The old man was in a hurry to get out of bed.

Six Gates, martial arts arena.

"Boss, what shall we do next?" Su An followed Li Junsu and asked attentively.

"Wait." Li Junsu said lightly.

Next, we just need to wait, wait for the business to grow, wait for the He family to apply enough eye drops to Shi Sheng... wait for Fang Dayi to be itchy because of the booming business.

It's time for me to start practicing, Fengdu Funeral Blade and Huangquan Biluo Finger, must be a small success.

Next, it's time to make all preparations for the life-and-death battle with Wang Hai.

Now, the initiative is in the hands of the Six Gates.

"By the way, didn't you say you wanted to practice with me?" Li Junsu said, looking at Su An.

Su An just waved his right hand, indicating that he was not ready yet.

Li Junsu raised his eyebrows.

"I am practicing swordsmanship." Su An patted his chest and said.

Li Junsu could only nod his head and then began to practice.

"Isn't your swordsmanship pretty good?" Su An said in surprise.

"How should I put it? If I fight with the boss, I will have a bad feeling." Su An touched his neck and explained.


Inn, room.

"It should be okay." White smoke condensed in the room, and Yun Wuji's figure emerged.

After a month of feeding by Su An and the other party's chattering, although Yun Wuji didn't meet Li Junsu very often, he already had a rough outline of Li Junsu in his heart.

He is very gentle to ordinary people, and his way of dealing with things is also very decent. He hates people who don't follow the rules and has a strong murderous nature.

If it weren't for the last impression, Yun Wuji would have planned to take Li Junsu away, and Tai Shangmen would be more suitable for him.

The last impression came out. In Yun Wuji's mind, Li Junsu was more suitable for the uniform of the Six Gates, rather than the Taoist robe.

"Action." Yun Wuji thought about the plan he had thought of, and got up and left.


Six Gates, martial arts field.

"Chief Constable Li." Yun Wuji looked at the blood on Zhao Handao and spoke softly.

"Ji Yun, what's wrong?" Li Junsu came back to his senses from the attraction of Fengdu Funeral Knife and looked at Yun Wuji.

The feeling that Fengdu Funeral Knife gave Li Junsu was that it needed a strong person to sacrifice the knife, and the stronger, the better the effect.

It can't be said that he and him are a perfect match, but they can be regarded as being in the same boat.

"Trouble you take me home." Yun Wuji said.

"No problem." Li Junsu sheathed the knife and agreed.

Li Junsu was really curious about where Yun Wuji came from. Zhao An searched all the villages along the coast, big and small, and found nothing.

Li Junsu saw Yun Wuji's stupid look, so he didn't dare to leave him alone.

But seeing him like this, it was true that no one was threatening him.

"Can you ride a horse?" Li Junsu asked as he walked.

Yun Wuji nodded suspiciously.

In fact, he didn't know how to ride a horse. If there was anything, he would just turn into white smoke and determine the location.

But he couldn't reveal any flaws.

"You lead the way." Li Junsu handed the reins of the white horse to Yun Wuji, then walked to his own horse and climbed on it.

Yun Wuji also climbed on the horse in a similar manner, and then pulled the reins.

After all, he was a cultivator, so he quickly became proficient, or it could be said that the aura on his body made the white horse under him feel very comfortable.

So Yun Wuji didn't need to worry about it, and the horse ran by itself.


Ran from noon to sunset, and finally arrived in front of a big mountain.

"Do you live on the mountain?" Li Junsu looked at Yun Wuji with some novelty.

Yun Wuji nodded and got off the horse.

Li Junsu tied the reins and followed Yun Wuji's back.

Yun Wuji was walking in front, and Li Junsu followed him as if he was going outing. He smelled the fragrance of grass and soil, and his mind relaxed.


"We're here." Yun Wuji's words interrupted Li Junsu's meditation.

Li Junsu opened his eyes and saw a simple little village with the words "Baiyun Village" written on it.

The night was hanging high in the sky, and the dim lights and smoke made the little village warm and quiet.

"Are you back?" The old man sitting at the door said with a smile.

"I'm leaving." Li Junsu looked at the kind-looking old man, then looked at Ji Yun and waved his hand.

It turned out that this kid lived in the mountains, no wonder Zhao An couldn't find him.

"Young man, stay for dinner." The old man called Li Junsu.

"No need, it's just a piece of cake." Li

Jun Su said.

"Let's have a meal. I've troubled you these days." Yun Wuji also said sincerely.

"Okay." Seeing that the two were so persistent, Li Junsu agreed.

Then, Li Junsu followed Yun Wuji into the village.

"Young man, you said... people live their whole lives for freedom... or responsibility?" The old man suddenly asked with some emotion.

"Children are free, and responsibility will make children grow up." Li Junsu paused and spoke slowly.

"That's right." The old man smiled and said.

Yun Wuyou, the sixteenth generation leader of Taishangmen.

"Why don't cultivators live for freedom?" Yun Wuyou, who had just joined Taishangmen, asked in confusion.

"This freedom... let them take a look for me." Many years later, Yun Wuyou just sat in front of the mountain gate of Taishangmen, looking into the distance, and said with a smile.

This is Yun Wuji's idea, to have a fairy fate.

The whole Baiyun Village is a dream bubble.

By the way...let him hear Li Junsu's thoughts.

"Where is your home?" Li Junsu asked, looking at the back in front of him.

He always felt that Yun Wuji seemed to be more agile.

"There." Yun Wuji pointed to a simple wooden house next to him, and then walked forward.

Li Junsu followed his steps, and the two soon arrived in front of the wooden house.

"The conditions are good." Li Junsu looked at the wooden fence in front of him and praised.


"Xiaoyun is back?"

Just as Yun Wuji responded, a kind voice sounded.


"Oh, thank you so much." The village chief shook Li Junsu's hand kindly and thanked him.

"It's just a small effort." Li Junsu responded somewhat helplessly.

But the village chief had to thank Li Junsu no matter what, and then took Li Junsu to the center of the village.

It seemed that today was a festival, and everyone was sitting around the bonfire.

Li Junsu was also looking at some magnificent buildings behind him, a little surprised.

"Today is a good day to pray for God's blessing." The village chief looked at the somewhat curious Li Junsu and explained with a smile.

"Please pray to God to give everyone a smooth next year." The village chief pulled Li Junsu to sit down, and the big pot in front of them was filled with rich dishes.

"It's just right, come, let's eat together." The village chief said, serving dishes to Yun Wuji and Li Junsu.

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