The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2593 The relationship between myself and the Beast God Palace is not as simple as it seems

Lu Chen took out the battle soul sword, and then went his own way, and those beast souls didn't know what to do.

Lu Tian couldn't stand it anymore, and continued to summon more beast souls, and some of the beast souls who had just arrived didn't know what was going on, so they went to attack Lu Chen, but they didn't hurt Lu Chen, but were directly beaten by Lu Chen with his sword. Slander.

"Why is it so difficult to deal with?" Lu Tian's face was very ugly.

And Chase Lu has come to the center of the hall.

In this center, there are many ancient sleeping beast souls, and behind these beast souls are floating Myriad Beast Orbs.

"It's really here." Seeing this, Lu Chen laughed.

When Lu Chen was about to pass, those ancient sleeping beast souls woke up one by one.

"Who, who is causing trouble here." When these beast souls woke up, they were fierce and fierce, as if they wanted to destroy all power.

"My lords, he, he is going to make trouble." Lu Tian respectfully saw these seniors wake up, and each of these beast souls was above the blood beast realm.

Therefore, when releasing the power of the beast soul, it is very scary, even the beast souls around do not dare to approach.

Lu Chen stood there, allowing the power of these beast souls to destroy himself, while his body was protected by golden light.

Seeing this, Lu Chen moved forward even more seriously.

This shocked everyone, and they were all curious about the origin of Chase Lu and why he was not afraid of their power, especially when a red flood dragon covered in red scales turned into the soul shadow of a middle-aged man with a red body.

"Boy, who are you and why did you come to our Beast God Palace to make trouble!" the other party said angrily.

Lu Chen pointed behind them and smiled, "I want the beads."

The red flood dragon glared and said, "This Ten Thousand Beast Orb is the sacred object of our Beast God Palace!"

"Oh? The sacred object of the Beast God Palace?" Lu Chen showed a puzzled look, while the Red Flood Dragon snorted, "That's right, it cares about whether the seal of our Beast God Palace can be untied, so if you still think you are a member of the Beast Clan If you are a member, get out of here quickly."

Lu Chen sighed, "I'm not from the Beast Race, and whether the seal of the Beast God Palace is untied has nothing to do with me."

The red flood dragon immediately became gloomy, "What?"

The other ancient beast souls also looked at each other, wanting to know what Chase Lu meant, but Chase Lu smiled slightly and turned into a human breath, "I said, am I a human being?"

Now these beast souls widened their eyes even more.

And Yingbai shouted, "Seniors, it, it is Sword God Venerable!"

Sword God Venerable?

These ancient beast souls stared wide-eyed one by one, and the Red Flood Dragon dared not say anything, "Impossible, the Sword God, has already left, not to mention it is so weak, how could it be the Sword God."

Other beast souls didn't believe it either.

Lu Chen smiled, "I don't really believe it myself, so it doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Anyway, what I want is the bead. I hope you don't stop me."

"Impossible, the Beast Orb is our sacred object, even if you die, we will not give it to you." Red Flood Dragon said angrily.

Lu Chen ignored it, but went straight through these beast souls, and then grabbed the Beast Orb with one hand, but this time the Ten Thousand Beast Orb struggled harder, as if it was about to disappear.

Lu Chen used his powerful power to control the Beast Orb, and the addition of the Light of the Artifact God made the Beast Orb more honest, but the beast souls in the entire palace were suddenly sucked in by the Beast Orb one by one.

Those beast souls roared loudly one by one.

But no matter how you call it, it's useless, because the Beast Orb is like a container for absorbing beast souls, sucking it crazily, and at the same time, Lu Chen's beast soul power also soared.

After all the beast souls were sucked into the beads, the moment Lu Chen grabbed the Beast Beads, he could hear a strange "heartbeat" sound.

"You are here again!" An ancient voice sounded in the hall, but Lu Chen felt that it came from the Beast Orb again, so he became curious, "Who?"

"What? You forgot me so quickly? Sword God Venerable?"

Lu Chen said with emotion, "I have a little memory loss."

"It seems that you have failed."

"Failure?" Lu Chen was curious, and the voice said with emotion, "Back then, you wanted to open the sealed palaces of all the secret realms together, so as to unify the gods, but if you didn't complete it, you would no longer be able to sense your existence."

Lu Chen stopped immediately, "Wait, open the palaces?"

"You said that when all the secret realms of God's Domain are opened, God's Domain will return to its peak, and you will also comprehend new laws, and this new law will allow you to reach a higher level, so you are here, but, you The gods, some have evil intentions, colluding with many forces in the secret realm, and secretly killing you."

Chase Lu was suspicious, "Kill me?"

"For example, the two you mentioned most often, Xueyou Palace and Bone Seizing Alliance."

Lu Chen was shocked, "You know this too?"

When Lu Chen was curious, the other party said, "It seems that you really forgot a lot of things, but you came again, so I will tell you our agreement one by one."

Then the Beast Orb released a powerful light green light, and this light enveloped Lu Chen, and then Lu Chen had a part of memory.

This memory is the scene of Lu Chen's last visit to the Palace of Beasts.

Last time, many orcs stopped him, but last time these orcs were bewitched by the Bone Snatching League and Xueyou Palace people, so they took action to deal with Lu Chen.

And finally, after Lu Chen subdued all the beast souls here, he saw the "Palace Master" of the Beast God Palace. The so-called palace master is the master of the Beast God Palace. In fact, it is the seal consciousness.

The consciousness of sealing is a beast soul, and it is an ancient dragon beast soul.

I saw it was a black dragon shadow.

The black dragon shadow was sealed in the palace, at most it could only be in the palace, commanding the orcs here, and nothing outside could interfere.

Because it also needs to leave here urgently, so it cooperates with Sword God Venerable, that is, Lu Chen's previous life, to unlock the seal, but to unlock the seal, it needs Wanshouzhu and many beast souls to complete.

Therefore, something happened to Lu Chen on his way to find the Beast Orb, and it was nothing in the end.

"It turns out that I came to break the seal, but what does breaking the seal do to me?" Lu Chen became suspicious, and at this moment, the black dragon shadow condensed in the Beast Orb, "Did you see it?"

Lu Chen picked up the Beast Orb and stared at the shadow inside, "Can you appear inside?"

"When the Beast Orb returns, I can attach to it, but I can't exert any power, so I can only talk to you about you here, and I can't help you with anything else." Hei Longying said with emotion .

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen asked, "You said, if I unlock the seal, I can understand the law?"

"That's what you said back then, and there's another main reason."

"what reason?"

"You said that the forces behind Xueyou Palace and Bone Seizing Alliance also want to obtain the power in the major secret realm shrines, but you don't want them to get it, so you have to get it in advance." Black Dragon Shadow said after thinking about it.

Hearing this, Lu Chen remembered his previous life, where he was entangled by countless chains, and there were many strange figures.

This made Lu Chen serious, "There are people behind Xueyou Palace and Bone Seizing League?" (End of this chapter)

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