The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 1917 Involved a lot of trouble from her

Fang Guishi looked depressed and looked at Lu Chen, "This is my little master, Ms. Feng, and she is responsible for my master's safety."

"So, if you want to see your master, you have to ask her?" Lu Chen seemed to see something.

Fang Guishi hummed, "Yes."

Lu Chen had no choice but to look at the lady.

I saw this lady's "body" was a bit weird, with a big head, small body, strong legs, and white light flashing on her soul, she looked like "poisoned".

So Lu Chen looked at her for a while and said, "Madam, you are poisoned."

"Poisoning? What are you kidding?" The other party was a little displeased, but Fang Guishi was frightened, and quickly said to Lu Chen, "Let's go out first."

Lu Chen didn't leave the intention, but still stared at the woman and said, "I'm serious, and this poison has already affected your ghost image. If you don't get rid of it, your body will continue to shrink, and other places will continue to grow."

The other party immediately went mad, and said to the other ghost, "Is this the person you brought?"

"Little teacher, me." Fang Guishi said in a very embarrassed way.

"Don't blame him, I'm just telling the truth. If you don't believe me, it will be dangerous if your soul is completely paralyzed." Chase Lu continued to scare the other party.

The other party snorted, "I'm paralyzed? Are you kidding me?"

"Didn't you realize that your soul power can only explode to less than one-tenth?" Lu Chen asked the other party, but these words stimulated the other party.

I saw the woman's heart skipped a beat, and then stared at Lu Chen, "How do you know I'm less than one-tenth?"

"I have already said that you are poisoned, and this poison will affect your soul power." Lu Chen saw that the other party began to listen to himself quietly, and then continued.

The other party was startled, because he really couldn't use his soul power recently, at first the other party thought it was a problem with his cultivation.

But now that he heard this, he began to have doubts, and his tone changed, "You really said that?"

"I won't lie to you!" Lu Chen said with certainty.

The other party frowned, "Is there a solution?"



"I can help you, but you have to promise me one thing." Lu Chen knew that this was a good opportunity to make a condition, but the other party was suspicious, "You want to see my master?"


The other party thought for a while and said, "Yes."

Only then did Lu Chen say, "Then you stand still and don't move."

The other party was puzzled, but according to Lu Chen's words, he stood there motionless, and Lu Chen's primordial spirit floated above the other party's head, and then began to suck the ghost energy around her.

Not only that, but also a force, and this power entered the opponent's soul, the opponent suddenly felt something, was caught, and was pulled out again.

Until everyone saw a white light worm flying out of the opponent's "body". Seeing this, Fang Guishi's eyes widened, "Soul-eating white worm!"

The woman was also startled, "Why is this thing in my body?"

Lu Chen asked curiously, "Isn't it yours?"

The woman frowned, "It's not ours, but someone lost it in our mansion recently."

"Oh?" Lu Chen felt that something was wrong when he heard it, and the woman's expression became more and more ugly.

After a while, the woman said seriously to the other ghost, "Take them to see the master."

After finishing speaking, the woman left with an ugly expression on her face.

Fang Guishi was stunned, but Lu Chen looked at him, "What? Is there a problem?"

Fang Guishi returned to God and said, "I didn't expect my wife to agree."

"She agreed, is it possible that she will change her mind?" Lu Chen asked with a smile, but Fang Guishi said to Lu Chen, "Do you know my little teacher's nickname?"

Of course Lu Chen didn't know, so he shook his head at Yuanshen, and Fang Guishi said, "Feng Guiniang, also called Feng Huyou."

"Flicker?" Lu Chen was suspicious.

"I used to be a young master, but she was a well-known master of flickering in the ghost cave, but after she became a partner with my master, she stayed in the mansion all the year round and rarely went out. However, anyone who came to Zhang's house was inspected by her to make sure nothing was wrong. problem, you can see my master."

After understanding, Lu Chen said, "Then you, little teacher, are quite conscientious."

"Of course, it's just that I thought she wouldn't be here today, but in the end we ran into each other." Fang Guishi said apologetically.

"It's okay, let's go." Lu Chen asked Fang Guishi to lead the way.

Fang Guishi nodded and led the way.

After a while, everyone came to a study room, but the study room was tightly closed, and there was no movement inside, but Fang Guishi respectfully said to the inside, "Master."

"What's wrong?" A middle-aged man's voice came.

Fang Guishi thought for a while and said, "Someone wants to see you, and it's about the shuttle dagger."

"Dagger? The one given to you?"


"What's the matter?" The people in the room were puzzled, and Lu Chen asked, "Can I see you?"

"I'm busy, so it's not convenient to show up." The other party directly refused, and Lu Chen frowned, "Then can you tell me, how did this dagger come from?"

"Sent by a benefactor."

"Female?" Lu Chen suddenly became excited, and the other party became curious, "How do you know?"

Fang Guishi was curious. After all, he didn't know how the dagger came from, but Lu Chen continued to ask, "What does this woman look like?"


"Please tell me." Lu Chen begged, but at this time the person asked, "Tell me about you first, who are you, and why do you know this?"

Lu Chen looked at Fang Guishi, and Fang Guishi immediately told about Lu Chen's battle against the Ghost Sky Demon Sect.

After hearing this, the other party became curious, "Do you have a grudge against Xueyou Palace?"

"Hmm." Lu Chen hummed.

The person in the room said, "Although I said that, I can't just tell you who it is."

"Why?" Lu Chen wondered.

But at this moment, a maid came running from the corridor, and became anxious, "Master, it's not good!"

"What's wrong?" The people in the room didn't understand.

"Little madam, you're unconscious!"

"What?" The study door opened immediately, and then a middle-aged man with disheveled hair rushed out with a pen in his hand.

The maid stammered, "Little madam, she."

"Where is it!" The man was in a hurry, and after the servant girl described the situation, the man left here at once.

Fang Guishi was worried, "Little teacher, nothing will happen, right?"

"Go and have a look first." Lu Chen felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked everyone to follow.

After a while, I came to a room.

At this moment, Feng Guiniang was lying on the bed, motionless, as if she was "dead", but she still had some breath.

The patriarch of this piece checked quickly, with a serious face, until he asked after a while, "What happened before she fell down?"

"Before she fell down, she entered the house, and was very angry, and even cursed there, but there was no sound after a while, so I asked outside, but it didn't work, so I went in to see." The maid said very scared.

Master Zhang said angrily, "Then before entering the house, who did she meet and what happened?"

The maid looked at Lu Chen and the others, "After seeing them, the little madam was very angry."

Master Zhang looked at Lu Chen gloomyly, "Boy, did you do it?"

Fang Guishi was afraid that Patriarch Zhang would misunderstand, "Master, it's not true, the little teacher was possessed by the soul-devouring white worm before, and after Mr. Lu took out the bug, the little teacher got very angry and left."

Patriarch Zhang stared wide-eyed, "Soul Eater White Insect?"


"What about this bug?" Patriarch Zhang asked anxiously, and Fang Guishi looked at Lu Chen. As for Lu Chen, he explained, "After this thing left the body, it disappeared immediately, and it was probably taken back by its owner."

Master Zhang was suspicious, "You mean, someone raised this bug?"

Lu Chen hummed, "Yes."

Master Zhang thought for a while and said, "Well, as long as you help me find the owner of the bug, I'll tell you about the owner of the dagger."


"Yes!" Patriarch Zhang said decisively, and after Lu Chen hummed, he looked at Feng Guiniang, "Let her wake up first."

"In her situation, she probably needs to find a famous ghost doctor." Patriarch Zhang looked ugly.

Lu Chen said to himself, "I can do it too."

Master Zhang doubtfully said, "You, too?"

Lu Chen hummed, "Yes."

"Then please."

Lu Chen looked at Master Zhang, "I need to be quiet, and I need some time, so please go out for a while."

The head of the Zhang family was a little worried. After all, what Lu Chen said, he was also a stranger, and Lu Chen smiled after seeing him hesitate, "Why? Don't believe me?"

"This." Although Master Zhang didn't say it directly, his behavior made Lu Chen smile, "Don't worry, if she has any troubles, I will blame her."

Master Zhang said solemnly, "That's what you said."


The head of the Zhang family had no choice but to take everyone out of the house, and ordered no one to come near here, and then the head of the Zhang family asked Fang Guishi, "Is he trustworthy?"

"Credible." Fang Guishi said to himself.

Patriarch Zhang frowned, feeling a little uneasy, but he had no choice but to wait there.


At this moment in the house, Lu Chen came to the side of Feng Guiniang, and after playing ghost transformation, sneaked into her body, and finally entered her consciousness space.

In this space, Feng Guiniang's soul was bound by a cloud of confusion, and after Lu Chen came in, Feng Guiniang asked in surprise, "Why did you come in?"

"Here to save you."

"You, can you save me?" Feng Guiniang was startled, and Lu Chen hummed, "Yes."

Feng Guiniang frowned, "But these fogs, which can swallow my attacks, can't be broken at all."

Lu Chen comforted, "It's okay, I'll take care of it."

"That's troublesome."

"Before I solve it, I have a little question." Lu Chen looked at Feng Guiniang and became curious, but Feng Guiniang didn't understand, "I don't know what you want to ask?"

"Who attacked you?" Lu Chen stared at Feng Guiniang, and Feng Guiniang frowned, "It's the owner of the bug who suddenly attacked me, making my soul bound here, and then talking to the outside world. losing contact."

"What does this person look like, and what is his name?" Chase Lu knew that this was his chance to help find the owner of the bug. (end of this chapter)

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