The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2470 The godhead is completed, showing the

Everyone didn't know what happened, especially when Qiu Yeling kept attacking Lu Chen with the power of the wood spirit idol, it seemed to pass by in a flash, and then Lu Chen there seemed to be fine.

Not only that, but the ice cubes frozen on Lu Chen's body also cracked a little bit.

But that's not the point.

I saw thunder and lightning in the sky, like a downpour, hitting Lu Chen crazily, "Boom, boom!"

There are all kinds of thunder and lightning.

White, red, purple...

The people in the formation have long been dumbfounded, especially on the high tower, the faces of the law enforcement officers changed drastically, and some people were even stunned, "This is not a tribulation, it is a death!"

"too frightening."

"Is everything all right?"

The curator looked solemn, "Let the masters in the formation attack him together and cause trouble for him. We can't let him survive the disaster smoothly, or there will be endless troubles."

Everyone knew what was going on, so these law enforcement officers gave orders to the masters in the law.

These people also knew that the situation was serious, so they rushed out one by one, and when they were about to attack him, Qiu Yeling shouted, "This is a bet between me and him, you stand down!"

"This." These people looked at each other.

The curator on the tower frowned, "Qiu Yeling, now is not the time to be arrogant."

"Elder Bei, I know, but I have made an agreement with him just now, within fifteen minutes, I have to hurt him, if you make a move, it won't be counted as me hurting him." Qiu Yeling said solemnly.

"Are you sure?"

"I'll try again." Qiu Yeling said coldly.

"Then hurry up, this matter is no small matter." The curator said anxiously, and after Qiu Yeling hummed, he continued to use the power of the idol, and it was the power of the double idol.

I saw two kinds of power continue to collide crazily, but this power is nothing compared to the sky thunder.

Therefore, as soon as Qiu Yeling's power reached Lu Chen, all of it poured into Lu Chen's dantian, but they were all blocked by the dark clouds on the "Xiange", so Lu Chen didn't care about the opponent's attack at all.

Not only that, Lu Chen also sat down cross-legged with a look of enjoyment.

Sit down cross-legged?

So casual?

Everyone is dumbfounded.

The other law enforcement officers became anxious one by one, and asked the curator, "Elder Bei, let's do it quickly, I'm afraid."

"Elder Bei, if you don't continue, wait until Shen Jie disappears."

The curator took a deep breath, "Order, no matter what Qiu Ye Ling is, I will do it all."


I saw these law enforcers ordering one after another.

Those people immediately launched the attack, but it was too late for Qiu Yeling to stop him. He could only see countless attacks hitting Lu Chen overwhelmingly.

On the contrary, Qiu Yeling became anxious, even a little guilty, so he turned around, but the curator said, "Qiu Yeling, I know you are very upright, which is a good quality, but sometimes, it often kills you."

"I just don't like to take advantage of others' dangers, and I don't want to do things that go against my will." Qiu Yeling said very dissatisfied.

The curator didn't take it seriously, "As long as you can win, it doesn't matter what the means are!"

Qiu Yeling disagreed, "What's the difference between that and a villain?"

The curator smiled, "Qiu Yeling, if you can do it, you can defeat him yourself instead of talking nonsense with me here."

Qiu Yeling turned to look at Lu Chen with an ugly face, but Lu Chen was fine, and the people around him couldn't do anything to Lu Chen no matter how hard they tried.

Especially the thunder and lightning in the sky continued.

This made Qiu Yeling feel weird, "Why is he fine?"

The curator couldn't smile anymore, especially the smile on You Qi's face was slowly disappearing, and he even looked solemn, "It's not the way to go on like this."

"Elder Bei, quickly think of a way." Others began to urge.

"Let everyone try some pills." The curator said helplessly.

So they ordered one after another, and those people really took pills one by one to make themselves stronger, but this still couldn't change the result that they couldn't hurt Lu Chen.

This made everyone wonder why Dujie Lu was different from others.

Because every monk is at his weakest when crossing the catastrophe, so many people will cross the catastrophe in a safe and reliable place.

But Chase Lu did the opposite, and being attacked in this situation, nothing happened.

It made many people start to get a little scared.

The curator on the tower was also a little worried, "Give me an order. If he really breaks through later, let everyone retreat to the formation and activate the highest-level formation here."


These people went to give orders one by one, and everyone was terrified when they heard that Chase Lu might break through to the divine realm.

"Immortal Venerable, it's so scary, if it comes to the gods, will it be worth it?"

"If he is a true god, I'm afraid he will become even more terrifying."

"Then we can't stop him?"

"It is estimated that the first camp will be lost."

These people became frightened one by one, and Qiu Yeling muttered in his heart, "Who the hell are you and why are you so powerful!"

At this moment, Qiu Yeling was full of fighting spirit, as if attracted by the other party, but Lu Chen was staring at the "Xiange" in Dantian, especially the little black cloud, which was also releasing thunder and lightning crazily.

And every time it attacks, the "Xiange" changes a little bit.

In this way, after probably going on for a long time, Lu Chen's "immortal spirit" suddenly became entangled with air, which meant that Lu Chen had entered the era of "godhead", and this "godhead" was different from other people's godheads.

Because this "Godhead" has nine regions, just like nine small houses, a big house put together.

If you look closely, you will find that each area corresponds to different powers, such as beast power, demon power, ghost power and so on.

Not only that, but the divine chapter of "Ninth Reincarnation Jue" appeared, "Primitive Idol".

Lu Chen was curious about what "Primitive Idol" was, and only after reading it did he realize that his "Godhead" had to absorb the power of different idols to break through to the realm of the gods and use the light of the gods.

But how much to absorb is the question.

But fortunately, this "Primitive Idol" allows you to take away the hearts of other people's idols and integrate them into your own godhead. A miracle within.

This kind of magical power is the bridge for them to communicate with the celestial phenomena in the Divine Realm.

What Lu Chen has to do now is to try the effect.

So Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, and Lu Chen suddenly felt a lot lighter.

If it was said that before, in this God's Domain, he carried forward with a heavy burden, then at this moment, his sense of burden has disappeared.

At the same time, the celestial energy in his body disappeared, and it all turned into divine energy, and Lu Chen felt that his strength had increased many times, so he smiled, "Divine power, it really is different!" (End of this chapter)

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