The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2264 Xueyou Palace's lair in Xianyu?

"What are you going to do?" Ling Shanyue looked at Lu Chen curiously, and Lu Chen stared at the sky and said, "I just want to go up and have a look, and learn about it by the way."

"But that crack."

"Don't worry, the cracks will avoid me when they see me." Lu Chen's words made Lingshan Yue dignified, "Okay, you are amazing."

After finishing speaking, a group of strength from Lingshan Mountain sent Lu Chen's soul to the sky above the crack, and kept going upwards, as for Lingshan Mountain, it was also flying upwards.

However, it was scratched by cracks several times, but there was Chase Lu, so when these cracks approached, they would be cleaned up by Chase Lu.

Only then did Ling Shanyue breathe a sigh of relief, "Although you are a mortal, your other abilities are quite strange."

"Are you mocking me? Or are you laughing at me?" Lu Chen laughed, and Ling Shanyue coughed lightly, "Of course it's a compliment."

"Praise me? Are you sure?" Chase Lu teased the other party.

Ling Shanyue nodded, "Of course."

After Lu Chen smiled, he continued to speed up Lingshan Mountain until after a while, he encountered a barrier that blocked the two of them.

Ling Shanyue was surprised, "Why is there an enchantment here?"

"You haven't been here before, so how do you know what's going to happen?" Lu Chen asked curiously, and Ling Shanyue explained, "Although I can't come up, some immortals have come up and passed directly, so. "

After hearing this, Lu Chen asked, "Some immortals?"


"Then did they find anything in there?"

"They said that there were cracks and voids inside, and nothing was found." Ling Shanyue described the situation, but Lu Chen shook his head, "No, there must be something, but they didn't find it."

Ling Shanyue was full of curiosity, "What are you talking about?"

"Well, you'll know when you go in." Lu Chen said casually.

Ling Shanyue frowned, "There is an enchantment, it's hard to get in."

"There is me." After Lu Chen finished speaking, he put one hand on the barrier, and then a crack appeared in the barrier.

Seeing the crack, Ling Shanyue was startled, and couldn't believe it, "This is too outrageous."

"Is it outrageous?" After Lu Chen smiled evilly, he took Lingshan Mountain and entered the crack, and what caught the eyes of the two of them was a void, like a darkness, nothing the same.

"Look, there's nothing there." Ling Shanyue pointed to the empty area and said.

Lu Chen laughed, "There is something."

"Is there something?" Ling Shanyue was puzzled, and Lu Chen had already sensed something in the dark by using the "All Souls Technique", so he pointed in one direction, "Fly there."

After Ling Shanyue looked at the direction Chase Lu pointed out, his face was full of confusion, "But there seems to be nothing there."

"Don't worry, trust me, you will understand." Lu Chen said to Ling Shanyue.

Ling Shanyue had no choice but to take Lu Chen with him and fly in the direction directed by Lu Chen.

After about a while, there was gradually a faint white light, and it was in the darkness ahead.

"Really, there is something." Ling Shanyue was shocked and said incredulously, but Lu Chen smiled at him, "It seems that the truth is getting closer and closer to us."

"You mean Xueyou Palace?"

"Yes, Xueyou Palace." Lu Chen wanted to see what the "base camp" of Xueyou Palace was like, but Lingshanyue was a little worried, "Xueyou Palace can control many domain masters, I think they must not Simple."

Lu Chen sneered, "If it's really that powerful, they jumped out and killed me when I became a fairy, but they didn't dare to come out, which means they were afraid of me."

Ling Shanyue became serious, "You mean, they waited for you to die before they came out to rule the Immortal Realm?"

"Almost." Lu Chen hummed.

Ling Shanyue murmured, "Looks like I really have to go and see what this Xueyou Palace is like."

After Lu Chen smiled, he asked Lingshan Yue to speed up his pace, until after a while, through the white light, what came into view was a space of singing birds and fragrant flowers.

In this space, there is a huge "Zongmen". There are some people who are practicing in seclusion everywhere in this Zongmen, and there is a huge stone pillar behind these people.

Thin threads emanated from the stone pillar, and these thin threads wrapped around those people one by one, making the entire sect look like a nest made of spider webs.

But what shocked Ling Shanyue the most was that he knew many of the people here, and some of them were people he thought were dead.

So he wondered, "How is it possible?"

"What's wrong?"

"Many of these people have died, or have disappeared for many years." Ling Shanyue said in disbelief, and Lu Chen took a look and said, "It seems that they should all be controlled by Xueyou Palace. , and then practice in retreat here."

"Cultivation in closed door training?" Ling Shanyue didn't know what it meant.

Lu Chen calmed down and smiled, "This Xueyou Palace wants to control these immortals in this way."

"What are they trying to do?" Ling Shanyue didn't understand.

"Probably, I just want to unify the fairyland." Lu Chen guessed, and Ling Shanyue frowned, "Aren't they afraid that those immortals will find out?"

"If it wasn't for me, do you think those immortals would have found this place when they came to the void outside?" Lu Chen asked, staring at Lingshan Mountain.

Ling Shanyue asked curiously, "Then how do you know?"

"Did you see that stone pillar? It's this thing that has been transmitting power to Ling Jiantian, which is why he was able to fight against the three devil emperors."

Ling Shanyue was suspicious, "Is this stone pillar so powerful?"

"When I take down these immortals, Xueyou Palace will come out and explain to us about the stone pillar and Xueyou Palace." Lu Chen smiled.

Then Chase Lu released some souls, intending to enter the bodies of these people.

Who knows that there is a layer of enchantment outside these human bodies, and this enchantment immediately blocked Lu Chen's soul outside, and then a woman laughed from around, "Boy, where do you think our Xueyou Palace is? What do you think?" How, how can it be done?"

Lu Chen looked around, "Stop being sneaky, come out."

"No, I really don't need to come out to deal with you mortals, but you can know my name."

"Oh? Then you should talk about it."

"I am Xueyou Palace, the person in charge of the Immortal Domain, known as Xue Sanniang."

Lu Chen didn't know this person, so he asked curiously, "Then you came out."

"I said, I don't need me." After Xue Sanniang finished speaking, the people around suddenly opened their eyes one by one, and all of them were at the level of powerful immortal emperors.

Ling Shanyue was immediately frightened by the aura of these people, and then said to Lu Chen, "Let's leave first, otherwise if these people make a move, we can't resist at all."

Lu Chen comforted, "Isn't there me? What are you in a hurry for?"

"But you are only a mortal." Ling Shanyue complained immediately, and Lu Chen smiled confidently, "Mortals, don't be afraid of them!" (End of this chapter)

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