The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2842 All kinds of corpse changes are useless

The demonized corpse king didn't believe it, "I don't believe it!"

"Don't you want to leave this world? Don't you want to go to the God Corpse Realm?"

Hearing the Divine Corpse Realm, the Demonic Corpse King was startled, "Can I go?"

"With my relationship, it's no problem to get a quota for you, but it depends on whether you are willing to cooperate!" With the words of the red-haired corpse king, the demonized corpse king was moved.

"Say, what do you want me to do?" The Demonic Corpse King asked.

The red-haired corpse king explained, "Did you see that kid in front? You solve him for me."

"A human? Only more than a hundred gods and gods?" The demonized corpse king was a little puzzled, but the red-haired corpse king responded, "Don't look at him, there are only more than one hundred gods and gods. Let me tell you, he can incredible."

Hearing this, the Demonized Corpse King became gloomy, staring at the Red-haired Corpse King and said, "Then I'll go and have a look."

I saw the demonized corpse king, which turned into a cloud of demonic energy, and then the corpse energy was entangled, and soon came to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen felt curious when he saw the devilish corpse, but at this moment, a young man with a ferocious face slowly appeared.

"I heard that you are very powerful, aren't you?"

"Of course, and my ability is very strong." The demonized corpse king showed off.

Lu Chen smiled, "In my opinion, apart from the heavier demonic and corpse auras, in fact, it's nothing."

Lu Chen's taunt annoyed the Demonized Corpse King, "You, dare you say it's nothing?"

"Yes! It's nothing!" Lu Chen hummed.

Demonized Corpse King angrily said, "It seems that I have to kill you!"

"Then come."

The demonized corpse king snorted, gathered a spear in his right hand, and the spear gleamed with demonic energy, and then threw it at Lu Chen forcefully.

When the spear was about to touch Lu Chen, it exuded countless corpse auras, and after Lu Chen's ghostly shadow body was hit, the demonic aura and corpse aura entered Lu Chen's body together.

The spear turned into blood red even more, dyeing Lu Chen's ghosts and shadows red.

It looked terrible.

Lu Chen glanced at it, just smiled, and the other party proudly said, "The demonic spear, whether it's a corpse or a human, as long as it is touched by this spear, it will go mad."

Lu Chen smiled deeply, and then grabbed the demonized spear with one hand.

The luster of the spear gradually dissipated, and finally the entire spear was pulled out, and then thrown aside, "It's nothing."

The Demonic Corpse King was stunned, and then took the spear to see that the soul inside was gone, so he asked angrily, "Boy, where is my spear?"

"Isn't it in your hands?" Lu Chen looked at him with a smile.

"I'm talking about the weapon soul."

"The weapon soul is gone, I've sucked it dry." Lu Chen looked at the Demonic Corpse King with a smile, and the Demonic Corpse King gritted his teeth angrily, "It seems that I have to kill you!"

I saw the demonized corpse king attack Lu Chen like crazy.

Countless demon energy, corpse energy.

The two different gases alternated wildly, and the red-haired corpse king on one side muttered to himself after seeing it, "Could it be that even the demonized corpse king can't do anything to him?"

The Demonized Corpse King has gone crazy, he didn't expect that Lu Chen would be so difficult to deal with, and the Red-haired Corpse King urged again, "Your time is limited, you'd better solve it for him quickly, or your strength will diminish. "

Of course the Demonic Corpse King also knew, so he said with a strange expression, "I understand."

After finishing speaking, the Demonic Corpse King shot out a stream of demonic energy, which was a ball, and the demonic energy was wrapped in corpse energy.

Then the Demonic Corpse King snorted, "I don't believe this time, I can't kill you!"

I saw this cloud of energy reach Lu Chen, and suddenly "exploded", booming, a powerful demon energy and corpse energy bloomed.

Chase Lu was instantly covered by the explosion.

The demonized corpse king was already dead to Lu Chen, and then he smiled with satisfaction, "Such a powerful attack, erupting, is comparable to the power of 150,000 Daoist gods in the heavenly realm."

"It's very powerful, but you underestimated me." Lu Chen's figure gradually emerged from the thick airflow.

But these airflows weakened little by little, until they were completely sucked dry by Lu Chen, and the smile of the demonized corpse king froze, "Why are you fine?"

"Think I have something?" Lu Chen smiled and looked at the demonized corpse king.

The Demonic Corpse King thought it was unreasonable, and looked Lu Chen up and down, and finally became gloomy, "It seems that I have to borrow the corpse energy of the valley!"

After finishing speaking, the demonized corpse king sat down cross-legged, and the corpse aura under the stone pillar in front poured into his body frantically.

After the powerful corpse energy was added, the demonized corpse king's body began to turn black, and the red-haired corpse king asked in surprise, "God corpse change?"

The demonized corpse king of the god corpse transformation, his strength increased wildly, breaking through to the power of 80,000 corpse gods in one fell swoop.

When the demonized corpse king opened his eyes, he casually snorted in the direction of Lu Chen, "Go to hell!"

A powerful corpse and demonic energy flew over, causing the space around Chase Lu to shake, and then a black crack appeared.

"The Dark Realm?"

Seeing this, Chase Lu knew that the other party could easily open the outer layer of the Dark Realm, but with experience, Chase Lu smiled and took the initiative to enter inside.

Seeing Lu Chen take the initiative to go in, the demonized corpse king thought that Lu Chen couldn't hold it anymore, and then smiled all over his face, "Competing with me? I really don't know how big the sky is!"

Then the Demonized Corpse King and the Red-haired Corpse King bargained over when to leave, but the place where Lu Chen disappeared just now was torn apart again.

Lu Chen used his sword to absorb the power of the Void and Dark Realm, then rushed back, and then hit the demonized corpse king with sword energy one by one.

After the demonized corpse king was suddenly attacked, a huge blood hole appeared on his body, and then a pile of black blood flowed out.

This made the demonized corpse king angrily say, "How dare you hurt me?"

"If you can deal with me, I can hurt you." Lu Chen smiled evilly, and then countless souls rushed over, while the Demonic Corpse King snorted, and then a strong air flow radiated from his body.

Lu Chen's souls were shattered one by one.

However, Lu Chen's deity is still there, and then smiled, "Your strength has been weakened."

The demonized corpse king said, "Even if it is weakened, I can still deal with you!"

After finishing speaking, the demonized corpse king sat down again, ready to continue absorbing the corpse energy from Shizhu, and Lu Chen discovered this detail.

So Lu Chen divided his soul, went to the stone pillar one by one, and then stood under the stone pillar, using the divided soul to absorb the corpse energy.

The Demonic Corpse King was immediately as if his breath had been cut off, and then he was impatient, "Damn it!"

I saw the demonized corpse king leaping back, reaching under the stone pillar, and then knocking away those souls one by one.

Lu Chen himself also arrived under the stone pillar, staring at the demonized corpse king sitting cross-legged and smiled, "Are you going to stay here?"

Hearing this, the Demonic Corpse King looked at Lu Chen and the others angrily, "Boy, let me tell you, after I recover, I will eat you!"

"Eat? Just you? Aren't you afraid of indigestion?" Lu Chen smiled disdainfully.

The demonized corpse king went berserk, and then his body swelled a little bit, like a giant.

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