The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3067 one escaped, one was arrested

Lu Chen didn't speak, but after closing his eyes, he found that the barrier also contained the power of the sea god.

"So there is this too." Lu Chen murmured to himself, and then began to frantically absorb the power of the sea god.

Yuna didn't know what Chase Lu was doing, but after a while, she realized something was wrong.

I saw the power of the enchantment frantically weakening.

Seeing this, Yuna's face changed, "How could this be?"

Until the enchantment completely dissipated, Lu Chen stood under the water, and turned into a ghostly shadow, smiling at Yuna who was not far away, "Apart from this, do you have any other means?"

Yuna never expected that Chase Lu would be so scary.

"What's wrong? Don't talk anymore?" Seeing that she didn't speak, Lu Chen approached her step by step, and Yuna stared and said, "Boy, don't be complacent, I, I will find a way."

"Oh, is it so?"

Yuna immediately swam to a place, and the speed was very fast.

It was gone in the blink of an eye.

When Yuna reappeared, she stood in an underwater palace, and then entered the main hall in a panic, and some clansmen in the main hall became curious after seeing it.

"Deputy Captain, what's wrong?"

Yuna didn't explain much, but hurriedly asked, "Where is the leader?"

"The head is in the closed room."

"Understood." After Yuna finished speaking, she said to everyone, "Quickly, hide the hall and don't let outsiders see it."

Everyone was puzzled, but they still activated the big formation, making the hall invisible, making the hall disappear from the sea water immediately.


See the hall disappear.

Lu Chen laughed secretly, "Think it's over if it disappears?"

Then Lu Chen flashed past and disappeared from near the main hall.

And Yuna had already come to a secret room, and after arriving in the secret room, she respectfully said to a black flood dragon sitting cross-legged there, "Team leader."

The black flood dragon slowly turned into a human, and then his face was full of doubts, "Is there any problem?"

"Captain, it's not good."

"What's wrong?"

"The person you asked me to deal with killed all the people I brought, and he also broke the formation I set up." Yuna said depressed.

When Hei Jiao heard this, he became suspicious, "What? He broke it all?"

Yuna hummed, "Yes, it's all broken."

Hearing this, Hei Jiao's face turned serious, "This is not a good thing."

"What should we do now?"

"Where is he now?" Hei Jiao became curious, but Yuna said helplessly, "I ran back crazily, and then someone activated the hidden formation to hide the hall. I guess he is still looking around outside."

Hei Jiaolong said depressedly, "It seems that I have to contact the people of Tiandao League and let them find a way."

After finishing speaking, the black dragon spit out a black bead from its mouth, and after seeing the black bead flickering for a while, a white mist was formed.

At the same time, a woman's voice rang out, "Is there any good news?"

"I'm going to disappoint you." Hei Jiao said helplessly.

"What's the matter? Can't your Heavenly and Sea Divine Army deal with a person in the spiritual realm?" The woman immediately became gloomy, with a hint of dissatisfaction.

Hei Jiao was very helpless, "This kid, I don't know what kind of power he has, since he can absorb all the power of the Seagod, so."

"I don't care about the power of the Seagod, anyway, I'm here to command you for Lord Ye, otherwise, if she comes in person, you will be finished."

The two sea beasts immediately trembled in fright.

"My lord, that, I, we will definitely find a way." Hei Jiao stammered.

Yuna also said, "We, one, will."

"I hope so, otherwise, when Lord Ye arrives in person, it will be your time of death." The other party snorted and ended the call.

Hei Jiao's expression was ugly, "You see, Master Ye, he might come in person."

"Then what should we do?" Yuna panicked,

Hei Jiao didn't know either, but at this moment, Lu Chen suddenly appeared, and then smiled at them, "When I clean you up, you won't have so many troubles."

Lu Chen's sudden appearance made Yuna's eyes widen in fright, "You, how did you come in."

"He came in with integrity."

Yuna didn't believe it, and said, "The palace outside is hidden, and there are many masters here."

"The palace, I discovered it a long time ago, and as for the master, I also solved it a long time ago." Lu Chen said with a strong smile.

solved? The two were a little unbelievable.

Yuna said angrily, "You lied!"

Lu Chen smiled strangely, opened the black soul bottle, and inside were all the beast souls of his family.

The two floods were completely dumbfounded.

"If you want to be like them, the beast soul is good, then cooperate with me, but if you don't want to, then I have no choice but to be rude." Lu Chen said with a smile.

Yuna looked at the black dragon.

Hei Jiao snorted, "I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

I saw a black "snake" shadow condensed in one hand of the black flood dragon, and the shadow rushed over and hit Lu Chen heavily.

But Chase Lu is fine.

However, the black flood dragon suddenly disappeared from its original place in the blink of an eye, leaving only the stunned Yuna.

"It seems that you were abandoned." Lu Chen looked at Yuna with a smile.

Yuna panicked, "Well, I'm not going to deal with you."

"But just now, I heard all your conversations." Lu Chen looked at Yuna with a smile, and Yuna said anxiously, "This."

"What is this?" Lu Chen smiled.

Yuna said nervously, "As long as you don't kill me, I'm willing to follow you."

"So casual?"

"Really, I don't want to die." The other party was anxious, not knowing what to say.

Lu Chen smiled, "Undead? Let's see, what's your worth?"

"I, I can take you to our family's treasure house." Yuna begged quickly, and Lu Chen said, "Is there anything in your treasure house?"

Yuna replied, "There are many good things, and these things may be helpful to your cultivation."

"How can you be sure that it will help me?" Chase Lu asked, and Yuna explained, "You, didn't you become different after absorbing the power of the sea god? And the magic weapon inside is all given. Those who have been blessed have the power of the Seagod."

"Oh? Really?" Chase Lu felt curious, but the other party nodded wildly, "Yes."

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Okay, I will spare your life, but don't think that I will just let you go."

The other party didn't know what Lu Chen meant, and Lu Chen penetrated into the other party's body with a spirit.

For a moment, Yuna was under control.

It's just that Yuna didn't expect that she could be controlled so easily, and Lu Chen calmed down and said, "Let's go, lead the way."

Yuna didn't dare to disobey, so she could only lead the way obediently.

It turned out that there was a layer of hidden space under the palace, and when Chen Lu and Yuna arrived at that time, they happened to see the black dragon sorting out the magic weapon.

It's just that Hei Jiao didn't expect Yuna to bring Lu Chen here, so he was anxious, "How did you bring him here."

Yuna didn't even expect that the black flood dragon would hide here, so she looked embarrassed, "Leader, surrender." (End of this chapter)

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