The Craziest Supreme in History

Reference 2457 Complete surrender, an attempt to unite two swords

With curiosity, Lu Chen followed Qin Xiaoyan to a deserted place, and Qin Xiaoyan said to Lu Chen, "I got some news, which is not good for you."

"What news?" Lu Chen was a little puzzled.

Qin Xiaoyan frowned and said, "I heard that you used the fake news from Jiujing Mountain to take down the people from Huoyang Palace and tricked them into a magic weapon of one dimension, right?"

"Yes!" Lu Chen said directly without hiding anything.

Qin Xiaoyan frowned, "Huoyang Palace intends to use things and people from the Tianyu Alliance to exchange those people, so you have to be mentally prepared, you have to return these people when the time comes."

Lu Chen smiled wryly, "Huoyang Palace, do you still want to return those people?"

"These people have betrayed the Fire Yang Palace, so the Fire Yang Palace will naturally not let them go." Qin Xiaoyan explained.

Lu Chen didn't understand, "Will the Territory Alliance agree that day?"

"It is said that the Fire Yang Palace may give good benefits this time, so you have to be prepared mentally. Once the higher authorities agree to let you return the person, you have to send the person back."

Lu Chen sneered, "What if not?"

"Fire Yang Palace will definitely trouble you, and in the Tianyu League, I don't know who is spreading rumors about you, saying that you are supernatural and capable of many monsters and ghosts, so." Qin Xiaoyan didn't say anything when he said this. Knowing whether to continue or not.

Lu Chen smiled, "People from the Tianyu League really believe it?"

"Of course, many people don't believe it. After all, you are a hero, and you won't erase your credit at will, but if you make a deal with Huoyang Palace, if you don't hand over people, I'm afraid it will be bad for you, especially in some dark places. Those who spread rumors about you." Qin Xiaoyan reminded.

Lu Chen knew that most of the people who spread the rumors belonged to Xueyou Palace. After all, some people in the Tianyu League were bought by Xueyou Palace.

But Lu Chen didn't care and smiled, "What are you doing, what am I blocking, I still don't believe these people, what else can they do to me!"

"Then be careful, if you need help, you can go to my fortress to find me." Qin Xiaoyan left after finishing speaking.

Lu Chen returned to the first battalion and looked at the twenty or so people in the first battalion. Although they all recognized themselves as the commander, they were obviously dissatisfied.

Lu Chen looked at them with a smile, "What? Are you not convinced?"

Pang Niusan stared, "Nonsense, of course I don't accept it!"

"Then I'll give you a chance. If anyone wins, he can leave the first battalion. How about it?" Lu Chen looked at them with a smile.

As soon as the words came out, they were naturally happy.

It's just that they all heard about Lu Chen defeating many Huoyang Palace masters by himself, so none of them dared to go forward and could only look at each other there.

"What? Don't dare to come?" Lu Chen looked at them with a smile.

Pang Niusan was a little embarrassed and said, "I heard that you are very powerful. How about fighting against twenty of us by yourself?"

"Yes, but it's on my territory." Lu Chen looked at them with a smile.

"Your territory?" These people looked at each other, and Lu Chen threw out the "Desolate Gate", and then smiled at these people, "Please."

I saw Lu Chen walking in, and after looking at each other, these people rushed in together.

Lu Chen let the soul guard outside, and told Huo Tianxin, "Don't let people come near here."

"Yes." After Huo Tianxin took the order, he stood guard nearby.


In the "Desolate Gate", Lu Chen led these people to Jiujing Mountain, and these people were dumbfounded, especially when they saw the stone tablet of Jiujing Mountain, they were shocked one by one.

"This, is it really Jiujing Mountain?"

"How did we get to Nine Realms Mountain?"

"We can't use our strength anymore." These people were scared and surprised, but Pang Niusan looked at Lu Chen and asked urgently, "What's going on!"

Lu Chen looked at them with a smile, "Do you want to join Jiujing Mountain?"

"Join Jiujing Mountain? Are you kidding me?" Pang Niusan thought Lu Chen was joking, and others also thought Lu Chen was joking.

Someone even joked, "Where is Jiujing Mountain? Can we join casually?"

"That's right! Don't fool people."

Lu Chen smiled strangely, and a force dragged them to the top of the mountain, but the moment these people saw the Nine Gods Temple, they were all stunned.

"Now you have two choices, one, join Jiujing Mountain, and two, be trapped in Jiujing Mountain forever, unable to leave." Lu Chen stared at them with a smile.

Pang Niusan asked strangely, "Why was your divine power unrestricted just now?"

"I am the master here, why should I be restricted?" Lu Chen's words made Pang Niusan's eyes widen, and the others were even more stunned.

Some people stammered, "You, are you the owner of this place?"

"Do you know how I defeated the master of Huoyang Palace?" Lu Chen smiled, but these people were completely stunned.

Pang Niusan cupped his hands and said, "I am willing to join!"

Others joined in.

After Lu Chen smiled, he made an agreement with them, but there was one requirement, that is, these people had to go down the mountain first to help him collect enough godheads.

Although these people didn't know what Chase Lu was going to do to collect the godhead, they still did it.

So after Lu Chen sent them down the mountain one by one, they went to wander around in those caves, and they also succeeded in becoming members of the Killing God Pavilion.

And Lu Chen, seeing that the Killing God Pavilion was a little bit stronger, the corners of his mouth curled up, "I hope the people of the Tianyu League, don't be too stupid, otherwise I don't mind, and take over the 72nd Battalion!"

Then Lu Chen himself returned to the first battalion, and after Lu Chen put away the barren door, Huo Tianxin asked curiously, "My lord, what about them?"

"Take them to practice." Lu Chen said casually.

Huo Tianxin said oh and took out the Soul Sword, "My lord, I'll see you off."

"Send me?" Lu Chen was stunned.

"It is rumored that when the seventy-two battle soul swords are fused together, they will become very terrifying, and you are so powerful, I think you can definitely fuse the seventy-two battle soul swords into one." Huo Tianxin said expectantly.

Lu Chen asked suspiciously, "You want me to fuse them?"

"Actually, for us sword masters, the greatest hope is to become one with the sword, and at the same time hope that our sword will become stronger, but we all know that this sword is only seventy-two in one, which is its peak. Only then can you see its appearance, and I believe you have this ability." Huo Tianxin said what was in his heart.

Lu Chen hesitated, "What will happen if I fuse it?"

"I heard that after the fusion of swords and swords, a battle soul sword will be formed, and this battle soul sword will be stronger. At the same time, it can be separated at will, and then restored into multiple swords, but I have asked someone to try it, but the strength is not enough. , unable to suppress the undead and weapon souls inside." Huo Tianxin said helplessly.

Lu Chen smiled after hearing this, "You make me want to try it."

"Try it, maybe there will be new discoveries." Huo Tianxin looked at Lu Chen expectantly, wanting to see the effect of combining the two swords.

Lu Chen had no choice but to say, "Okay, let me have a look at the sword first."

Huo Tianxin immediately gave the sword to Lu Chen, and after Lu Chen took the sword, he also took out his battle soul sword, and then put the two swords together.

But a strong repulsive force arises. (end of this chapter)

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