The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 113 Six-Star Celestial Corpse!

Ruth couldn't go in, so he could only wait outside the fog.

The onlookers were curious about what was going on with the cry just now.

As for Lu Chen, he had already rushed under the ghost tree, just in time to see Jarrow surrounded by a group of corpse bearers, and each of these corpse bearers was pulling a black chain.

I saw the black chain entangled Jarrow, making him struggle there, but what made him uncomfortable was not the chain, but a figure standing among the pile of corpses in the distance.

The figure was looming in the mist, and it was impossible to see the figure's appearance clearly, but a crisp flute sound came, which made Jarrow very uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Chase Lu immediately went over, pressing his hands on both sides of this Jarrow's ears, and a black air flow radiated from Chase Lu's hands. The next moment, this Jarrow was much better immediately.

But he still looked at Lu Chen weakly, "Senior!...."

"It's okay!" Chase Lu calmed down, but the flute sound changed frequency at this time, and those corpse-carrying people seemed to be affected by these sounds, then immediately put away the chains and hit them towards Chase Lu.

Lu Chen unlocked the power of the corpse king in the world of celestial corpses.

A strange momentum emanated, and those corpse-carrying people showed an instinctive fear, immediately let go of the chains, and retreated one after another.

The flute player in the dark paused for a while, as if feeling strange, he increased his strength.

Those corpse-carrying men, all with blank eyes, rushed over again.

Lu Chen knew that going on like this was not an option. After all, once these corpse-carrying people were controlled, they could no longer control themselves, so Lu Chen could only defeat them, or stop the voice of the man behind them.

So Lu Chen didn't even think about it, directly changed the power in his body, turned it into magic energy, and took out the magic shadow bow, and cast "Devil Sky Arrow".

The ten arrows gathered together and shot out.

Sensing the source of the crisis, the figure immediately stopped the sound of the flute, and then jumped, but the most magical part of this Magic Sky Arrow is that it will follow people unless it is broken up.

So the arrow chased after him.

The figure had no choice but to flick the flute, and a black afterimage hit the arrow shadow.

The arrow shadow was scattered, and after the man stabilized, he planned to continue playing the flute.

Lu Chen sneered, "I see you blow faster, or I attack faster!"

Then Lu Chen frantically controlled the bow, letting it condense the arrow energy.

Almost every breath, there are ten arrows gathered together and shot out, and the man frantically resisted and attacked frantically. In the end, he had no choice but to stay away from here.

Those corpse bearers turned into corpse gas one by one, and then disappeared from the spot.

Jarrow breathed a sigh of relief, "Senior, who is that guy?"

"A girl, a ghost cultivator, who also knows some corpse-fighting techniques!"

"Ghost cultivator? Corpse control?"

"Yes, there are only two kinds of people who can walk freely here, one is a corpse, the other is a ghost cultivator, and she is not a corpse, but a flexible ghost cultivator!"

Hearing this, Jaro wondered, "Why did she deal with me!"

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen said, "These corpse-carrying people should have something to do with her, and they meet corpses here every day, but you have absorbed the corpse energy here, so she thinks that you are destroying this place!"

"Destroy this place?" This Jarrow stared wide-eyed.

Lu Chen looked around, "Maybe, there is something they want here, but your appearance has affected this thing."

Jia Luo didn't understand very well, so Lu Chen had no choice but to say, "It seems that this place is not suitable for staying for a long time."

"Then shall we go?"

"Let's go? That can't be cheap for them!" Lu Chen immediately had an idea, and that Jarrow had no idea what Lu Chen meant.

At this time, Lu Chen came to the edge of the ghost tree and started to set up formations around, and Jarrow was a formation master. When he saw Lu Chen's formation here, he was surprised, "Senior, you Do you want to set up an formation here?"

"Well, the energy-gathering array is similar to the spirit-gathering array, but what I want to gather is the corpse energy here!" After Lu Chen finished speaking, he continued to work on himself.

Corpse gas?

This Jarrow didn't understand very well. Instead, Russ who was outside was still waiting anxiously. After half a day, the surrounding black mist gradually dissipated.

The people outside also slowly saw the situation inside the mist.

I saw corpses piled up there like a mountain, and at the very center, there was a big black tree, but at this moment, there was a black enchantment around the big tree.

In this enchantment, Chase Lu and that Jarrow are inside.

Ruth hurried over, stood outside the black barrier, and when he was about to go in, Chase Lu reminded, "It's full of corpse gas, so don't come in!"

"Then you, are you okay?" Ruth asked concerned.

After Lu Chen shook his head, Ruth breathed a sigh of relief, but the onlookers were stunned after seeing so many corpses here.

Not only that, everyone also saw the aura emanating from all around, and they would actively be absorbed by the black enchantment.

Everyone even saw an astonishing scene, countless black spirit fruits suddenly grew on that ghost corpse tree.

"Look, that black fruit!"

"This, this is a lot!"

Seeing these fruits, Lu Chen murmured to himself, "I never thought that the ghost corpse tree can really produce black spirit fruit!"

Before, Chase Lu was a little skeptical, so he didn't try it, and now he was leaving, so he planned to use the corpse energy around him, but in the end he made a black spirit fruit.

This can be regarded as a windfall.

But everyone didn't know, they thought the tree would grow like this, so they all got excited, and some even shouted, "Quick, go in and get it!"

Afterwards, many people went crazy and planned to rush into the barrier, but this barrier directly blocked these people.

So someone began to have a weird idea.

Only one person shouted to Lu Chen, "This brother, that one, can you sell me a fruit?"

Seeing this, other people shouted one after another, and the prices were getting higher and higher.

Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, "Not for sale!"

Now, everyone was in a hurry, thinking that Lu Chen wanted to swallow these black spirit fruits all by himself, so someone asked, "Are you planning to swallow these black spirit fruits all by yourself?"

"If I didn't gather the surrounding corpses here, would you have a chance to see this tree? Do you have a chance to see these fruits?" Lu Chen laughed strangely.

Even though they said that, everyone just couldn't accept this fact. Instead, they asked Lu Chen to sell it to them, and some even threatened that if Lu Chen didn't give it, they would turn to Lu Chen for trouble.

Who knows that Ruth said coldly there, "Who dares to touch him?"

These people immediately quieted down, but they were still whispering in private.

Chase Lu ignored them, instead he took the fruits one by one and let Jia Luo swallow them.

After seeing Lu Chen giving the fruit to a mummy, everyone scolded and abused everything.

But there are also people who are envious.

"This guy is too good for that mummy!"

"No, I'm so envious!"

As for Jia Luo, he was so excited that he swallowed those fruits, while Lu Chen assisted him by using the Heavenly Corpse Technique together to absorb the power of those fruits.

Then everyone saw a shocking scene.

That was the slight change in Jarrow's aura.

I saw that the black circle of light that emanated changed from one circle to two circles, three circles...

When it stopped after six laps, that Jia Luo said excitedly, "Senior, I, I am a six-star corpse!"

The six-star celestial corpse... Everyone's eyes widened.

(end of this chapter)

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