The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 126 All Heavenly Soul Tokens Gather, Leading to Interesting Secrets!

The Temple of Heavenly Soul is the nightmare of all major forces.

So as soon as the words came out, countless people rushed up, trying to attack Lu Chen.

Lu Chen took out four merged Heavenly Soul Tokens, "Do you know what this is?"

Everyone could see the outline and the aura above it, so they all got startled, "Heavenly Soul Token?"

"That's right, the Heavenly Soul Tokens of District 1, District 2, District 5, and District 6 are all with me. Presumably, there are people here, from these districts?" Lu Chen said.

Some people in the second district started talking about it.

Lu Chen smiled, "You guys are from Tianshuang Pavilion."

These people nodded.

"Look at you, are you free?" Lu Chen said, making them curious to check themselves.

These people checked themselves curiously, and found that the sense of restraint was indeed missing from them.

This confused the people in Tianshuang Pavilion, and they all wondered what was going on.

After Lu Chen explained one by one, the people in Tianshuang Pavilion knew that they had been "liberated" by Lu Chen.

This made those Tianshuang Pavilion people very happy.

People from other forces showed envious expressions.

Lu Chen looked at the others with a smile, "If you want to be as free as them, come here, and I will help you get back your blood!"

Everyone was dubious, but the demon envoy gasped behind his back, "Whoever dares to go there will be killed by the Temple of Heavenly Soul!"

"Tianhun Palace? Does it dare to come?" Lu Chen smiled half-smile.

The demon envoy was annoyed, "As long as they betray, they will definitely come!"

Everyone began to hesitate, and Lu Chen smiled at everyone with the Heavenly Soul Token, "Do you really want to try?"

Some people who yearned for freedom immediately stood up and asked Chase Lu for help.

After Lu Chen was satisfied, he asked them to force out some of his own blood.

Everyone followed suit, but the demon envoy behind was angrily cursing, "You, you will not end well!"

However, after a while, Lu Chen used the blood array that had already been arranged around him to suck a piece of Heavenly Soul Token engraved with three times into his hand.

Everyone was startled.

Lu Chen looked around with a smile, "Who is from the third district?"

At this time, some blood donors took their hands, while those who did not donate blood stood up.

Afterwards, Chase Lu received the four district tokens, and the seven district tokens, and got three yuan at once. After looking at the three yuan, Lu Chen said, "I'll unlock it for you!"

Many people didn't believe it at first, but when Chen Lu untied the blood shadows one by one and set them free, all of them became excited.

And Chase Lu himself merged the tokens of the three, four and seven districts into the original one.

In this way, I have merged one to seven yuan.

Not only that, Lu Chen found that the blood soul stone demon energy in the soul order of the day became stronger instead.

"Could it be that the more fusion, the stronger the magic energy?" Seeing this, Lu Chen muttered to himself.

At this moment, people from Districts 8 to 10 were in a hurry, and they all came forward to ask Chase Lu for help.

Lu Chen was naturally willing to help and asked them to take blood, while the demon messengers in the dark threatened him in various ways, but no matter what, everyone didn't listen to him, as if they completely forgot his existence.

Instead, Lu Chen easily got eight to ten Heavenly Soul Tokens and liberated them.

But what makes Lu Chen feel strange is that after the blood soul stones in the ten heavenly soul orders are fused together, there are still many missing corners.

"Could it be more than ten tokens?" Lu Chen was suspicious.

But soon, Chase Lu discovered a powerful attraction that was pulling the fused Heavenly Soul Token.

And the force of this traction is exactly the ground.

"Underground?" Lu Chen wondered if there was a Heavenly Soul Token underground.

In order to understand, Lu Chen looked at the happy people and asked, "Everyone, I have a question for you!"

"Senior, tell me!" Someone stepped forward.

Although Lu Chen's cultivation base is only foundation building, Lu Chen's ability is enough for these people to respect him as a senior.

"What are you called here for?" Chase Lu wanted to confirm whether there were other arrangements for these people to be sent here.

Sure enough, these people immediately started chatting.

It turned out that these people were sent here to find a stone tablet.

"Stone tablet?" Lu Chen wondered what this has to do with the rest of the Heavenly Soul Token, but the demon messenger in the dark said angrily, "Traitors, a group of traitors!"

Everyone didn't bother to pay attention, but left here one by one.

After a while, only Lu Chen was left here.

Ruth walked down and asked curiously, "Why don't you go?"

"No hurry, I'll find something." Chase Lu began to look for the place corresponding to that strong traction.

But the demon emissary threatened, "Boy, I tell you, don't touch that thing, or you will regret it!"

"Tell me, what exactly is the stele you asked them to find?" Lu Chen wanted to see if he could get something out of this man.

In order to prevent Lu Chen from looking for that thing, the demon messenger really said, "There is a huge blood soul stone below, and the ten pieces on the Heavenly Soul Token fell from this huge blood soul stone!"

"So, the ten pieces I fused are only a small part of the huge blood soul stone below?"

"That's right!" The emissary thought Lu Chen would scare him away.

Lu Chen laughed, "Thank you very much."

"Thank you? What? You don't mean to dig it out, do you?"

"You can dig, why can't I?" Lu Chen sneered, and the demon messenger threatened, "I tell you, the blood soul stone below is countless times stronger than the fusion in your hand, so the magic emanating from there Qi is also very powerful!"

"so what?"

"Powerful demon energy! Even a real demon cultivator dare not approach, let alone you!" The demon envoy thought that this would make Lu Chen retreat.

"You don't dare, but it doesn't mean I don't dare!"

"Just blow it!" The demon messenger snorted.

But Chase Lu looked at Ruth, "Can you shatter the ground here?"

"This, you need something sharp!"

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen pulled out the Nine Nether Xu Sword, and then thrust the sword into the ground, "How about this?"

"I'll try!" Ruth came to the edge of the sword, and the next moment, after taking a deep breath, he grabbed the hilt with both hands, and then yelled, thrusting the sword into the ground forcefully.

Not only that, when Russ pulled out the sword, some purple light magic energy leaked from the ground, and it was a bit thick.

Ruth then punched the ground.

The ground immediately cracked a little.

"Okay, let me do the rest!" Chase Lu asked Ruth to step aside, and immediately cast Jin Canquan.

A series of golden light fist shadows fell on this crack, making the crack wider.

The demon messenger in the dark cursed secretly, "Monster!"

Ruth was also attracted by this punch.

But Chase Lu didn't stop, and tried a few more punches. Finally, after a small hole appeared, Chase Lu poked his head in and found something surprising.

I saw a piece of purple demonic energy very thick, and surrounded a blood-colored stone tablet.

Not only that, there is a groove on the stone tablet, and this groove is where the ten small blood soul stones are placed.

Chase Lu planned to go down to have a look, so he said to Ruth, "Wait here, I'll go down for a while!"

"Yes!" Ruth replied.

But the demon envoy was not reconciled, and continued to scare, "Boy, if you get closer, you will be demonized!"

(end of this chapter)

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