The Craziest Supreme in History

Reference 3219 Spiritual consciousness travels, drills into Jiuxing Pavilion and is discovered

Hearing this, Xiaotian said in a low voice, "This little girl, this is Tianxing Pavilion, don't inquire about other places."

"Little girl? Am I young?" Qingshan wondered.

Xiaotian laughed there, "At least, younger than me."


"Yes, I am much older than you." Xiaotian said with contempt.

Qingshan didn't believe it, she wanted to argue with him, and wanted to find out about the Jiuxing Pavilion from him, but Xiaotian didn't say anything at all.

Until a while, they were sent to an area, and in this area, there were buildings everywhere.

These buildings, like pillars, "reach the sky", towering into the clouds.

"This." Qingshan said in surprise, apparently coming to Tianxing Pavilion for the first time.

Xiaotian said, "Our Tianxing Pavilion has no requirements, that is, try not to disturb others and understand the secrets of heaven."

"A secret?"

"Yes, traveling through the sky with spiritual consciousness, you may be able to discover interesting secrets, because everyone is practicing astrology." Xiaotian explained.

As soon as the words fell, Qingshan saw a person under a tree, sitting cross-legged with eyes closed, as if asleep.

Xiao Tian also pointed at him, "Look, Tian Xing Shu may enter epiphany at any time."

Qingshan was surprised, "It's really amazing."

Xiaotian said again, "People in the chaotic state are the easiest to enter the epiphany by performing the celestial star technique."

Qingshan suddenly realized, and Jian Tianfeng also said with interest, "This is really interesting."

Xiaotian laughed, "I'll take you to the depths later, turn around, don't come out, just wait inside, and wait for the pavilion master to come back."

Qingshan looked at Lu Chen, wanting to see if he had anything to add, but Lu Chen wanted to see the situation first.

So Chase Lu didn't ask much, until after a while, they were brought deep under a huge towering pillar.

"Come on, come with me." Xiaotian led them away from under the pillar and came to the top.

After reaching the top, there is a huge mountain.

But the mountain was deserted, and Xiaotian said to them, "Just wait here."

"Okay." After Qingshan hummed, Xiaotian left.

But after he left, there was an additional barrier on the mountain, and Qingshan was stunned, "What is this for?"

Jian Tianfeng frowned, "It's probably because he's afraid that we'll wander off."

"What are the people in Tianxing Pavilion doing?" Qingshan became depressed.

Chase Lu sat down and asked, "Do you have a map of the Ancient Academy?"

Qing Shan asked curiously, "What are you?"

"Play around." Lu Chen smiled, and Qingshan said "oh", took out a map, and then pointed to her location.

After Lu Chen understood, he closed his eyes and planned to use "Pantheism" to try to explore, but as soon as his consciousness came out, he felt a strange force in the sky that attracted his consciousness.

Chase Lu's consciousness looked at the sky curiously, only to see that the sky became dim, like a starry sky.

Not only that, there are many strange stones floating in the starry sky, and at this moment, there are many consciousnesses nearby, all scanning these stones.

At the same time, on these stones, some ghost shadows can still be seen.

"These people, comprehend here?" Chase Lu was puzzled, so his consciousness wandered around, until after a while, he saw a huge black enchantment in the sky.

Inside this black enchantment, there is a huge stone, and outside this enchantment, countless "soul shadows" transformed by consciousness float outside the enchantment, staring at this huge stone to "observe".

Lu Chen hesitated for a while, and a "soul shadow" was condensed in consciousness, and these people didn't know that Lu Chen was from outside.

Therefore, each of them regarded Lu Chen as their own.

So no one bothered Chase Lu, but Chase Lu asked them curiously, only to find out that they used the Celestial Star Technique.

And the stone in front of him is the Sky Star Stone.

The bigger the celestial star stone, combined with the celestial star technique, you can see more incredible things, and even enlightenment.

Lu Chen muttered to himself, "Tianxingshu, Tianxingshi? This Tianxing Pavilion is really interesting."

However, when Lu Chen stared at the huge stone curiously, he saw a phantom, and in this phantom, there was a picture closely related to himself.

I saw Lu Chen saw himself fighting a group of people, and most of these people were "strangers", but he saw his master.

"Master?" Lu Chen was curious.

I saw my master arguing with those people in the crowd, but those people ignored them and continued to attack Lu Chen.

And my master fought fiercely with those people, and finally took away the seriously injured himself.

Lu Chen secretly wondered, "Is this the future? Or is it my memory from the past?"

Lu Chen couldn't figure it out, so he asked, and found out that this star stone can not only see the past, but also understand the future.

Therefore, no one can guarantee when it will be seen.

Especially when Lu Chen lost his previous memories, he was even more unable to confirm, so he could only feel emotional, "It seems that we still have to become stronger first."

Then, Chase Lu's consciousness left from here.

According to the map given by Qingshan, Lu Chen tried to walk in the starry sky of Tianxing Pavilion for a while, then escaped, and finally walked east.

Because the direction of Jiuxing Pavilion is to the east.

It's just that far away to the east, Lu Chen's consciousness saw a huge enchantment, and inside this enchantment was the Jiuxing Pavilion area.

Inside the Jiuxing Pavilion, there are people everywhere, there are people from the Jiuxing Pavilion, and there are also people from some families.

People from these families came with the head of the family.

But at this moment, these patriarchs were all gathered on the top of a mountain, and Lu Chen looked around and found many familiar people.

Patriarch Feng, Patriarch Jin, Patriarch Huo, and Patriarch Qing are all here one by one.

Lu Chen was secretly surprised, "The power of these people's tokens is gone, why are they here?"

However, at this moment, an old voice scolded Lu Chen's consciousness, "Who, who is peeping!"

Lu Chen was shocked in his heart, and quickly withdrew his consciousness, but the breath of the other party came one after another, as if chasing after him.

Lu Chen quickly put away the "Panoramic Art", then opened his eyes, and muttered in his heart, "Who is this guy, why is he so powerful, even my divine sense can detect it?"

On the other side, seeing Lu Chen sober, Qingshan asked with a puzzled face, "Are you okay?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "It's okay."

Qingshan was curious, "Then what did you see?"

Lu Chen recounted what he had just discovered, and Qingshan was surprised, "The ones with no tokens have gone too?"

"Hmm." Lu Chen hummed.

Qingshan felt too weird, but Jian Tianfeng frowned, "What do people from Jiuxing Pavilion want to do?"

However, at this time, Meng Tianxin appeared.

Seeing her, Jian Tianfeng asked curiously, "Master Meng Pavilion, when can we go to the Star Array?"

"Wait, I want to ask him something first." Meng Tianxin said solemnly wearing a veil.


Jian Tianfeng and Qingshan were curious about what happened. (end of this chapter)

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