When Lin Ai returned home, Aunt Jiang was cooking rice porridge for her grandson in the kitchen.

She now locked all the food in their home in the cabinet.

Her daughter-in-law was becoming more and more unreliable.

Today, she saw Jiadong buy the rationed food and asked to take half of it to her mother's family.

If the family does not have enough food in the future, they can go to the black market to buy it.

The three of them can afford it.

Her mother's family cannot afford the food on the black market.

She was so angry when she thought of her daughter-in-law's words.

Seeing that her mother-in-law ignored her, Lin Ai turned and went into the bedroom.

She originally thought that her husband could talk to her, but now she only saw his back.

They did not understand her.

At this moment, in the military region of Beijing City.

A handsome man who looked three points like Lin Yuyu was sitting under the desk lamp working.

"Dong Dong Dong"

The man heard the knock on the door and did not stop writing the report.

"Come in"

"Commander, the child in the portrait has not been found yet."

"Did you get the list of candidates in the examination room at that time?"

Lin Yulin looked up and saw the guard standing in front of him.

He let himself lean back on the chair and gently closed his eyes to take a nap.

The guard scratched his head embarrassedly when he heard what his commander said.

"You didn't let me explain your identity. Those old-timers in the Education Bureau said that they don't keep such lists on file."

Lin Yulin raised his hand and rubbed his forehead and nodded, "I'll find it when I come back."

"I have to go to Yangshi Military Region for a meeting the day after tomorrow. Please arrange my schedule."

At this time, in the bedroom on the second floor of the Bai family.

Lin Yuyu leaned against the head of the bed, looking at the miscellaneous notes in his hand.

From time to time, he wanted to look up and see Bai Ye, who was sitting at the desk modifying the drawings, and couldn't help but flashing heartache in his eyes.

This time, there was really not much time given to build the Great Hall.

Anyone who participated in the construction, whether it was an architect like Aye or a construction worker on the front line, worked overtime day and night with all their heart and soul.

The next day, Lin Manyu rode her bicycle to the office at 7:40 as usual.

On the way to the office, she occasionally encountered colleagues congratulating her Dabao on his study, which was within her expectations.

Although there were only a few people in their Finance Department, the speed of passing on information was never slow, and it was unknown who was so quick to speak.

It had only been a few hours since this happened in the bureau, and people in other departments had already known that her son was in college.

In the Finance Department, Wan Ling saw Lin Manyu coming in and quickly turned around and winked at Li Huiying.

Li Huiying received Wan Ling's eyes and looked up at Lin Manyu.

"Hanyu, did you give birth to triplets?"

"We have been in the same office for such a long time, and no one knows about this."

Lin Hanyu lowered her head to hide the emotions in her eyes, and when she looked up again, her eyes were full of smiles.

"We haven't talked about this for a long time."

"I gave birth to three children, two sons and one daughter."

"They are studying at Hua University, Xiehe Medical College, and Peking University."

"My husband is an architectural designer in the design institute of the Urban Planning Administration Bureau."

Li Huiying saw that Lin Hanyu answered without asking, and said all she wanted to ask at once, and she felt a little embarrassed for a while.

She saw Lin Hanyu turned away, and she didn't ask anything else with good intentions.

Lin Hanyu sat at her desk, doing her work, and couldn't help but feel annoyed with Li Huiying and Wan Ling in her heart.

Her Dabao and her roommates had already known each other's basic family situation.

The roommate who started to bring up this topic was Li Huiying's nephew Zhang Weian.

With Li Huiying's energy, she would definitely ask her sister about her affairs.

Now she has time to act for Wan Ling here.

These two are really boring.

Time flies, and today is New Year's Eve.

Lin Yuyu is sitting in the office waiting to get off work like her colleagues.

Now it is not a rotating rest system in the unit, and the holidays given during the Spring Festival are all on the first, second and third days of the New Year.

Since she and A Ye started working in the unit, the day for their family to take family photos during the New Year has been changed to the second day of the New Year.

When Lin Yuyu returned to the courtyard, it was already half past four.

She took a look and saw the old lady who was sitting at the door of the Jiang family pushing her bicycle and walking straight home.

This old lady is Lin Ai's mother. Since food became scarce, she has come to the Jiang family every three or five days to make a scene.

Now the neighbors in the courtyard are hungry and have no energy to watch her repeatedly throwing tantrums.

Ding Qiang's police station often receives reports from Aunt Jiang.

This old lady has long been a frequent visitor to the police station.

Age, that is, criticism and education, the Jiang family really has no good solution for the time being.

When Lin Yuyu arrived home, the three treasures had already washed the vegetables and meat for the hot pot in the evening.

The children are on vacation, so she and A Ye can be much more relaxed in housework.

"Mom, there are several groups of people coming to Mingbo's house today."

Lin Yuyu turned her head to look at her second son when she heard this, and the action of changing her coat did not stop.

"Isn't it just Mingbo's grandma?"

The second treasure took a deep breath.

"First, Mingbo's uncle came with his two sons and Mingbo's grandma."

"Then, it was Mingbo's two aunts' homes."

"They were still talking about the opportunity to study at the door. If they were not too young, it might not be Mingbo's mother who went to study."

"If they were older at the time, they would choose them to go to school."

"They will definitely repay their natal family, and would rather suffer themselves than let their natal family suffer."

Later, I saw Grandma Jiang was going to find the police station to come to the house.

They all left, leaving Mingbo's grandmother alone here.

Grandma Jiang, just now she said that she wanted Mingbo's parents to divorce.

Lin Yuyu nodded and didn't take it to heart, thinking that the Lin family only had enough money for one child to go to school at that time.

Lin Ai's parents chose to let her go to school.

At night, the Jiang family in the back room of the main courtyard.

In the bedroom, Lin Ai looked at Jiang Jiadong lying on the bed without saying a word and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"I didn't send food to my mother's family, and I really couldn't stop them from making trouble."

"The police station couldn't do anything, how could my mother say that she wanted us to divorce."

Jiang Jiadong turned his back to Lin Ai and sighed softly.

"As long as you don't keep taking things from your mother's house, we won't get divorced."

"Mom, I was so angry today that I said this."

"My mother has lived a calm and elegant life for most of her life, and she has rarely been wronged."

"She has been more angry about these things in your family over the years than she has been in half her life."

At this point, Jiang Jiadong sat up and looked at Lin Ai seriously.

"Just two points, don't send things from home to your mother's house casually."

"Don't let my two sons be wronged because of your mother's family and things."

"We can still live our lives. If you can't do that, we will divorce."

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