The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2587 Not all rules can bind me!

"Please!" The guy in the lead invited him again after seeing that Chase Lu hadn't moved.

Lu Chen came back to his senses and said, "We're here to find something."

"I said, no matter what the purpose is, report to the police." The leader said to Lu Chen, and Lu Chen wanted to see what was going on, so he took Mang Jinlong and the others to register.

After a while, I came to a seemingly luxurious "palace".

This "palace" is made of some stones, and the beast here still looks weak.

Not only that, these guys don't like to talk, so the three of Lu Chen came to the main hall smoothly, and then here, they will give everyone a stone, as long as they inject their own breath.

Mang Jinlong and the old monster were a little worried, fearing that after injecting breath, they would become very weak like these guys.

But here at the moment, there are so many guys staring around, so the two of them had better try to inject breath, and Lu Chen casually let the soul inject.

When everything was done, pass tokens were issued to the three and they were allowed to leave.

But after walking out of the "palace" for a while, Mang Jinlong and the old monster felt weak.

"There is indeed a problem with the stone just now." The old monster was very depressed, and Mang Jinlong also had a bad face, "I didn't expect that I was fooled by them."

Lu Chen looked at the two, "Go to Jiujing Mountain first, and see if it will recover."

The two immediately returned to Jiujing Mountain, and then it was much better, and they were no longer affected by it, and Lu Chen let them stay in it first, and as for himself, he continued to look for the Beast Orb.

After a while, the person who led the team came again, and stared at Lu Chen, "Where are the two beside you?"


"Gone? How is it possible, where can they go in this city?" The other party didn't believe it, but Lu Chen smiled at him, "They have legs and feet, of course they can walk around."

"No, they are no longer in the city!" The other party became gloomy.

Lu Chen became curious, "How do you know he is no longer in the city?"

The other party said, "I am the patrol captain here, Ying Ming, and I also have an identity, the census officer. Once anyone disappears, I will know immediately."

"The first time? How did you know?" Lu Chen was a little curious.

"How do you know, you don't need to know, but what you need to know is to tell me where they are going, otherwise I will arrest you." Ying Ming said to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen laughed, "So, are you threatening me?"

"This is my duty." After Ying Ming finished speaking, he took out a strange "fishing net" in his hand.

Lu Chen smiled helplessly, "Are you planning to use this against me?"

"This is a net to treat prisoners. If anyone makes trouble or refuses to accept it, then the thunder and lightning from the sky will fall, let you experience it." The other party warned Lu Chen as if he was worried about Lu Chen's resistance.

Lu Chen smiled, "I think, let's forget it, you can't do anything to me like this."

The other party didn't believe it, and asked, "So, you want to resist?"

"As long as you dare to fight, I dare to resist." Lu Chen said without any fear, and the other party laughed, "Come here, you have to accept this rule, otherwise you will wait for the law of the beast to fix you."

"Then try it." Chase Lu didn't take it seriously at all.

The other party was immediately dissatisfied, and the net in his hand was thrown out, entangled Lu Chen, and then the other party said, "See, your strength is just like this."

When Lu Chen heard it, he immediately laughed, "Is that all?"

"What? Can you still resist?" The other party felt that Lu Chen was too stubborn.

Lu Chen calmed down and said, "You are watching."

I saw that after the golden light on Lu Chen's body was released, the net immediately dissipated.

Seeing the disappearance of the net, Yingming looked weird and stared at Lu Chen, "How did you do it?"

"Do I need to tell you?"

Ying Ming frowned, "Boy, this is Desolate Beast City."

"and then?"

"You have to listen to us, or you will be at your own risk." Ying Ming became cold, but Lu Chen smiled after hearing this, "Oh? At your own risk? Is it?"

"What? Still want to resist?"

"Look at you, how weak each of you is." Lu Chen despised, and Lu Chen's contempt made Ying Ming stupid. As for the onlookers, they were all stunned, and they didn't even expect it to be like this.

Lu Chen calmed down and said, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense. Now, if you have the ability, take me down. If you don't, don't mess with me."

After finishing speaking, Chase Lu planned to continue on his own.

But why are these guys so willing?

I saw these guys surrounded Chase Lu again, and then Ying Ming said, "Boy, do I let you go?"

"Are you really going to do it?"

"No, if you dare to do something, the higher-ups will take care of you." Ying Ming pointed to the top of his head, and Lu Chen smiled, "So, as long as I don't hurt you, the higher-ups won't attack you. ?”

Ying Ming thought to himself, "If you don't do it, can you escape from here?"

After finishing speaking, these guys formed an enchantment to trap Lu Chen in that area, and Lu Chen smiled helplessly, "It's a small trick."

Seeing that Lu Chen passed through the barrier easily, these people were stunned, and the onlookers even muttered, "Who is this guy, he is so crazy."

"It's more than crazy, it's ignoring these guards."

"It's been so many years, this is the first time I saw someone confronting the guards."

"It should be that this kid is rather strange, after all, he is not as weak as us."

Everyone thought it made sense, so everyone wanted to know why Lu Chen was not weak, but Ying Ming said coldly, "Boy, do you know that you have broken the rules in the city?"

"Is it broken?"

"If you don't listen to the instructions, you will destroy it." The other party said madly, and Lu Chen sighed, "I don't like to listen to others, so don't mess with me."

Yingming didn't expect that Chase Lu would dare to threaten him at this time, so he said to Chase Lu, "It turned out to be like this, then, you are miserable."

After finishing speaking, Ying Ming took out a talisman and stuck it on his forehead, his whole body turned into a phantom, and then the animal power radiated, and then condensed a flame knife.

Lu Chen smiled, "Didn't you say that you can't take the initiative to attack?"

"In my state, it's fine, because I use a special beast talisman, and this beast talisman can prevent the law from hurting me temporarily." Ying Ming said complacently.

Lu Chen snorted, "That means that this beast method is not 100% effective, right?"

"It's enough to deal with you." The other party finished speaking very draggingly, and then hit the flame knife in his hand, and at the same time teased, "If you have the courage to fight back, I guarantee that you will not know how to die!" (End of this chapter)

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