Tomorrow is the day for the three children to take the college entrance examination.

Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye did not ask for leave from their work this time to accompany them to the examination.

Their three children were taking the examination in three different examination halls.

If they really went to accompany them to take the examination, they would be too busy to do it.

In the evening, Lin Yuyu helped the three children to check the things they would bring tomorrow.

After confirming that there was no problem, she carefully helped them put all the things into their schoolbags.

In the bedroom on the second floor of the Bai family, Lin Yuyu lay on the bed and tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

She had just deliberately sent the three children back to the bedroom to sleep so that they could rest early.

At this moment, it was she who could not sleep at all.

Lin Yuyu sat up gently, got out of bed and wanted to go to her daughter's bedroom.

As soon as she opened the bedroom door, she saw her little daughter holding her little white hand to knock on the door, looking up at her with her little face.

Her daughter was well-fed, with stars in her eyes.

When Bai Ye finished washing and returned to the bedroom, he saw his little girl sitting on the big bed he and his wife shared.

She looked at him with a smile.

"Dad, I'll sleep with mom tonight, and you'll sleep with the brothers."

"Okay," Bai Ye nodded with a smile, holding the pillow and quilt his wife handed him and turned to go downstairs.

His little girl not only wanted to take his place, but also arranged a place for him to go.

On the first floor, Bai Ye walked straight to the door of his eldest son's bedroom and pushed the door in quietly.

Before going to bed, he heard the two little brothers say that they would sleep together tonight.

Bai Ye lay on the kang, distinguishing the breathing rate of the two little brothers sleeping beside him.

He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, his two sons slept soundly.

The next day, Lin Yuyu got up early and prepared breakfast for the children with Bai Ye.

During the day, she finished her work.

She sat at her desk and thought about all sorts of things, although she was very confident in her child.

But at this time, she couldn't help but worry about something.

Except for Li Ze, no one in the bureau knew that her child would take the college entrance examination this year.

At this moment, Lin Hanyu saw Wan Ling and Li Huiying had already started knitting sweaters.

She also took out the scarf that she had knitted halfway for A Ye yesterday and continued knitting.

Time passed quickly, and Sanbao and Li Fanglei took the least subjects and finished the exams first.

Today was Dabao's last day of exams. As soon as he left the school gate of the exam room, he was full of energy.

It's great, he is finally a little closer to growing up.

At this time, most people travel by bicycle or bus.

The military vehicles whizzing on the road attracted attention wherever they went.

But Dabao was not among these people. At this moment, he was immersed in joy and didn't take the military vehicles to heart.

The man driving the military vehicle stopped the car on the roadside a few hundred meters away, thinking about the face that flashed by just now.

They really look alike, except that they are younger. When he drives the car back, he can't find Dabao anymore.

Today is Erbao's last day of exams. He is the one who has the most subjects in the high school entrance examination and finished the exam the latest among the three siblings.

After dinner, in the courtyard of the Bai family, the family sat under the pergola and ate watermelon leisurely.

After the three treasures finished the college entrance examination, the atmosphere at home suddenly became relaxed.

This year, the watermelon grew well. Lin Yu cut the watermelon that Bai Ye had just picked in half.

They were put in two bamboo baskets with lids and the lids were closed.

Then they handed it to Dabao and Erbao.

"Give the watermelon to your aunt Meimei and aunt Meijia."

Sanbao looked at his two brothers carrying watermelons out of the house and turned to look at Lin Yu.

"Mom, Aunt Meijia brought a lot of chestnuts to our family last time."

"Ding Ru'an's mother saw it, and her family complained to Ruyang's brother's grandfather."

"They said that Uncle Ding Qiang's family didn't give good things to his brothers and younger generations, but let outsiders eat them."

Bai Ye couldn't help but smile when he heard what his little girl said.

Girls are really sensitive to gossip regardless of their age.

Zhang Mei's home in the second courtyard of the main courtyard, Zhang Mei got off work late today.

At this moment, their family is having dinner at home.

Li Fanglei opened the door and saw that it was Erbao who knocked on the door. A smile flashed in her eyes, and she stepped aside to let him in.

On the other side, Dabao just arrived at the door of Liu Meijia's house.

Ding Rujia followed and wanted to follow him into the house.

He blocked her with his legs, and then reluctantly retreated.

Ding Ruyang was sitting in the house. When he saw Brother Qingyi blocking Brother Rujia from the door, he clapped his hands happily.

Every time during the Chinese New Year, he would go to his grandfather's house to eat the New Year's Eve dinner.

Brother Rujia and his family would quickly finish all the delicious food.

He was young and could not grab it from his brothers and sisters every time.

Those things, MingMing was brought there by his parents, and he ate the least in the end.

The brothers and sisters on his grandfather's side would not leave delicious food for him like Qingyi and his brother.

In the evening, when Bai Ye finished washing and went into the bedroom, Lin Yuyu was sitting in front of the dressing table doing skin care.

"Wife, we have always focused on the children's college entrance examination."

"This month, the "Leap Forward Report" on the industrial and agricultural production front has been continuously transmitted back."

"Just now, another member of the Huaguo Finance Group proposed that it is possible for the steel production capacity in North China to reach 8 million tons by the end of 1959."

"The slogan of surpassing Britain in five years and catching up with the United States in ten years has been spread."

"Add to that the three years of natural disasters, and our lives will not be easy in the next few years."

"Tomorrow happens to be Sunday, and we will take advantage of the fact that we don't need tickets to buy watches and bicycles now."

"They haven't implemented the high-price policy yet, so go buy the children's future watches and bicycles, and then temporarily put them in the space."

"Although when you need tickets to buy these things in the future, our units will definitely have tickets every year. The votes will be allocated."

"But it is certain that not everyone can get the votes at the same time."

"Even if the two of us can reasonably fight for these votes in the unit, we can't prevent the villain from reporting us."

"We are safe now because our parents hid their identities when they joined the army. They are still martyrs."

"The Chinese Party respects them. During our political review."

"If we could not produce the martyr certificates of our parents, we would not have asked so few questions at that time."

"Our life experience cannot withstand careful scrutiny. If we are really reported by someone with ulterior motives."

"No matter what the truth is in the end, we will have endless troubles."

I don't know why, when Lin Yu heard these words, Wan Ling's appearance flashed in his mind uncontrollably.

She looked at Bai Ye and nodded.

"Okay, let's go buy it tomorrow, just the two of us, without the kids."

"When the time comes, we'll change our watches to Shanghai brands."

"We're still wearing watches bought before the founding of the People's Republic of China, even though many people are wearing them now."

"But this watch is not completely made in China after all."

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