The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3248 What about the double space?

After the other party's voice fell, they borrowed the power of Heitunling and hit Lu Chen's spirit heavily with the "tentacle".

Lu Chen just felt uncomfortable, and there were no other serious problems, but the other party was not reconciled, and used the "Soul Slaying Art" again.


Lu Chen's soul was hit, but luckily the soul was strong enough, this soul-slaying tactic couldn't do anything to him.

The other party was angry, and tried many Lu Chen's skills, but there was nothing he could do.

Only Chase Lu kept using the power of the Black Nether Realm to make the other party uncomfortable, until finally, Chase Lu completely destroyed it.

But after the opponent dissipated, Lu Chen saw a faint red light.

Lu Chen wondered what the red light was.

I saw Lu Chen's consciousness trying to penetrate, and then the red light dissipated and merged into his own consciousness space.

Seeing this, Lu Chen was full of doubts, "What kind of power is this?"

At this time, Lu Chen saw a "mirror" with red light flashing in the dark place of the consciousness space.

On this "mirror", Lu Chen saw all his memories of the past few years.

"My memory?" Lu Chen was curious, and wanted to continue to follow up, but it became more and more blurred as he went forward.

Lu Chen frowned, "No more?"

This made Lu Chen puzzled, so he asked the proprietress, and the proprietress was startled when she heard that Lu Chen had killed the other self, "You, really killed him?"

Lu Chen hummed, "Yes."

The proprietress was startled, "It's amazing."

"That red light, do you know what it is?"

"The mist of the past is also called your past, but how much you can see is related to your cultivation." The proprietress explained.

Lu Chen knew that the blurred place must be his earlier past, but now he just couldn't see through it.

But when he heard that his cultivation base had improved, he could see that Lu Chen was full of expectations again, and then his consciousness returned to his senses, and he returned to the weird woods again.

Then Lu Chen walked as if nothing happened.

Xu Yan, who was staring in the dark, saw Lu Chen move again, and became anxious, "He, how can he move again?"

"It appears that he passed the grove."

"What? Passed? Then how can I do it?" Xu Yan immediately became anxious, and even became depressed.

The person in the dark said, "Come on, I have Fengshen Cave, there are more powerful things waiting for him."

Hearing this, Xu Yan looked strange, "You, have a solution?"

"Don't worry, Fengshen Cave, my territory, I will do whatever I say." The other party said confidently.

Xu Yan had no choice but to look forward to it.

And Chase Lu came out of the woods not long after.

Then Lu Chen got the proprietress out, and after seeing the scene ahead, the proprietress showed a curious look on her face, "Are we outside Fengshen Cave?"

"Yeah." Chase Lu looked forward.

I saw rocks everywhere, and among these rocks, we could see all kinds of weird winds flying around there.

After seeing this, the proprietress said, "It seems that finding the wind god monster may not be so simple."

"Let me see where he might be hiding." Lu Chen closed his eyes, and then opened "Pantheism", hoping to see if he could find any clues about the other party here.

I saw nothing here except the wind.

"Strange, why is there no trace at all?" Lu Chen looked suspicious.

The proprietress didn't know what Lu Chen did, but after hearing Lu Chen's words, she said, "Tell me, is there any space to superimpose these four places?"

"Spatial superposition?" Chase Lu was curious.

"It is rumored that there are two layers of space in Fengshen Cave. One is what we can see on the surface, and the other is hidden so that others cannot see it." The proprietress told Lu Chen what she knew.

After hearing this, Lu Chen immediately had an idea, "That's interesting."


The proprietress didn't know how interesting it was, but at this moment, Chase Lu made a move, attacking one after another, wanting to see if there were any changes around him.

It's just that these attacks fell in the wind everywhere, and were swallowed by the wind one by one.

This made Lu Chen secretly startled, "Have they all been swallowed?"

But at this moment, in the cave on the other side, after Xu Yan found that Lu Chen hadn't found a trace, he was curious, "He won't find us here?"

"Don't worry, no, but I will let him experience the joy of the wind outside." After the man in the dark finished speaking, the wind in front of Chase Lu began to move.

I saw these winds surrounding Chase Lu, as if they were going to "kill" Chase Lu.

When Lu Chen saw the wind around him, something was wrong suddenly, and after rushing towards him, Lu Chen laughed, "It seems that someone is manipulating them."

The proprietress was curious, "Manipulation?"

At this moment, Lu Chen is not in a hurry to deal with these winds, but to study who controls it secretly.

Until a while, Chase Lu discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, there was a mysterious force coming from somewhere.

After Lu Chen sensed it, he laughed immediately, "This is interesting."

I saw Lu Chen leaping, dodging those winds one by one, and after reaching a certain area in the air, he directly attacked with one attack.

The place shook, and then a crack appeared.

After a while, the crack grew bigger and bigger, and the last hole appeared.

Lu Chen quickly returned to the proprietress and smiled, "Did you see it?"

The proprietress was shocked, "This, is it really Fengshen Cave?"

"Don't look, they should be inside." Lu Chen laughed, but the proprietress didn't know what to say, so she could only watch in a daze.

Lu Chen took her with him, jumped up quickly, and rushed towards the hole.

Xu Yan who was in the cave at this moment was shocked, "He, he is here."

The people in the dark were a little displeased, "This guy has some skills, and he was able to find the entrance of the cave."

"Then what should we do now?" Xu Yan had already experienced being repaired by Lu Chen once, and he didn't want to be repaired a second time.

Fengshenguai, taught in the dark, "It's just a person who honors the illusion, let's see how it scares you."

"Brother Feng, you don't know, this guy is a monster." Xu Yan sighed.

The Fengshen snorted, "I don't care what he is, he came to my cave anyway, and I will die as I want him to die."

"Can you deal with him?"

"My true self is here, tell me, can I deal with him?" Feng Shenguai asked back.

After hearing this, Xu Yan felt that it made sense, so he said, "That's true."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, and watch carefully." After the wind god monster finished speaking, he didn't say anything more.

Xu Yan uttered a word, then watched silently.

After a while, Chase Lu reached a deeper place in the cave, and here, Chase Lu sensed the breath of a person.

This person was the one who rescued Xu Yan before, so Lu Chen smiled after seeing this, "Finally found you."

The owner of the breath smiled in this dim place, "Boy, you are so courageous that you even dare to break into my cave?" (End of this chapter)

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