The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2420 Shocked and Shocked! Terrible strength, directly fooling everyone!

"Go to hell!" After sneering at the masked man holding the cross, he pulled the crossbow.

In an instant, a powerful golden light flew out, and it reached in front of Chase Lu, but Chase Lu suddenly disappeared.

In this scene, not only the fire cavalrymen were startled, but even the other thirty-six people all showed strange expressions, and some even asked suspiciously, "Where are people?"

"Where did you go?"

"Still here just now."

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly appeared behind the masked man, and then smiled, "What are you looking at?"

These fire cavalry were shocked one by one, especially the masked man turned around, stared at Lu Chen and said, "How did you slip?"

"I can slip as I want, so I can slip!"

"Damn it, die to me!" The man released the attack on the crossbow again, but as soon as the golden light went out, Lu Chen disappeared, making the golden light disappear after losing its target.

This made the Fire Cavalry members suddenly a little anxious, and some people were curious, "Captain, is this kid hiding his cultivation?"

"Captain, will we be tricked?"

"Captain, what should we do?"

The masked man felt something was wrong, and quickly shouted to the fire cavalry, "Get out!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen suddenly smiled, "Did I let you go?"

I saw Lu Chen's "Thousand Swords Killing" turned on, and it was a million times stronger, coupled with the Chaos Youjian, gloves, and the sword energy flying to the sky.

And the powerful soul power control of "Thousand Souls Guard".

Therefore, as soon as the sword energy came out, all the fire cavalrymen were blown away from their horses one by one, and the horses even ran away in fright.

The masked man is a little stronger, using the powerful cover to block part of the sword energy, but as long as Lu Chen's "Wan Jian Sha" lasts longer, the power will be greater.

Therefore, the mask of the masked man couldn't resist the subsequent sword energy at all, and even the armor of the whole body was shattered, and the masked man was sent flying on the spot.

Then the masked man was covered in blood.

But Lu Chen didn't let these people go so easily. Countless sword qi swept across the surroundings on the spot, and those seriously injured fire cavalry were killed one by one on the spot.

The masked man stared dumbfounded.

"It's your turn!" Looking at the seriously injured opponent, Lu Chen finally threw all his sword energy at this person, and this person's face was very ugly, and he escaped directly.

But the godhead was still hit, and in the end only a little remnant soul slipped away.

After seeing the other party slipping away so quickly, Lu Chen said with a pity, "It's a pity that they didn't kill all of them."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen picked up the cross on the ground, and then glanced at it, "It's so Dingxi."

Then Lu Chen looked at the other nine people, and the nine people were all dumbfounded, as if eggs were stuffed in their mouths.

"What's the matter?" Seeing them in a daze, Lu Chen gestured in front of them, and these people came back to their senses one by one, and then immediately swarmed up, and then looked at Lu Chen in various ways.

"Brother, who the hell are you?"

"Brother, your sword skills just now are too good."

"Brother, those are all gods, masters of Xuanshen."

"Brother, you made a lot of money this time!"



It was only then that Lu Chen remembered that there is still meritorious service, so he asked curiously, "How do you earn this meritorious service?"

"After a quarter of an hour, your God's Domain Order will automatically record meritorious deeds."

Hearing this, Lu Chen appealed all over his face, "God's Order? What does it look like?"

"Your God's Domain Order should still be in the thirty-six fortresses of the God's Domain Battlefield. You can get it from the commander later and keep it yourself, or keep it there."

Lu Chen was a little curious, "Then how many times I kill, will it record it?"

"Yes, everyone who comes to the God's Domain Battlefield will form a God's Domain Token in the God's Domain Pool, and these God's Domain Tokens will be sent to their respective legions."

"Shenyu Pool?" Lu Chen was even more curious about what it was.

"In God's Domain Battlefield, there are nine God's Domain Pools, all of which are near their corresponding entrances, so once someone enters for the first time, they will be born, and then the feats of people from different camps will pass through the laws of God's Domain Battlefield. Count it in."

Lu Chen felt amazing, and then looked at the sky, "The law of God's Domain? Who made it?"

"It is said that people from the Four Palaces and Five Alliances ordered it together."

Lu Chen said, "It's cruel enough."

Everyone had nothing to say, because when they came to the God's Domain battlefield, they were destined to spend their time in fighting.

Some are for their own families, some are for their own country, and some are for the Tianyu Alliance.

But no matter what, Chase Lu admired their courage.

Therefore, after a while, Chase Lu looked at everyone, "Let's continue to walk around, if there is nothing wrong, you can go back and report."

"Aren't you going back?"

"I'm going to make meritorious service." After Lu Chen smiled evilly, he left a part of his soul to escort everyone, and his real deity disappeared instantly.

Everyone was dumbfounded, until Lu Chen led them around in a circle around here, and then sent everyone out of the foggy forest.

Then these people left the dense forest one after another.

All the battalions in the canyon were still waiting here, but when only nine people came back, everyone became puzzled.

Especially when the nine people approached and found that it was the thirty-sixth part, Tie Shenyun didn't understand even more, and some people from the battalion said strangely, "These people, didn't they go?"

"Did you just run away?"


Tie Shenyun's face was ugly, "People from my thirty-six department will not escape."

"Then why did they come back, and none of the others came back?"

Regarding this question, Tie Shenyun also wanted to know, and Fan Sha frowned even more, "When they come over, ask them carefully, what's going on."

However, when these people approached, they were greeted with cynicism from many people, until Tie Shenyun asked, "What happened?"

Nine people explained everything one by one.

After hearing this, many people were dumbfounded, but there were also some who didn't believe it, and said strangely, "What? The fire cavalry from the Fire Yang Palace are all here?"

"If it's the fire cavalry, how could you be alive?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible to be a fire cavalry!"

"Also, you said that the fairy lord defeated the fire cavalry?"

"Ridiculous, so fake!"

These people thought it was too outrageous, and although Tie Shenyun didn't believe it, he still wanted to know exactly what happened, so he stared at the nine people, "Tell me about it again."

After the nine people narrated again, Tie Shenyun looked at Fan Sha, "I believe in my people."

Fan Sha frowned, "So, you also believe that fairy can defeat a group of fire cavalry?"

"Yes!" Tie Shenyun nodded heavily.

Fan Sha said solemnly, "If the fire cavalry really appeared here, then we have to be careful to prevent them from having other plots."

But Tie Shenyun said, "I want to go and see for myself."

"Are you going in person?" Fan Sha was startled.

"That fairy belongs to me, and he is still there, so I naturally have to find him and confirm the situation inside." Tie Shenyun said solemnly. (end of this chapter)

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