The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2286 The magic blood ball, the map of the nine domains, is really a treasure!

Lu Chen, who used to be in the Demon Realm, didn't dare to walk here at will, but now he can, and Lu Chen moves forward without any scruples.

After a while, I saw some black plush things floating there.

"Senior Lu, the dangerous monsters in the forbidden zone are here." The Violet Demon became frightened when he saw this, and this thing, Moyun Tianshan, was the most terrifying, and it was also one of the reasons why everyone dared not come here.

Lu Chen smiled, "If it was before, I would have to escape outside when I saw it, but now, I'd like to see what kind of species it is."

I saw Lu Chen walking over, and this fluffy and floating thing, like a dandelion, came across the surface, hit Lu Chen, and then invaded Lu Chen's body.

If it was before, Chase Lu would feel uncomfortable all over, even in pain, but Chase Lu looked inside his body, and then saw this black thing, wanting to swallow his own blood.

Not only that, after devouring his own blood, the thing swelled a little bit, as if it was getting bigger and bigger, and Lu Chen sneered, "You dare to suck my blood? Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

After the words fell, Lu Chen released the power of the "beast fairy" character, scaring the thing to run around in fear, but Lu Chen refused to let it go, and was trapped in his body.

After the thing finally trembled with fear, it turned into a pool of black blood, and then fused with the blood in Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen took a closer look and found that the things behind this thing's death could actually make his blood different.

"Interesting." After Lu Chen noticed the subtle changes in the blood, he showed a surprised look, then stretched out his hand, then clenched his fist, and found that his strength had increased.

This made Lu Chen curious about what it was, so Lu Chen used the soul-split to ask Qiu Qian and the others who were cultivating on the Nine Sacred Stars.

Qiu Qian was surprised, "This is a magic blood cell."

"Magic blood ball?" Lu Chen was curious about what it was, and Qiu Qian explained, "Magic blood ball is a kind of monster that can swallow other people's blood, but when it is frightened or threatened by something stronger than itself, It will commit suicide and turn into magic blood, and this kind of blood is helpful to improve the blood."

"Improve the blood?" Lu Chen was suspicious.

"Yes, the better the bloodline, the stronger the overall strength, and even produce the effect of bloodline suppression." Qiu Qian explained, while Lu Chen was curious, "Bloodline suppression?"

"When one person's bloodline is much stronger than another person's, the other person will be inexplicably afraid, and their strength will also be inexplicably reduced." Qiu Qian simply said that the situation has changed.

Lu Chen said after oh, "Then if I absorb a lot of these magic blood cells, does it mean that my blood will change?"

"There will definitely be changes, but the extent of the changes has something to do with your roots."

Lu Chen understood and said, "Thank you."


In Moyun Tianshan, Lu Chen himself laughed, "It seems that this trip is not in vain."

"Senior Lu, are you okay?" Violet Demon looked at Chase Lu curiously, but Chen Lu shrugged, "It's okay, but I feel like I'm going to make money."


The Violet Demon didn't know what it meant at all, but Chase Lu smiled and continued to move forward. After that, there were more and more blood cells, but Chase Lu took the initiative to let them enter his body, then frightened them, and then fused them into himself. in the blood.

The change was not great at the beginning, but after absorbing a lot, Chase Lu felt a sense of blood boiling in his body, especially when he circulated the immortal energy by himself, he felt that his strength had increased by more than a little.

"It's a wonderful feeling." Lu Chen secretly said happily.

The Violet Demon had no idea what Lu Chen was doing, so after following him curiously for a while, he saw a mountain, and this mountain was all dark.

If you look closely, you can see a bunch of magic blood cells.

"Senior Lu, look, there are so many weird plush." ​​The Violet Demon was terrified, but Lu Chen smiled, "God is helping me."

God? help you?

Zi Luomo didn't understand Lu Chen's meaning at all, but on the mountain, there was a voice, "You are so brave, you dare to come here."

The person who spoke was the clone of King Molin, and Lu Chen smiled, "You can come, why can't I?"

"I have ways to avoid these things, but you, no."

"I don't need to avoid them." Lu Chen smiled, and the Demon King laughed, "These things will swallow your blood, do you dare to avoid them?"

"Of course." After finishing speaking, Lu Chen swaggered up the mountain, and those things swarmed into Lu Chen's body.

The Demon Lin King on the mountain teased, "Is this kind of feeling uncomfortable?"

The Violet Demon in the back was even more frightened, but Lu Chen smiled and said, "It's very comfortable."

"Very comfortable?"

Lu Chen didn't speak, and Molin King thought Lu Chen was joking, but at this moment, more and more things squeezed into Lu Chen's body.

Blood-red light gradually appeared on Lu Chen's body, as if his whole body had been covered with a layer of blood light.

Not only that, Chase Lu felt that his own strength had increased dozens of times, even a hundred times, but only he knew the secret.

The Demon Lin King in the mountain wondered, "What are you doing, are these things not effective for him?"

As for Lu Chen, he continued to walk up the mountain, and those things poured in frantically, while the Violet Demon watched silently from behind.

In this way, after going on for a while, Lu Chen eliminated the magic blood cells in the whole mountain, and the blood light on Lu Chen's body gradually disappeared.

But Lu Chen can be sure that although he looks like an immortal at the moment, his real explosive power is no worse than that of an immortal emperor. Thinking of this, Lu Chen murmured to himself, "If I reach the golden immortal, wouldn't it be possible for all immortals to be immortal?" not a problem?"

But to reach the Golden Immortal, the other seven "immortal grids" have to absorb power, so Lu Chen had to calm down first and then came to the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the clone of the Demon Lin King stood cross-legged in a circle, and above his head, there was a picture open. At the same time, in the picture, there were clusters of devilish energy pouring into his body crazily.

Lu Chen asked suspiciously, "Cultivating here?"

"Boy, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise the moment this picture merges with me is the time of your death." The Demon King said majesticly.

Lu Chen smiled, "I really didn't take your clone seriously."

"You don't have to take my avatar seriously, but this picture is just one step away from me, so don't underestimate me."

"I don't even know what this picture is. What's the use of scaring me?" Lu Chen shook his head helplessly and smiled, while Molin King teased, "This picture is called Jiuyu Picture! Do you understand?"

"Nine domain map?"

"Yes, with it, I can go to the nine domains at will."

Lu Chen laughed strangely after hearing this, "And then?"

"Then, it's very simple for me to kill you."

"How simple?" Lu Chen really wanted to hear the other party explain it to him. (end of this chapter)

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