The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 1075 No matter how many people come, they are all the same!

Cardinal was startled by Lu Chen's tone, because she didn't expect Lu Chen to be confident enough to say such a thing.

But Chase Lu ignored her and walked forward instead.

At this moment in the front, the person loomed and said, "Whoever breaks into this place will die!"

This tone frightened Yun Zhong, so he took a step back immediately, but Lu Chen didn't take it seriously, and continued to move forward, that person immediately got angry, "You're looking for death!"

I saw a blue dagger flying out of the opponent's hand, and it passed through Lu Chen.

Cardinal thought Lu Chen was "hit", and Yun Zhong and others knew that Lu Chen was not afraid of magic attacks, so they were not too surprised.

On the contrary, the guardian who shot thought that he had hit Lu Chen, so Lu Chen should be disabled or something.

What both the other party and Cardinal didn't expect was that Lu Chen was fine, and even stared at the guardian, "Shouldn't you continue?"

"You, why is nothing wrong?" The man was puzzled.

Lu Chen looked at the guardian with a smile, "Why is there something wrong?"

"It seems that I underestimated you!" After the other party finished speaking, the momentum on his body became stronger, and the blue light flickered, and the blue light turned into a blue sword shadow, and then sprinted towards Lu Chen's "body" one by one.

咻咻咻~ Crazy attacks, like a rain of swords, crazily washed down on Lu Chen's "body".

It's just that what these people never dreamed of was that Lu Chen was fine.

Cardinal murmured, "It's really not easy."

As for the guardian, he was a little scared, but Lu Chen stared at him, "Your strength is too weak!"

The other party asked, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know." Lu Chen stared at the other party and smiled.

"Then I won't ask, but boy, if you have the guts, keep going." The other party turned cold towards Lu Chen in order to find a way for him to step down, and then backed away step by step, and finally disappeared.

Beat off?

Jie and Hongque never expected such a result, but Lu Chen looked at Yun Zhong and the others behind him, "Stand behind me later, or you will be crushed to death by the surrounding forces."

Yun Zhong and the others nodded, but they didn't understand why standing behind Chen Lu was fine, and Cardinal and Jie also wanted to know, so Cardinal also asked Chase Lu, "Why does the aura around here have no effect on them? ?”

"These auras will lock the target, and I am their target now, so those auras will naturally lock me." Lu Chen smiled confidently.

"Locked? But I've never heard of it." Cardinal didn't believe it.

Jie was also very puzzled, but Lu Chen explained, "That's because you were ignorant before, so it's not surprising that you don't know!"

Cardinal and Jie's expressions changed, but Lu Chen didn't continue to speak, but continued to move forward.

And the people walking behind were naturally fine.

However, this situation continued until when he was about to walk out of the tunnel, a group of figures appeared in front of him, and these people, like the ones who slipped away just now, were the guardians here.

Seeing the guardian just now, seeing that Lu Chen and the others had come out without incident at all, their expression changed drastically. Someone asked the guardian, "Qianlan, didn't you say that they would be crushed to death by this aura?"

Qian Lan was the guardian Lu Chen met for the first time.

When Qian Lan was asked by the crowd, he said with an ugly face, "I really don't know about this."

"No matter what, we have to stop them." An elder said, and the others thought it made sense, so they discussed how to stop Chase Lu.

Cardinal reminded behind Chen Lu, "These are the top ten guardians."

"Whether it's one or ten, to me, it's just a number." Lu Chen said to the cardinal.

Cardinal's face was ugly, and he didn't even know what to say, but Lu Chen looked at the guardians, "Are you all together? Or come one by one."

These guardians, in the past few years, have never met Lu Chen who is so arrogant, or even Lu Chen who is so weak.

Therefore, these guardians are very unhappy.

Some people still stared at Lu Chen and warned, "Boy, do you want to die?"

"Is it just you?" Lu Chen looked at them with a smile.

Qian Lan became furious, and said to everyone, "Everyone, let's perform the guardian technique of ten people together!"

"it is good!"

These people responded, and then they worked together, and then a colorful cover covered Chen Lu there, and the cardinal was startled when he saw it, "Ten defensive skills!"

Jie said even more ugly, "This is troublesome."

Yun Zhong was puzzled, "What are the Ten Shou Techniques?"

Linque looked at Yun Zhong, "Ten defensive skills are the power of ten people gathered together, and then exploded with a hundred times the power, so once a person is attacked by this kind of attack, nine out of ten people will be scrapped."

"So powerful?" Yun Zhong was startled when he heard that, and Dong Hai and Yan Lian knew Lu Chen's ability, so they didn't worry at all after seeing Lu Chen so confident.

Cardinal looked at Dong Hai and the others, "Aren't you worried?"

Dong Hai said confidently, "Senior has never failed before."

The cardinals wondered how they were so confident, but the ten were very proud, as if they had picked up something cheap.

Some people even looked at Lu Chen with a smile, "Boy, surrender obediently."

"Boy, you are still young, and the future has infinite possibilities."


Everyone thought that persuasion would make Lu Chen give up resistance, but Lu Chen looked at them, "Do you think you can take me down with this little power?"

Seeing that Chase Lu was not only fine, but also dared to mock them, Qian Lan despised Chase Lu, "Boy, it's just the beginning, but it will end soon, and you will know how to die by then."

Lu Chen smiled without saying a word.

Seeing that Lu Chen dared to laugh, Qian Lan despised him, "Are you really not afraid of death?"

"Dead? Why do you want to die?" Lu Chen looked at Qian Lan with a smile.

Qian Lan said coldly, "It seems that I have to let you know how weak I am!"

After finishing speaking, the strength of the ten people increased, and there were crackling sounds all over Chase Lu.

Seeing this, Cardinal worried, "Can you stop it?"

Not only Cardinal, but Jie was also worried, but after a while, Lu Chen was still fine, as if those forces didn't do anything to him at all.

Therefore, those guardians were all dumbfounded.

Qian Lan was not reconciled, but said to the others, "Let's swallow the elixir, so that the explosive power will be stronger."

"Then what kind of elixir should I use?" someone asked.

"Just use the ten-person pill!" Qian Lan said to everyone.

After thinking for a while, everyone prepared a pill one by one, and the expression of the cardinal who heard the ten-person pill changed drastically, "This is going to be troublesome!"

"What is the ten-person pill?" Yun Zhong asked doubtfully.

(end of this chapter)

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