner in the old house, the two sisters-in-law sang the same tune to squeeze me.

If Qiangzi's face hadn't been getting worse and worse, they would have continued endlessly.

Lin Hanyu and Zhang Mei looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Lin Hanyu's parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law all died on the battlefield.

Zhang Mei and Li Ze's parents also died during the war.

They don't have these worries now.

Fortunately, Liu Meijia didn't really miss them and gave them any advice.

"Didn't Yangyang's aunt say that she wanted her eldest son to join the army?"

Zhang Mei fed her little son a mouthful of egg custard and turned to look at Liu Meijia.

"This matter was widely spread in our courtyard some time ago."

"We took Qiangzi to visit a comrade-in-arms who was injured in the eye by a bomb on the battlefield."

"After returning, he said he would never join the army."

Liu Meijia picked up the teacup on the coffee table and took a sip of tea.

"Qiangzi and I both came from the battlefield. We are merciless. If anything goes wrong, we will definitely blame him."

"Given the behavior of his eldest brother's family, they will definitely blame us."

"The Ru family's child wants to use Qiangzi and me to join the army, but that's absolutely not possible."

"They just want the benefits of the jobs that Qiangzi and I have been assigned now.", don't want to bear the sacrifices we made before. "

At this moment, the atmosphere in the Zhu family in the second courtyard was a bit solemn.

Zhang Huijuan sat on the sofa alone with a gloomy face.

After the September 18th Incident, the team she and her child's father were in had to secretly move from Yang City to Shaanxi Province to join other anti-Japanese teams.

My daughter was born in Shaanxi Province in 1932 and is 23 years old this year.

She didn't study much in the countryside during those years. At that time, she entered Huada as a transferred cadre.

After graduation, my daughter will return to the Jingshi Hospital of the Ministry of Health to continue to work as a doctor. History keeper.

She happened to have a comrade-in-arms whose son worked as a doctor in her daughter's hospital.

She and her comrade-in-arms discussed it and arranged a blind date for them on the morning of the third day of the Chinese New Year.

She had also met her comrade-in-arms' son, who was a very nice guy.

But her daughter didn't even go.

When Lin Yuyu returned home, Bai Ye was already making lunch.

The three treasures were studying in the living room.

When they saw their mother coming back, they all gathered around and sat on the sofa.

Lin Yuyu looked at them with a smile in her eyes, "Are you tired today?"

The three treasures nodded their heads and leaned against Lin Yuyu.

"Dad said we'll have pickled cabbage hot pot tonight as a reward for our hard work today. "

After dinner, Lin Yuyu and his family sat in the living room and chatted.

Lin Yuyu went to make another pot of jasmine tea and put it on the coffee table.

She and Aye have lived in Beijing for many years and gradually fell in love with the fragrance of jasmine.

The family was enjoying the comfort after dinner together.

Then they heard quarrels and scolding from the front yard of his house.

Bai Ye took Erbao's hand off his neck, stood up and walked into the yard.

Lin Yuyu saw Bai Ye go out and turned around. The head told the three children to stay at home, and followed them out.

In the Bai family's courtyard, Bai Ye stood under the south wall of the courtyard with deep eyes and no emotion.

Seeing Lin Yuyu coming to him, he reached out and held her hand.

When Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye returned to the house, the three children were sitting together with solemn faces.

When they saw their parents enter the house, they all smiled and stood up to the two of them.

At this time, in the old house of the Ding family in the fourth courtyard, the whole family was sitting solemnly in the main hall.

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