The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 1184 Adding it all up, he's no match for him!

Lu Chen smiled half-smile, and then a "music box" appeared in his hand.

Seeing the "music box", You Tai didn't understand, "Boy, what are you doing?"

"Wait a minute, you'll understand!"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, the "music box" rang, and the sound made the connection between the afterimage behind him and Youtai gradually separated, especially Youtai, as if something attached to his soul disappeared.

"This." You Tai was stunned.

Lu Chen smiled strangely, "This thing is attached to your soul, and at the same time uses your soul power to do things, so if I peel it off from your body now, it will gradually lose its power."

"What?" You Tai thought she had heard wrong, and looked at Lu Chen strangely.

Lu Chen smiled, didn't say much, but continued until the other party left You Taihun completely, and Lu Chen sucked the afterimage into the "music box" little by little.

You Tai was immediately dumbfounded.

"You can tell me now, what's going on?" Lu Chen looked at You Tai with a smile.

You were too confused, "No, I can't say it."

"Can't tell yet?"

"Yes!" You Tai seemed worried.

Lu Chen laughed evilly, "Then, I have to resort to means."

"I won't tell you the tricks." You Tai said resolutely.

Lu Chen smiled, and then released the Dreaming Purple Qi, and You Tai didn't know what it was at first, but he, who couldn't move, became confused under the Dreaming Purple Qi.

"You, what did you do to me?" After saying this, Mrs. You gradually fell into a coma.

After about a while, You Tai woke up, but in the "dream", and in the dream, he found that he had no strength at all, as if he was not himself at all.

"Boy, what are you doing?" You Tai roared furiously.

Lu Chen looked at it with a smile, "This is your dream, but this dream is under my control."

"What?" The other party asked in complete disbelief.

Lu Chen naturally demonstrated it to him, and You Tai found that he would be out of control. After answering Lu Chen's words, he was shocked, "You!"

"Tell me, why do you have the Nether Pill?"

"The Nether Pill is a elixir that we have preserved for generations." You Tai explained.

"Preserved for generations?" Lu Chen was suspicious.

You Tai enunciated, "Yes, from ancient times to the present, each generation of elders will be in charge of the wealth left by the elders of the You family, and You Ming Pill is one of them."

Lu Chen asked suspiciously, "This Nether Pill, as far as I know, only the Nether Patriarch can make it. How do you have it?"

"It is said that our ancestors obtained a batch of pills in a crack, and the Nether Pill is in it." You Tai explained.

After hearing this, Lu Chen asked again, "Then, why are you so hostile to me, and even want to kill me!"

You Tai looked ugly, "Yes, it's the afterimage."

"The afterimage?"

"My ancestors said that you can't take too much Nether Pill, otherwise it will easily cause people to hallucinate, but because I want to break through the bottleneck and increase my lifespan, I swallow one every 10,000 years. There are more afterimages, and this afterimage was just when I was retreating, let me kill you."

Lu Chen didn't understand, "The afterimage produced by the Nether Pill, let you kill me?"


"Then do you know why?"

"I, I don't know." You Tai said that she had no idea why.

Lu Chen had no choice but to bless him with a ghost seal, then exit his dream, and in Youtai's conscious space, take out the "music box" and let the afterimage appear.

"Tell me, who are you and why did you kill me!"

The afterimage remained silent, but Lu Chen frowned, "You don't think I can't do anything to you, do you?"

The other party still didn't speak, so Chase Lu tried to make the "music box" release sound to repair it, but it still didn't move at all.

The soul of You Tai, who was watching from the side, explained, "It seldom talks, unless there is something that needs me to do something, it will speak!"

"Then how many times has it opened its mouth? What else did it ask you to do?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"It's been prescribed five times, and every time it's made me swallow the Nether Pill, and it's only been in the past 50,000 years." You Tai explained.

Lu Chen was suspicious, "It's as simple as letting you swallow the Nether Pill?"

"Hmm!" You Tai hummed.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen tried to release the dream purple energy to the afterimage, but the other party was not affected at all, so Lu Chen grabbed the afterimage with one hand.

This afterimage is like a lifeless shadow, no matter how Lu Chen senses it, he cannot sense its consciousness.

But after meeting for a long time, Chase Lu discovered an interesting thing, that is the true face of this thing, it is a kind of corpse soul, and it is still controlled by people.

So Lu Chen flashed coldly, "Corpse Puppet Soul!"

"Corpse puppet soul?" You Tai didn't understand at all.

Lu Chen explained, "Many corpses are unconscious, so some people will make corpses into puppets, put them in some pills or gas, and then let people take them, and let the corpses puppet , attached to other people's souls, and then."

You Tai stared wide-eyed, "Could it be You, You Ming Pill?"

"Is there any Nether Pill?"

"Yes, it's in my magic weapon!" You Tai said anxiously.

"I will exit your consciousness space now, and then you will give me all the remaining pills!" Chase Lu put away the "music box" and exited Youtai's consciousness space.

The people waiting outside, seeing Lu Chen coming out, all wondered what Lu Chen did to this Youtai, so the hunchbacked old man asked, "That, little brother, him?"

"He's fine."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he put away his divided soul, and that Mrs. You also woke up.

Everyone immediately became alert, but Mrs. You was very polite to Lu Chen, especially took out a small black box to Lu Chen, "The rest of the Nether Pills are here!"

Everyone immediately became puzzled, and some even muttered, "What's wrong with being too old?"

"Could it be repaired by him, honestly?"

"Then this kid is too scary!"

"Keep your voice down, don't let him hear you!"


Lu Chen ignored everyone's comments, but took the small box, and after opening it, he found that there were dozens of dark, corpse-like Nether pills inside and said, "You all leave the temple, I have something to do!"

all leave?

Everyone was stunned, but You Tai glanced at everyone and said coldly, "Didn't you hear that? Get out!"

Everyone shouted, and Shi Long looked at Lu Chen, "My lord, do you need me to stay?"

"You go out too!" Chase Lu urged the stone dragon.

Shi Long hummed, and left here with everyone, and Lu Chen began to form formations in the temple.

When he came outside the temple, the hunchbacked old man immediately said cautiously to You Tai, "Too old, it's not that we didn't help you just now, but rather."

Seeing this, other people also "admitted their mistakes".

But Mrs. You gave everyone a blank look, "It was useless for you to help me just now!"

Everyone didn't understand the meaning of these words, but Mrs. You said again, "All of us together are no match for him!"


Everyone showed surprise.

(end of this chapter)

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