The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3073 Ice sea direct seal

Lu Chen smiled, and then looked at the weird turtle.

The turtle saw Chase Lu and wanted to attack him.

I saw the mouth suddenly opened, and immediately shot out "flying arrows" one after another, and the target was Chase Lu.


Lu Chen was hit several times, but after these flying arrows hit ghosts and gods, they wanted to destroy Lu Chen's soul.

But Ghost Heart swallowed these "flying arrows" at once, making this turtle's attack unable to do anything to Lu Chen at all, and the Wanyu Sea God who was sitting there made a weird sound.

The turtle immediately turned into a turtle shadow.

These turtle shadows surrounded Chase Lu from all directions, as if they wanted to kill him, but Chase Lu was very calm, allowing these turtle shadows to attack him.


The attack was also accompanied by lightning, as if it was going to tear Chase Lu apart, but Chase Lu absorbed the lightning one by one.

Seeing that the attack was not enough, the turtle directly drew a violent tsunami from the sea surface, and when the tsunami swirled around Chase Lu, it erupted with strange power.

Lu Chen took a closer look and found that the tsunami was full of the power of the sea god.

After Lu Chen thought about it, he went to absorb the power of the sea god.

After absorbing it for a while, the tsunami dissipated, and Chase Lu took a closer look at the sea surface everywhere, and found that the sea was surrounded by this absorbable power of the sea god, even some rocks.

So Lu Chen released countless souls.

These souls go to absorb the sea water and the sea god's power on the rocks.

Seeing this, Wanyu Sea God was startled and immediately opened his eyes, and his eyes shot into the distance as if they could shoot black light.

Lu Chen's souls were hit one by one.

I saw the souls dissipating one by one, but Lu Chen himself was fine, and he smiled at the Sea God of the Ten Thousand Regions, "A pair of eyes, there is such a powerful power?"

"Boy, since I have opened my eyes, I'm not afraid to tell you that I was just spying on the sky, otherwise I wouldn't bother to open my eyes." Wan Yu Sea God snorted.

"Peeping the sky?" Chase Lu was puzzled.

"Tell you, you don't understand, you trash." Wanyu Sea God despised Lu Chen.

Lu Chen suddenly smiled, "Then why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"Garbage that can't be overestimated." Wanyu Seagod snorted, and with a thought, a huge crack appeared in the sky, and in this crack, a huge stone pillar appeared.

Lu Chen raised his head and felt the stone rushing towards him suddenly, but Lu Chen wanted to avoid it, only to find that it was following him.

Lu Chen had no choice but to punch him.

But with this punch, the stone sucked away the power, and Lu Chen's ghost was also blown away by the stone on the spot.


Lu Chen's entire ghostly figure hit the water, and then stood there motionless.

"Dead?" Wanyu Sea God became excited, while You Haiyue gradually woke up, and asked curiously, "My lord, was he killed by the shock?"

Wanyu Seagod thought too, but Lu Chen was there, absorbing the power of Seagod everywhere on the sea.

In particular, the heart of the gods began to become stronger crazily. It wasn't until the moment when the cultivation base suddenly entered the low-grade God Venerable Spiritual Realm that Wanyu Seagod realized what had happened, and then became angry, "Damn it."

You Haiyue didn't understand, "My lord, what's wrong?"

"This guy, use the Seagod Pearl to absorb the power of this sea." Wanyu Seagod said angrily.

You Haiyue widened her eyes, "Didn't you say that you can't use the Sea God Pearl?"

Wanyu Seagod didn't quite understand either, "I don't know what this kid did."

You Haiyue said solemnly, "Continuing like this is not an option."

"I'll continue to use the Sea God Pillar to suppress him." After Wanyu Sea God finished speaking, he continued to control the pillar, and the pillar attacked Lu Chen frantically, as if he wanted to kill Lu Chen.

You Haiyue was in a hurry, not knowing what to do.

Because Lu Chen had nothing to do, he let Wanyu Seagod attack, and Wanyu Seagod blushed with anger, and even used his fantasy skills.

But this ability, just can't do anything to Lu Chen.

And Lu Chen smiled proudly, "Is that all?"

After Wanyu Sea God saw that Lu Chen was fine and was absorbing the surrounding forces frantically, his face became very ugly, "Go, seal him here."

After finishing speaking, Wanyu Sea God couldn't take it anymore, and left here directly with You Haiyue.

And here, only Lu Chen was left.

Not only that, but a voice came from the sky, "Boy, stay here forever."

Then Wanyu Sea God's breath disappeared, and Lu Chen smiled, but enjoyed it very much, because here, it can provide strength.


Inside the Sea God Tower, Wan Yu Sea God stared at the drop of water, and said distressedly, "I have been preparing for hundreds of millions of years, and I will be destroyed by him in the end."

"My lord, what do you mean?" You Haiyue asked curiously.

Wanyu Sea God sighed, "I have to throw this thing into the ice sea and seal it inside, and this kid will be sealed there too."

You Haiyue was startled, "This is far away from the ice sea, I'm afraid."

"I have prepared a teleportation array."

I saw the sea god of ten thousand domains came to a channel, and then came to a cold sea through the teleportation array.

You Haiyue stood on the surface of the sea, trembling all over, feeling very uncomfortable, while Wanyu Sea God looked at the drop of water in his hand, "Go."

When this drop of water fell into the water, it was immediately frozen into an ice cube, then sank under the water, and disappeared in front of the two of them.

"My lord, what about the Seagod Pearl?"

"Let's disappear with him." Wanyu Sea God said helplessly, and You Haiyue said after thinking about it, "Then we are now?"

"You can guard here. If there is any situation, come back to me immediately through the teleportation array."

"Me? Here?" You Haiyue asked with a strange face when she saw the cold weather everywhere.

"What are you afraid of?" Wanyu Seagod asked back.

You Haiyue had no choice but to say, "Yes, I will stay."

Wanyu Seagod just left.

You Haiyue had no choice but to find a place to rest.


In that drop of water, where Chase Lu was, it suddenly became cold, and the sea also froze, but he didn't know what happened outside, so his expression became serious, "What the hell is going on here?"

However, Lu Chen was not afraid, but after looking at the sea, he released Huowu Zixiao.

Huowu Zixiao immediately felt the difference around her, and became curious there, "What's wrong?"

"It is estimated that something has changed outside."

"Little master, what do you want me to do?"

Lu Chen looked at her, "Just make the surroundings warmer."

"Hmm." Huo Wu Zixiao hummed, and got busy.

The next moment, something unexpected happened.

I saw that the sea surface melted at once, while Lu Chen continued to absorb power, and Huowu Zixiao watched from the side.

It took about a long time before Chase Lu absorbed the power of the sea area, and the surroundings became dim, as if he had lost his power.

Huowu Zixiao was even more puzzled, "Little master, it seems to be still very cold outside." (End of this chapter)

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