The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2645 The Power of Swallowing Elephants

A golden light fell, it was a sword soul.

This is a golden sword. When the golden sword came out, the surrounding tool souls stepped aside one by one, and said respectfully, "Master Jiansha."

Sword brake?

Lu Chen didn't expect a sword soul to be so big in this ostentation, and Jian Sha turned into a young man, staring at Lu Chen at the same time and said, "If you don't want to die, just go back the same way, otherwise our weapon souls will definitely let you die!" There is no back and forth!"


Lu Chen had no such intention, but said, "I'm going to the artifact cemetery, please don't disturb me."

Artifact cemetery?

When these artifact souls heard this, they immediately laughed, obviously mocking Lu Chen one by one, "Boy, do you know where the artifact cemetery is?"

"Boy, do you dare to go there?"

"I really don't know whether to live or die."

Lu Chen didn't speak, just walked his own way, and Jiansha, seeing that Lu Chen ignored them, immediately became unhappy, and shot out countless sword auras at once.

These sword qi fell around Lu Chen one by one.

Seeing that Lu Chen was about to be "killed" by these sword qi, Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Are you kidding me?"

The next moment, Lu Chen "sucked" the sword energy.

Absorb sword energy.

Those present were shocked.

Jian Sha looked at Lu Chen even more strangely, "What did you do?"

Lu Chen naturally let the sword corpse absorb his sword energy, but these guys couldn't see it. Instead, Lu Chen shot a golden light at Jian Sha.

This golden light was transformed by Qishen, so when the golden light fell on Jiansha, Jiansha suddenly felt that all his strength was useless.

This frightened Jiansha, so Jiansha shouted to the surrounding Qihun, "Quick, give it to me."

These weapon souls naturally listened to Jiansha, so these weapon souls went crazy to attack Lu Chen.

However, no matter how these weapon souls attack, they can't do anything to Lu Chen. Instead, Lu Chen uses the weapon god to restrain the weapon souls present one by one.

Jian Cha was frightened, he didn't expect Lu Chen to be so scary, and Lu Chen looked at Jian Cha with a smile, "Nonsense, let's not say more?"

Jiansha became nervous, "You, what do you want to do?"

"I said, I want to go to the Artifact Graveyard."

"Take, I'll take you there." Jiansha trembled, not daring to stay at all, but Lu Chen looked at him with a smile, "Oh? Seriously?"

"Really, really." Jian Shakuang nodded.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, still not at ease, so after letting it surrender, he looked at the surrounding weapon souls, "What about these?"

"I, I'll let them go now." Jian Sha didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly let these weapon souls leave.

These artifact souls naturally didn't dare to stay, so after Lu Chen let them go, they fled one by one in fright.

Only then did Jiansha heave a sigh of relief, but he also became nervous, "It's scary enough."

"Wait for me." Seeing that he was about to leave, Lu Chen took him back, but Jian Sha didn't dare to disobey, and asked quickly, "My lord, what are you going to do?"

"I want to condense the power of the image." Lu Chen finished speaking, sat down cross-legged, and left his consciousness.

Jian Sha wondered secretly, "Where is the power of condensing the image?"

However, Jian Sha didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he could only guard slowly, while Lu Chen's consciousness passed through the area of ​​spiritual artifact image, holy object image area, and finally the sacred image area.

After seeing the vortex, Chase Lu entered it.

I saw a huge sword shadow there.

"This sword shadow is scary enough." Lu Chen muttered, but no matter what it was, Lu Chen surrendered it first.

When Lu Chen completed the condensing of the power of the image, the godhead in his body suddenly exploded, and Lu Chen entered the mysterious god realm from the heavenly god realm.

Not only that, but those "image afterimages" in the godhood gathered together one by one.

At the same time, in Lu Chen's mind, a single-minded method, "Divine Image Doubling Technique" appeared.

Divine image doubling?

It turns out that after the power of the idol is possessed, it can be strengthened little by little, but to enhance it, it needs to absorb a lot of power of the same type of idol.

That's why it's called "The Power of Swallowing Elephants" and "The Power of Breaking Elephants" can be used in conjunction.

When the multiplier of the power of each idol increases to ten times, the cultivation base can break through.

Lu Chen wanted to try the method of devouring, so Lu Chen looked at Jiansha and smiled, "There are more artifact souls in this place, and the power of artifact image is stronger."

Jian Sha was completely confused, "My lord, why are you asking this?"

"I just want to see it." Lu Chen said casually.

"Going along the way, there is a valley, which is full of vicious weapon souls, and the power of this weapon image is even more terrifying, especially the owner of the valley, who is a domineering ax soul, very ferocious."

Lu Chen was very satisfied, "Well, lead the way."

Jiansha was stunned, "My lord, are you kidding me?"

"Am I kidding you?" Lu Chen asked Jian Sha back.

Jian Sha worried, "My lord, I didn't mean that, just."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, lead the way."

Under the urging of Lu Chen, Jian Sha had no choice but to lead the way obediently, and after Lu Chen reached the Profound God Realm, he felt that his strength had increased a lot, as if he had completely changed himself.

"At this moment, it's easy to kill someone in the blood god realm." Lu Chen laughed secretly.

Jiansha didn't know what Lu Chen was thinking, but on the way, he asked Lu Chen curiously, "My lord, why did you go to those vicious guys?"

"Become stronger."

"Get stronger?" Jian Sha didn't understand at all, and after Lu Chen asked him to lead the way quickly, he didn't speak again.

Jiansha had no choice but to lead the way obediently.

After half a day, they arrived at their destination.

The weapon souls here are indeed ferocious enough. When Lu Chen and the others approached not far away, these weapon souls stepped forward one after another, wanting Lu Chen's life.

It's that kind, don't say anything, just get started.

However, Chase Lu used the tool god to control them, and when the other tool souls in the valley did not respond, he smiled at these tool souls, "You guys use the power of the tool image."

"Exhibit?" They were controlled, and they didn't know what Chase Lu meant.

Jian Sha didn't understand either, but Lu Chen looked at them with a smile, "I'll let you go later, and you only have one chance, I hope you cherish it."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen let go of his strength.

These weapon souls really activated the power of the device image one by one, and then became berserk one by one.

Not only that, these tool souls thought that they could easily defeat Lu Chen, but Lu Chen was very calm.

When Chase Lu used the "power of swallowing images", a black vortex appeared, and sucked their image power one by one.

When Jiansha saw it, he was dumbfounded, and still stammered, "What, what kind of power is this?"

Those instrumental souls were even more terrified, and some even screamed.

After a while, tool souls from all over also came out of the valley one after another, and when they saw someone coming here to make trouble, they all went crazy.

It's just that Lu Chen easily controlled them with the power of the weapon god, and let them release the power of the weapon soul.

These guys just follow suit.

Until half a moment later, a tool soul shouted, "The owner of the valley is here!"

Hearing Gu Zhu, everyone was very energetic, as if seeing hope. (end of this chapter)

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