The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meal.

Inn, in the room.

"Saint, Black Lotus has already set off with the messengers." The woman in red said to the saint on her knees.

"Very good, you destroyed my Red Lotus seed, I must destroy you." The saint opened her eyes and said viciously.

"Saint, will Black Lotus fall for it?" The woman in red looked at the saint and asked cautiously.

"Of course she will, because she is a moron." The saint smiled with a hook of her mouth.

"Saint, we suffered a great loss in Qingfeng City." The woman in red said.

"Get out!" The saint pointed to the door and said.

"Yes." The woman in red replied with some shock and quickly retreated.

"Damn Black Lotus, this time I'll let you die at the hands of Jade Face Yama." The Saint muttered as she looked at the night sky.

She was supposed to be the next leader of the White Lotus Sect, and her life should have been happy and carefree. Unexpectedly, a few years ago, the four evil catchers of the Six Gates laid a net, causing the previous Black Lotus and Red Lotus to die on the spot. If her master hadn't kept a backup plan, he would have died there.

This led to their generation being leaderless, and the bitch Black Lotus took this opportunity to directly give up the way of proving the truth with her mind and take the ordinary way of watching the mountains and the sea.

She and Red Lotus really can't beat Black Lotus now, and the inheritance seed of Red Lotus is still in the hands of Li Qingfeng, which makes things worse for them.

Now, half of the power of the White Lotus Sect is in the hands of Black Lotus, and she can only keep warm with the fool Red Lotus.

The Saint knew very well that the White Lotus Sect was a demon sect. If she died, after her master recovered, he would not help her to avenge herself, but would promote Black Lotus to be the next leader.

The position of the Demon Sect belongs to the capable. Killing one's father and mother is a piece of cake, not to mention killing a fellow disciple, which is not even a piece of cake.

The Saint could only throw the Peiyuan Pill into the Anle Palace. This is a ground-grade pill, which is specifically for the empty phenomenon caused by unstable realm.

She spent a lot of money to get this, just to let Hei Lian deliver it to her door.

That bitch has an almost twisted obsession with face, and the Saint knows that she will fall into the trap.

Moreover... Hei Lian now controls at most part of the power of the middle and upper levels, and those elders above Wanghai are still watching.

Hei Lian has no reason to refuse, both publicly and privately.


In the next room

"What a pity, the last plan didn't work, and it was almost exposed." Hong Lian was lying on the bed, shaking her feet and thinking.

"Tsk tsk, if you didn't have big breasts and a nice butt, I wouldn't be a follower behind you." Hong Lian turned over and closed her eyes and thought.


Jiangnan Road, Branch Hall.

"Master, you can't go to Anle Palace." The subordinate lowered his head and advised while looking at the black skirt on the ground.

"No need to say, I must go." The cold and beautiful woman in black skirt said gently.

"If we get Peiyuan Pill, we can get the elders to support us." Hei Lian murmured while looking at the candlelight.

"What if we can't get it?" The subordinate said sincerely.

"If we can't get it... it will make our Holy Church famous again. Don't worry, I won't joke about my life." Hei Lian chuckled, with an unquestionable firmness in her tone.

She wants to go to the top and make everyone bow down.

If she doesn't go to the top, she will blow herself up and bring the biggest fireworks to the world.

She doesn't want to die in obscurity, and she doesn't want to become the bones that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

Bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles.

If one out of a hundred people dies, it will break people's hearts.

This is the last scene left by the last dynasty.

A flash of determination flashed across Hei Lian's eyes. She wanted to let everyone in the world know that there was such a person as her, and that was all.

"Little guy, this is death. Do you want to die so humbly?"

Hei Lian thought about the master's joking question and the master who died silently now, and raised the corner of his mouth.

"Master, you died... like a dog." Hei Lian stood up, took the black whip, and thought with some sarcasm.

The three lotuses of the White Lotus Sect.

Bai Lian, pure and holy, the mother of no birth, the hometown of the vacuum, leading to bliss, saving the world.

Hong Lian, compassionate, the master of Hong Lian, sees through hypocrisy, and kills the evil people hidden in the believers and the hall master.

Hei Lian, awe-inspiring without anger, the master of Hei Lian, punishes evil and eliminates evil, and will punish all evil people.

Because of her faith in the White Lotus Sect Leader, the Black Lotus could not bear to kill the evildoers, and because of the pain in her heart, the lotus turned black.

This is the believers

They believed it without a doubt, but the Saint, Red Lotus, and Black Lotus all knew that it was bullshit.

White Lotus was responsible for deceiving the world and sucking the marrow out of people.

Red Lotus was responsible for cleaning up the people who discovered the true face of the White Lotus Sect.

Black Lotus was responsible for killing people, killing outsiders. All the filth was because they were bad, and Black Lotus had to do it. The Mother of No Life is always clean and pure, and she is untainted by the mud.

Black Lotus certainly knew that this was the work of the Saint. This conspiracy was like a challenge letter, asking her if she would accept it.

Of course she would accept it, and she would win.

"Let's go, for the hometown of Zhenkong." Black Lotus walked in front, wearing a mask and said.

"Zhenkong hometown, paradise!" These fanatical hall masters had fiery eyes.

In their opinion, they can return to Zhenkong hometown after death.

The undercurrent will eventually surface.


Anle Palace, martial arts field.

"Heavenly Sword Classic, Eastern Azure Dragon." Jian Wuyong brushed his finger across the long sword, and a mysterious dragon shadow slowly emerged on the sword.

"Earthly Sword Classic, Fierce Beast Ambition, Taotie." Wen Lin's long sword cut through his finger, and a wild breath swept across the whole place.

Then, the mysterious Azure Dragon phantom collided with the ferocious Taotie phantom, and Jian Wu's mouth curled.

"Heavenly Sword Classic, Thunder Sky." Jian Wu stepped on the ground, and the purple light flashing on the sword body was breathtaking.

"What?!" Wen Lin looked at the moves that his senior brother had never used before, and was stunned for a moment. The purple light came to Wen Lin in an instant.

A large purple light ball made it difficult for people to open their eyes, and then a thunderstorm sounded, and Wen Lin, who was engulfed by the lightning, was blown away the next moment.

"You tampered with the sword classic, just wait!" Wen Lin looked at his tattered spiritual clothes, stood up a little embarrassedly and said.

"Hairstyle, it suits you very well." Jian Wu put the sword back into the sheath and said lightly.

"What..." Wen Lin immediately touched his hair after hearing this. His long black hair turned into a fluffy afro.

"Come and die!" Wen Lin stepped on the ground and waved the sword in his hand like the wind.

"Naughty." Jian Wu raised the corner of his mouth, and the love-forgetting sword technique in his hand effortlessly blocked Wen Lin's swift attack.

After a while, Wen Lin's sword was knocked out.

"In twenty years, have you ever beaten me once?" Jian Wu stepped on Wen Lin's butt and said generously.

Wen Lin felt that his life was over. Not only did he lose his image, but his black history was also dug out like this.

Li Junsu looked at the two funny people below and stroked his forehead.

"It has to be the Six Gates again." Yan Gui leaned back and looked at Li Junsu, thinking proudly.

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