The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2320 Don't want a set of artifacts, but want it!

Lu Chen didn't know what the other party was thinking, but at this moment, Lu Chen had already stepped out of the enchantment.

Inside the mansion, Palace Master Wang fixed his eyes on Lu Chen and asked urgently, "What's the matter?"

Xu Shan also wanted to know, so he looked at Lu Chen strangely, and Lu Chen took out the token.

Seeing this token, Palace Master Wang excitedly said, "Finally!"

The other guards were even happier and cheered one by one, but Chase Lu was a little confused, "Are you so happy?"

"It's been a thousand years, it's finally here." Palace Master Wang finished speaking, and immediately let Lu Chen bleed to fuse with the token.

Lu Chen wondered what was the use of dripping blood.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't know, the palace master explained, "A drop of blood can be fused with it to prove that you belong to Zhunlongdian, and you can also receive messages from Zhunlongdian at any time."


"Yes, you can see it in the token."

Lu Chen dripped a drop of blood curiously, and then the token disappeared immediately, but Lu Chen could sense that it was in his body, and at the same time, he could see a picture with a thought.

This picture belongs to that oiran.

But this picture was done in advance.

"Welcome to become a new member of Zhunlongdian. Any notifications in the future will be sent through this token." After the other party finished speaking, the screen disappeared.

Chase Lu felt amazing, and with a thought, the token could still come out to him.

Palace Master Wang congratulated, "Congratulations."

"I'm from Zhunlongdian now?" Lu Chen looked curiously at Palace Master Wang, and Palace Master Wang hummed, "Yes."

"Then this spell?"

"Come on, I'll take you to the magic library and give you a set of artifacts by the way." Palace Master Wang was very happy at the moment, and took Lu Chen directly to the magic library of the mansion.

I saw formations around the magic library, and to enter here, the palace master must lead the team, otherwise, other people would not be able to enter at all.

Therefore, after Palace Master Wang asked Fan Jiuyue and the others to stay behind, he personally took Lu Chen into the treasure house in the formation in front of him.

When entering the first floor, there is a pile of bookshelves, and on these bookshelves are many wooden slips recording spells.

"This is all, but we have rules here, we can't take it out of here, so we can only practice here." Palace Master Wang smiled awkwardly.

"Can you learn anything?"


"Then... how about I leave a clone here to practice?"

Palace Master Wang replied, "This is also possible!"

Lu Chen left some souls to check the spells one by one, while the other souls in the "Wild Gate" practiced one by one.

As for Palace Master Wang, he didn't know what Lu Chen was doing, so he said, "In addition to the first layer of spells, the second layer is the magic treasure house."

"So, the magic weapon you want to give me is on it?"

"Yes!" Palace Master Wang finished speaking, and immediately led Chen Lu to the second floor, where there were many magic weapons.

It was the first time Lu Chen came here, he was dazzled, so he was full of doubts, "These?"

"You choose a set."

"A set, you mean?"

"For example, weapons, defensive armor, wrist guards, shoes, belts, helmets, pants, choose one of each of these seven types." Palace Master Wang said boldly.

Lu Chen said solemnly, "When does this have to be chosen?"

"Look slowly, I'll accompany you." Palace Master Wang smiled, and Lu Chen asked after thinking about it, "Anything is fine?"

"Yes, but I mind you, choose the one that suits you, because you are not yet in the divine realm, if you choose a more difficult to refine artifact, it probably won't do anything for you at all." Palace Master Wang reminded Lu Chen.

Lu Chen had no choice but to release some souls to check together.

However, each of these has its own characteristics. It is really difficult to choose, but when he walked in front of a box, the Chaos Youjian in Lu Chen's body suddenly moved, as if he had sensed something.

Chase Lu showed a curious look, then stopped in front of the box.

"What's in here?" Lu Chen asked suspiciously.

Palace Master Wang's expression immediately changed, "This thing is more difficult to control, so you should look at other things."

The more the other party was like this, the more Lu Chen wanted to take a look, so he reached out to open the box, and then a pair of gloves appeared inside.

There is also a strange rune pattern on the black glove.

"What the hell is it?" Chase Lu couldn't help but want to touch it, but Palace Master Wang turned pale with shock, "Don't touch it, it will suck blood."

However, Chase Lu had already touched it, but nothing happened. Instead, the Chaos Youjian in his body shook wildly, and then the gloves were automatically put on Chase Lu's hands.

Not only that, Lu Chen suddenly felt that the power of his hands seemed to have a familiar but also unfamiliar power.

"What the hell is this?" Lu Chen curiously looked at the stunned Palace Master Wang.

Palace Master Wang stammered, "This, this is Chaos Blood Fiend."

"Chaotic Blood Fiend? What is it?" Lu Chen was puzzled, but Palace Master Wang recalled, "About billions of years ago, a genius appeared in our Tianyu, and this genius didn't know where to get this Chaotic Blood Fiend. It is said that as long as If you touch it, you will be sucked dry by it."

Lu Chen was suspicious, "It's so precious, why put it here?"

Palace Master Wang sighed, "This thing originally disappeared, until many years ago, it appeared near our Nantian City, and it also drained a lot of people's blood, so people from the Tianyu League came and planned to take it away , but it doesn’t go away, it has to rely on this treasure house.”

"Lai in the treasure house?"

"It is said that the artifact soul in this artifact likes to be here, so as a last resort, we had to put it here, and ordered us to guard it so that no one could touch it." Palace Master Wang explained the origin of this thing.

Lu Chen said, "Then, can I take it?"

"No, this thing is too..." Palace Master Wang said this, and he was a little puzzled, that is why Lu Chen was fine, but Lu Chen looked at him with a smile, "I don't want a set of artifacts, I want it .”

"You take it away, I can't explain it." Palace Master Wang said depressedly.

Lu Chen smiled evilly, "If you don't give it to me, then...I will quit Zhunlong Palace."

Palace Master Wang was terrified on the spot, "Don't, just talk if you have something to say."

"How about it, send it to me?" Lu Chen asked again, but Palace Master Wang had no choice but to grit his teeth, "Okay, but only if you can bring out this treasure house."

"Take it out?"

"Yes, this thing refuses to leave here, so it's very difficult for you to take it away." Palace Master Wang reminded Lu Chen, and Lu Chen smiled, "Small."

I saw Lu Chen took it and walked downstairs, but Palace Master Wang thought that this thing would go back to the second floor.

Unexpectedly, when Chase Lu walked out of this building, the glove didn't respond at all.

Palace Master Wang was stunned, You Qi turned pale when he walked out of this building, "No way!"

Xu Shan didn't know what happened yet, so he smiled when he saw Lu Chen coming out, "Is the election over so soon?"

Palace Master Wang was frightened, and hurried to Xu Shan, and pulled him aside, "I'll discuss something with you!"

"What's wrong?" Xu Shan was puzzled. (end of this chapter)

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