The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 1661 Supporting Power, commonly known as Blessing Power

Others present also wanted to know what Lu Chen meant, but Lu Chen looked at Ye Long and smiled, "Do as I say."

Ye Long had no choice but to obey, "My lord, tell me."

"Bless everyone with your spiritual root power." Lu Chen said to Yelong.

Although Yelong didn't know what Lu Chen's intentions were, he did as he did, and then everyone improved a lot in terms of speed, and Lu Chen said to those people, "Next, do as I said."

The soldiers and the Black Blood Army who were empowered were all curious about what Chase Lu wanted them to do.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Compress the aura to the dantian for a while."

It is very common to compress the aura to the dantian, but it seems to be nothing special, but Lu Chen asked everyone to do it, and everyone had to do it, and Lu Chen said to them, "Constrain to the limit."

The limit, we don't know how much it is, but we can only keep doing it.

Shui Yican sneered, "Boy, do you think you can save them by doing this?"

Lu Chen didn't speak, but the onlookers outside were curious about what trick Lu Chen was up to, and even Bei Qian on the tower was full of doubts, "Father, what kind of trick is this kid doing?"

"What is going on, only he knows." Beilong Jun said indifferently.

"Father, what if this kid shows some terrifying power, what about my second senior brother?" Bei Qian was suddenly worried.

But Beilongjun laughed, "Beiqian, don't you underestimate your second senior brother?"

"But this kid always has weird abilities. I'm afraid my second senior brother will be fooled by him." Bei Qian said, having already begun to have doubts.

Bei Longjun smiled, "Look at it, your second senior brother will definitely let this kid know what cruelty is."

Beiqian had to wait silently, and when the water was gone, after seeing that Lu Chen hadn't attacked yet, countless sharp swords in the water were produced in the water, and these sharp swords shuttled through the water, and once they touched people, they would hurt them .

It's just that when Shui Yican let these swords pass through those people, they were blocked by their own hoods, and those soldiers and the Black Blood Army couldn't figure out why they would generate powerful attacks as long as they stored their energy. defense.

In fact, all of this has something to do with Lu Chen.

Because when these people are accumulating energy, the "human" primordial spirit in Lu Chen's dantian will have strong airflow fluctuations, and as long as he puts a shield around this primordial spirit, then it is equivalent to adding a shield to everyone.

This is why Chase Lu asked everyone to accumulate energy.

And this ability is called "believers' supporting power".

This kind of support requires several conditions to be triggered. First, the power of the wild dragon, and second, everyone's power storage, plus Lu Chen can sense their power fluctuations, and these three conditions are indispensable.

Otherwise, Chase Lu would not be able to give this kind of support at all.

But everyone didn't know, so those soldiers and the Black Blood Army were extremely excited, as if they completely ignored the influence of the water and the sword in the water.

Not only that, after Nangong Fengyue saw it, she smiled at Shui Yican, "Come on, let's see what you are capable of, you didn't even hurt a single person."

Hearing this, Shui Yican was very annoyed, while the onlookers were curious as to why this happened.

Except for Shui Yican, even Beiqian on the tower was stunned, "Father, what's going on, and why those people have such a strong defense."

Beilongjun was also confused, "It doesn't make sense, after all, the strength of your second senior brother, not to mention those soldiers and the Black Blood Army, even the Black Blood Tu can easily be dealt with."

Bei Qian also thought so, but seeing the situation in front of him, he looked very ugly, "Then what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, your second senior brother will definitely find a way to solve it." Beilongjun still felt that Shui Yican had a solution, but at this moment, Shui Yican became a little impatient, and even a drop of water condensed in his hand.

But this drop of water is different from other water, because this drop of water bubbles like corrosion.

Sure enough, once the water was gone, the drop of water was randomly thrown onto the nearby buildings, and the buildings collapsed instantly, and this scene shocked everyone, but Nangong Fengyue laughed, "What? Performing acrobatics? "

"Acrobatics?" Shui Yican said dissatisfied.

"Is not it?"

"Little girl, my drop of water is not ordinary water, so if you don't want to be corrupted, you should surrender obediently. Otherwise, if this drop of water goes down, you, your master, and those people will all die." Shui Yi Can start to scare.

Nangong Fengyue shrugged and said indifferently, "Come on, throw it over, let me see how powerful this drop of water is."

Shui Yican immediately scolded angrily, "You really think I dare not?"

"Come on, why so much nonsense?"

Shui Yi was so cruel that he couldn't bear it, and Wang Yiyan also urged there, "Second Senior Brother, don't talk nonsense with them, just throw it out, that's all."

"it is good."

Shui Yizang responded, and threw a drop of water out, and this drop of water turned into a water column, flew from the sky, and hit the city lord's mansion, and many buildings in the city lord's mansion were corroded on the spot.

But none of those people were fine, as if there were "people" protecting them.

So those soldiers and the Black Blood Army were very happy, especially Ye Long threatened, "My lord's protection is too strong!"

Blessing power is a common name for believers to give them strength from the person they worship, so the soldiers and the black blood soldiers became even more excited after hearing this, while the onlookers were dumbfounded.

Some even stammered, "Is this kid's protection really that powerful?"

"Are you kidding me?"

And Lu Chen smiled in his heart, "The support power has become the protection power. It seems that everyone's understanding is still different."

But Beiqian on the tower didn't believe it, "How could this happen?"

Beilongjun couldn't sit still anymore, and asked Pang Yinan, "Let your people continue to increase the fire, and don't let everyone be fooled."

"I see." Pang Yinan replied, and then went to make arrangements.

Shui Yi, who was originally at the scene, was a little at a loss at first, but after a while, someone questioned those soldiers and the Black Blood Army there.

I only heard those people say, "Could it be that these guys stole some kind of elixir, or brought some magic weapon, to be so powerful?"

"Maybe it's really possible." Someone cooperated like singing.

Afterwards, some people gradually became suspicious. After all, people have only heard about such things as blessing power, but they have never seen it, so many people joined the ranks of "curiosity" and "doubt".

Nangong Fengyue, who originally wanted to take this opportunity to accept Lu Chen's followers, smiled when she saw someone making trouble again, "Then what kind of elixir or magic weapon do you think can make everyone bear this terrible thing?" water?"

This question stopped everyone immediately, but Wang glanced at Shui Yican and said, "Second senior brother, stop talking nonsense with them, and quickly come up with your most powerful move."

"Okay, I'll fight!" Shui Yican became gloomy and cold.

(end of this chapter)

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