The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2651 Chess King Appears

The chess piece didn't expect that after Lu Chen didn't take himself seriously, he snorted at Lu Chen, "This will let you see how good I am."

A strange power emanates from the soul of the chess piece.

In the next moment, countless terrifying forces struck in all directions.

I saw stone tablets rise from the ground one by one, and then surrounded Lu Chen, but Lu Chen didn't expect that the chess pieces would plan to use these stone tablets.

"When you came in just now, you already experienced the power of these steles, so do you want to try again?" The chess piece threatened Lu Chen.

Lu Chen hesitated and then smiled, "It's scary, but it doesn't mean I will compromise."

"Uncompromising? Then what do you use to fight against me?" The chess piece said coldly there.

Lu Chen had already turned into a "device soul", so he said indifferently, "You let them come, anyway, they can't do anything to me."

"That's not necessarily the case."

After finishing speaking, the chess piece gave an order, and these steles rushed towards Lu Chen one by one.

"Boom boom boom!"

They hit Lu Chen's soul one by one, but Lu Chen's soul is always protected by golden light, so no matter how these steles hit, Lu Chen is fine.

The chess piece became serious, "I can't destroy you, so I will seal you!"

I saw that the chess pieces chanted some kind of mantra, and then a powerful force descended from the sky.

Chase Lu was restrained in place by a force, and then these steles were piled up one by one, finally forming a weird space.

This space is very strange, no matter how Lu Chen uses his power or "all spirits", he cannot break through it.

"This guy is really difficult to deal with." Chase Lu complained.

Jian Sha was also trapped inside, so when he saw that Lu Chen had nothing to do, he sighed, "My lord, what should we do now?"

"Actually, you can leave at any time, but you don't want to leave yet." Lu Chen didn't find Tianxinmeng, so he didn't plan to just run away.

But Jiansha worried, "Are you still planning to continue?"

Lu Chen hummed, "Continue."

Jiansha frowned, "Continue?"

Jian Sha didn't know how Lu Chen was going to continue, after all, he had left here now, and after Lu Chen groped around on these steles, he planned to try using the power of the image.

I saw Lu Chen turned on a power, and a huge sword shadow appeared behind him.

As soon as the sword shadow appeared, the tool souls on these stone tablets rushed towards Lu Chenhun one by one as if they were suddenly attracted by some force.

"Bang bang bang!"

These weapon souls were attracted to the sword image of the weapon, and Lu Chen felt that it was interesting, and then easily pushed away the surrounding stone monuments with one hand, because they had no weapon souls.

Jian Sha was dumbfounded.

Not only Jian Sha, but also the resting chess piece felt a strange force, and looked at Chase Lu, and then saw the huge sword.

"This." The chess piece was stunned.

Lu Chen looked at the chess pieces and smiled, "It's your turn."

I saw Chase Lu approaching the chess pieces.

The chess piece suddenly felt that Lu Chen was "sucked" past, so the chess piece backed away in fright, and Lu Chen smiled, "Don't run away."

"Boy, you, don't come here, or I won't spare you." The chess piece became depressed.

Lu Chen had a half-smile, "Weren't you very fierce just now?"

After speaking, Lu Chen chased the chess pieces.

The chess piece ran wildly, but when it reached a certain place, it stopped again, not daring to go there, as if there was something dangerous in front of it.

"Boy, you, don't come here!" The chess piece noticed something and looked at Chase Lu.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "In the past, so what!"

Lu Chen didn't listen to the warning, but the chess piece accidentally took a step back, and the entire soul of the weapon was entangled in a flame, and the next moment it screamed and burned to death.

Chase Lu stopped immediately, then stared at the chess pieces, frowning, "It's so scary."

Jian Sha was dumbfounded, "My lord, is this still over?"

"In the past, why not in the past."

"But this."

"Don't worry, I have many avatars to try." Lu Chen said, a bunch of avatars entered back and forth.

Jian Sha looked confused when he saw this, and those souls, after entering one by one, burned up.

Lu Chen himself was collecting information there.

I saw the information, one by one into my mind.

From the information, Lu Chen found that every time he entered, there would be a strange force that would lock the soul, and then the soul would burn by itself.

After Lu Chen thought about it, he planned to try the deity, after all, the deity has body protection.

So Lu Chen took a deep breath and walked over.

Sure enough, a flame emanated from Lu Chen's soul, and the golden light kept protecting himself, preventing himself from burning away.

Seeing this, Jian Sha was even more shocked, "My lord, you."

"I'm fine." After Lu Chen comforted him, he walked out, while Jian Sha was curious, "My lord, why are you fine?"

"My soul is too strong." Lu Chen's words left Jiancha speechless, and after Lu Chen took Jiansha into the "Desolate Gate", he went in again by himself.

I saw the front is very desolate.

Only the flames on his body fought against the golden light.

The two forces crackled, as if to see who was stronger, until Chase Lu saw a mountain ahead.

Lu Chen walked to the foot of the mountain curiously.

I saw many artifact souls on this mountain peak, but these artifact souls, like lonely ghosts, wandered here.

Chase Lu passed by them, but they didn't respond.

Lu Chen got Jiancha out, and Jiancha was startled when he saw this, "I won't come to the rumored artifact mountain."

"Sacred Artifact Mountain?"

"Yes, there are rumors that there are a group of unconscious artifact souls floating around, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Lu Chen was curious, "Why is there such a thing?"

Jian Sha couldn't answer this question, he just said, "I don't understand that either."

Lu Chen had no choice but to say, "Okay, let's continue."


Jiansha had no choice but to follow silently.

It was okay at the beginning, they were all weak weapon souls, but they became stronger and stronger later, and Lu Chen wanted to study them in the past.

But as soon as you get close to these artifact souls, these artifact souls will disappear, as if they are completely intangible.

Jian Sha was suspicious, "My lord, why did they disappear out of thin air?"

"I can't answer this question either." Chase Lu picked up his mood and continued to rush to the top of the mountain.

After a while, at the top of the mountain, I saw a chessboard.

There is nothing on this chessboard except some chess pieces.

Lu Chen frowned, "Just a chessboard?"

"The chessboard, isn't it good?" The old man landed in the sky, and the old man sat on the edge of the chessboard, staring at the pieces on the chessboard and smiling.

Chase Lu looked at it curiously, "Who are you?"

"The master of Artifact Mountain is also what you are looking for." The other party smiled, and Lu Chen looked at it suspiciously.

The other party smiled, "You can call me Chess King."

Lu Chen was curious, "Do you know where Tianxinmeng is?"

"I know, but you have to play a game of chess with me. If you beat me, I'll tell you."

"What kind of chess are you doing? I don't understand." Lu Chen looked at it, but he had no idea what these chess pieces were.

The chess king said, "God's domain chessboard."

After finishing speaking, the opponent waved his hand, and the chessboard became the "map" of God's Domain, and the map showed the Four Palaces and Five Alliances, as well as God's Domain Zhongzhou. (end of this chapter)

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