The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2414 Battle Soul Sword, the sword is here, the camp is here, the sword is dead, the camp is

There are many stone statues around, and around these stone statues, there are many helmets.

Some of these helmets are in tatters, and some are stained with blood, but they have dried and turned black, which looks weird.

Not only that, there are also some weapons, which are also inserted here and there.

However, just as Lu Chen approached, a gust of wind blew and directly blocked Lu Chen from outside. At the same time, an old man's voice rang around, "The thirty-six battalion forbidden area, please do not step in!"

Hearing this, Chase Lu planned to leave, but saw a strange scene, that is, there was a buzzing sound from these armors and weapons, as if they were telling something.

Not only that, Lu Chen was entangled in a mysterious force all over his body, and this force resonated in the "Xiange" in his body.

"This is?" Lu Chen was suspicious.

I saw Lu Chen turned around and saw some ghosts floating on those helmets and magic weapons one by one, and these ghosts were like undead warriors after "death".

Some are missing arms and legs, and some bodies have been shot through, leaving behind a strange skeleton shadow.

"It's you, call me?" Chase Lu felt that these people seemed to have something to tell him, but they couldn't say it, so they could only stare at Chase Lu there.

Lu Chen was suspicious, "Are these ghosts or spirits?"

When Lu Chen was suspicious, a voice shouted, "Back!"

These things returned to their respective "armor" and "weapon" one by one, and then an old man appeared.

I saw the old man cleaning some places with a broom, but while sweeping, he asked, "What's your name?"

"Lu Chen."

"Thirty-sixth Battalion, when did you recruit non-sages?" The other party was a little confused, but Lu Chen said, "I helped Zhunlongdian complete the task, so I came in early."

"In advance? It seems that it is an exception."

"Yeah." After Lu Chen hummed, the other party said, "Come in."

"Can I go in?"

"They recognize you, of course." After the old man finished speaking, he was busy with his own work, and after Lu Chen walked in, he saw some stone monuments standing here.

But there is no name on the stele, but the pits should be someone else's cemetery, so Lu Chen was curious, "Where are these?"

"The famous general of the 36th Battalion."

"A famous warrior?"

The old man explained, "In the 36th Battalion, as long as the people with military merits reaching 500,000 people will be buried here after death, using the magic weapons they used before, and after a long time, their remnants will also form undead."

"Undead?" Lu Chen was suspicious.

"The undead are between gods and ghosts, but these undead have only consciousness and no power." The old man explained.

Lu Chen didn't expect that there were such things as undead, let alone that they were only conscious but without any power. Then he asked curiously, "Aren't they no different from tool souls?"

"At least the weapon soul still has fighting power, but they can only stay here forever." The old man replied.

Lu Chen didn't understand, "Then, will they still condense their bodies? Or resurrect?"

"No, the laws of God's Domain do not allow it."

"The law of God's Domain?"

"Gods, there are only two places to go after death. One kind of soul is immortal, so you can find a new body, and the other kind of soul is gone, and under certain circumstances, you become a ghost. If you want to stay in this world, you should be a weapon soul, or a dead soul, and the soul of a weapon can be fused with a magic weapon, but the soul of the dead... can only be like this, relying on these things, in addition to making people admire or reluctant to leave Nothing else works."

After hearing this, Lu Chen was a little puzzled, "Wouldn't it be cruel to them to let them stay here?"

"They were reluctant to leave and stayed voluntarily."

Lu Chen was a little puzzled, "Why do you want to stay voluntarily? Could it be that there is something they want here."

"Glory." The old man said two words.

Lu Chen looked around, "Glory?"

"These people are all brave fighters on the battlefield of God's Domain. After a long time, they have their own fighting spirit, and this fighting spirit is their glory."

"Battle Spirit?" Lu Chen was curious.

The old man smiled, "Spirit of War, there are many interpretations, and you will understand later."

Lu Chen didn't understand very well, but the old man waved at the sky, and then a blood-red sword fell from the sky.

There are countless auras on this sword, and it is still blood red.

Not only that, but on the hilt of the sword, there is also a number, "Thirty-six".

"what is this?"

"The Thirty-Sixth Battalion, the Camp Sword! It is also called the Battle Soul Sword! And it belongs to the Thirty-sixth Battalion, and it is something that is guarded with all your life."

Lu Chen was suspicious, "Fight hard?"

"When the Tianyu League established the seventy-two divisions, it forged seventy-two divine swords, and then handed them over to the seventy-two divisions to become the seventy-two divisions' battle soul swords."

Lu Chen didn't know what the Tianyu Alliance meant, but the old man held the sword and said, "Where the sword is, the battalion is here. When the sword is dead, people are dead!"

Lu Chen looked at the sword curiously, and found that there was a sword soul in it, but this sword soul was related to countless undead around.

"Since this Battle Soul Sword recognizes you, I will leave it to you for safekeeping in the future!" The old man suddenly handed the sword to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was dumbfounded, "Me?"

"Yes! You are the new owner of the 36th Battalion's Battle Soul Sword, and you can also rename it!" the old man explained.

Lu Chen was a little confused, "Why me?"

"I don't know either." The old man shook his head.

Lu Chen felt weird, but he couldn't help but grabbed the sword with one hand, and then there was a resonance in his "Xian Ge", and at the same time, he had an inexplicable killing intent.

This killing intent made his eyes gradually turn blood red.

The old man immediately reminded, "Calm down."

Lu Chen took a deep breath and quickly calmed down, "Just now."

"These guys are all warriors on the battlefield who desperately protect this sword, so when you hold this sword, you see many scenes of fighting in your life, and it also affects you." The old man explained.

Lu Chen felt that this kind of sword was amazing.

"Remember, where the sword is, the battalion is there, and when the sword is dead, people are dead!"

"Give it to me?" Lu Chen felt weird, after all, it seemed a bit expensive, and the old man smiled, "Well, yours, and with this sword, anyone in the 36th Battalion can be ordered by you."

Lu Chen was startled, "Anyone?"

"War Soul Sword is the master of the 36th Battalion, and the commanders and deputy commanders must listen to it." The old man laughed.

Lu Chen felt amazing, "So, with this sword, as long as the people of the 36th Battalion can't embarrass me?"

"En." After the old man finished speaking, he turned around and gradually disappeared in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was surprised, "Who is this old man?"

But the sword in his hand was buzzing, and Lu Chen comforted, "I will protect this sword well!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen tried to use this sword to perform "Wan Jian Kill", but he didn't know if he didn't perform it, and he was shocked when he performed it. (end of this chapter)

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